Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 72 - Shisui and Hashirama

-- Sorry short chapter today --

"Sir, we have all of the requirements ready," Jarvis informed me as I sat in front of two knocked out people who used to be crime bosses but were now just sacrifices.

"Yes. Make sure no one enters or exits." I say. 'Itachi you take over. Shisui will need a familiar face, and Hashirama has some connection towards you. If we were to let Obito or worse Madara go out and do stuff, then that would be terrible. I have considered the others, but none are as good for the job as you.' I say trying to convince Itachi.

Itachi was nervous about reviving Shisui back from the dead. The last time Itachi saw Shisui was when he jumped off a cliff right in front of him so Itachi could awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan.

'What if-' Itachi tried to argue but was cut off.

'No what-ifs. Just do it. Face him. I thought you were a better man than this Itachi, so do not run away from your fears.' I tell him sternly. I was met with silence, but I knew he was going to do it.

I turn into Itachi and let him take control. "Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation!" Itachi cried out, flowing through the hand seals we practiced beforehand.

The bodys started convulsing as the souls entered them, and they started changing. Their skin flaked off, and their bone structure shifted around.

After a little bit, they were still. "Again? What is it with me and not being able to stay dead?" A voice came from the left side. A man with long brown hair somehow wearing an armor which the crime lord before did not have said.

"Lord first? Is that really you?" Another awe-filled voice rang out from the right of Hashirama. Or his left.

"Who are you? Uchiha? But I don't recognize you?" Hashirama questioned both of them still ignoring me. I got a little ticked off, but Itachi remained calm.

"Yeah, you wouldn't. I was born after you died." Shisui explained to the clueless Hokage.

"That makes sense," Hashirama stated with a realizing look. I don't think he was the brightest of his time.

"Why am I alive? What do you mean you are not able to stay dead?" Shisui questioned still looking at Hashirama with an awe-filled look.

"Yeah... There was sort of a fourth shinobi war..." Hashirama explained awkwardly.

"*Groan*" Shisui ġrȯȧnėd as you can tell realizing that Hashirama must have been revived to help fight.

"God these nations can't help themselves can they," Shisui said, seemingly angry.

"Wait, really? Tell me all about it-" I cut him off not wanting to hear all of it again. We already had to explain some of the events over and over again.

"Enough. There are more important things to talk about." Itachi says giving in to my wish.

Finally turning around the two people look at me with two different looks plastered on each of their faces. WIth Hashiramas confusion could be seen and with Shisuis he just looked absolutely stunned.

"Itachi, is that you?"

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