Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 73 - Explaining

"Hello, Shisui. It is... A pŀėȧsurė seeing you again." Itachi says in a monotone voice for the first time displaying a tiny bit of emotion.

"Itachi were you the one that revived us?" Shisui says in disbelief while Hashirama just looks at me in confusion.

(Just remembering to ask this now. Why did everyone recommend In Zod We Trust? It only has like four chapters and has not been updated in a while. Not dissing on it or anything I am just a bit confused)

"Yes and no," Itachi says cryptically.

"What? Is that some sort of riddle? I am not good at riddles." Hashirama said.

"Do not worry about it." Was all Itachi said?

"Oh, few," Hashirama said, seemingly having gotten a weight off his ċhėst.

"Because we want you to work for us," Itachi says once again cryptically.

"We?" Shisui says on guard looking around.

"They are... Inside me." Itachi says causing Shisui to panic.

"What? Did you eat them?" Hashirama says, confused and panicky.

"No. But we all share the same body." Itachi says deciding to explain it all a bit more to them.

"Show me," Shisui says determined to find out what was going on. Itachi obliges and turns on his Mangekyo Sharingan which causes Hashirama to gasp.

"What is it with this generation? So many Uchihas have unlocked there Mangekyo!" He says, sounding astounded.

"Tsukuyomi!" Itachi says, and Shisui does not resist and lets himself fall into the Genjutsu.

Blood ran down Itachi's eye. Even though we had multiple Sharingan Obito was not closely related to Itachi so we could not turn Itachis into an Eternal Mangekyo.

"I... See..." Shisui said as he came to terms with the situation. Itachi had shown him the bȧrė basics of the situation, and Shsiui seemed to understand it perfectly.

"Me next!" Hashirama says, eager also to know what was going on.

Itachi turned his head over toward Hashirama "Tsukuyomi!" Itachi said and repeated the process.

"Wait, so I am going to be a slave to you now?" Hashirama states in a panic.

"Yes. But I will not treat you like a slave." Itachi says. "You will also be able to help people as a part of a hero team I am creating," Itachi says.

Shisui though catches on to something. "Itachi you said that you were living in the head of someone else with about 17 others. Who else is in there?" Shisui asks worriedly.

"Do not worry Shisui. We have been together for decades. We get along just fine." Itachi calms him down.

"That is not reassuring. You could have gone insa-" Shisui gets cut off.

"Minato Namikaze is in there with me," Itachi says which seems to both calm down and get Shisui even more excited.

Itachi lets out a small unnoticeable smirk which Shisui somehow caught and turned red. "He says it is nice to meet you. Also, he says [Do not tell him this, but I think he is a fanboy.] That is a direct quote from him." Itachi smirks.

'Hey, I did not say that!' Minato says.

"Hey now is saying that I shouldn't have told you that and that you might be gay," Itachi says suppressing a laugh as Shisui turned completely red.

"N-No I am not gay. I just am a really big fan!" Shisui stutters looking for a way to explain himself.

"Now he says [hey what the hell I told you not to tell him that! Plus with all the blushing and stuttering he is doing, he looks even gayer!]" Itachi says bȧrėly holding in his laugh. Hashirama the idiot he is seems to have caught on and was snickering in the back, but I could tell he was about to go into a full-blown laugh.

'What the hell! What did I ever do to you? Stop ruining my good name!' Minato protests loudly while Naruto laughed his ȧss off at his father's misfortune.

"Anyway as you know we are not in the Elemental Nations. This is called the Earth. Earth is just one of many planets in the universe. There is massive amounts of alien life out there as well." Itachi says, recovering from letting his emotions show.

Taking the opportunity to change the subject, Shisui says, "So... Can you make it so that my skin isn't constantly falling off?"

'We will need Madara to do that with the Rinnegan. But should we reveal him? Hashirama would freak out!' Naruto says with his usual dramatic tone of voice.

"Yes," Itachi says and then lets Madara take control. Suddenly I turn into Madara with his Rinnegan giving off a menacing feeling.

"Hashirama." Was all Madara said? It was all he needed to say.

"Madara?!" Hashirama says in shock and confusion. All the muscles in his body suddenly tensed, and he was ready for battle.

"Relax. I am one of the people living with Itachi. Now I control you." Madara said with an evil smirk adorning his face.

Madara then looked at the stunned Shisui Uchiha who had just realized who he was. "Rinne Rebirth!" He said, and Shisuis skin stopped falling off then regrowing. His eyes looked more alive, and his body was bursting with energy.

"What?" He asks forgetting the fact that he was in the presence of the legendary Madara Uchiha to marvel at the fact that he was actually - before he was only a soul in a shell - alive!

"Madara, how are you alive?"

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