Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 74 - Back to Asgard

"Shisui, Hashirama! We have to go to Asgard now!" I yelled over the noise of New York traffic. I was closing my window to shut it all out as my limo drove to a farm I owned. We were heading there so that not many people could trace it back to us.

"That girl Jane was scary!" Hashirama said with a frightful expression. We had just finished being yelled at by Jane. I was not there though I just let Shisui and Hashirama take the scolding haha.

"Was she? I haven't noticed." I said with a grin and Hashirama sends me a scowl. Shisui got in the seat next to Hashirama looking unperturbed by the verbal lashing he must have just gotten.

"I feel bad for Thor. He is going to get an earful when he comes back to Earth!" Shisui said with a sorrowful look on his face. "Even though I have not met the guy yet I still sympathize with him. That woman is... Hard to handle." Shisui said, trying to find a nice way to say it.

It had been a bit of time, and I had spent it with Sue and Natasha for the most part while Shisui and Hashirama had tutors come in and explain to them the norm for this world. They were shocked when they heard that killing was shunned here. They had it in there world as well but not to the degree we had it here.

I had not taken Shisuis Sharingan yet because we were trying to train some doctors about the chakra pathways around the eyes so that they could implant it without any chakra related problems.

I would have Madara train my clones but... That seemed like a lot of work. I am very lazy by nature, and I just got this wealthy in this world thanks to my intellect, experience, and the people in my head. They were the truly talented ones.

I needed Shisui to cast Kotoamatsukami on Hela the goddess of death because I had no idea if the chips and brainwashing would even work on Asgardians, but I doubted it. This was why I had to resort to a more subtle takeover. Besides even though this was one of the most idiotic races in the galaxy - not including the ones without sentience - they still had amazing willpower as Asgardian warriors. Say what you want about them, but they knew how to instill determination into there warriors.

Shisui and Hashirama were informed of the basics of my quest and asked to come along. Hashirama was a very trustworthy and likable person, so he will become quick friends with Thor.

"So it runs in the family, huh? Kushina was the same way..." He says now sharing the same scarred look as Hashirama.

I remember now. Kushina and Mikoto were best friends, and with Itachi being the son of Mikoto and Shisuis best friend, he must have had some encounters with Kushina. Apparently, some of them were when she was angry.

"She was still probably nothing compared to my wife. When she was mad, her hair lifted up, and her face became red! Her voice was also able to suddenly travel through walls and across the whole village!" Hashirama says initiating another one of there classic dɨċk-measuring contests. They were both competitive and easy-going people, so this happened quite a bit.

"The same thing happened with Kushina! She always looked like she was floating towards you in a demonic way as well, and her eyes glowed red!" Shisui says making hand gestures to go along with the story.

"Same with Mito!" Hashirama said and shared a sympathetic look with Shisui about all they had to go through.

'Are they having a bonding moment right now about how scary my mom is?' Naruto asked, sounding annoyed.

'Yup. Let me at 'em!' The usually never mad Minato yelled in my head. I guess he still had a part of his metaphorical heart devoted to Kushina.

"We are here," I say, ignoring their bonding moment.

We step out of what Hashirama called [Scary moving thing that could explode!] He was old fashioned and scared of nearly all technology except for the stereo in his room. He had taken a liking to music, especially calming ones, which he says helped him get more in tune with nature.

"HEIMDALL!" I yell even though I did not need too. I did it for dramatic effect, "Beam me up, Scotty!" I yell. But no one around me got the joke except for some people in my head.

"Scotty? I thought his name was-" Hashirama got cut off as a beam came from the sky, and I felt myself being lifted up.

A beautiful rainbow of colors surrounded us, and then the next second, it disappeared as if it was never there. The only justification that it was ever there at all were Hashiramas {OOOH!]s and [AHHH]s.

"Scotty?" Heimdall said and raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Nevermind. You would not get it." I say with a smile. Star Trek was not one of the series or movies I shared with Thor.

He did not say anything after that and just regarded Shisui and Hashirama, "why have they come here?" He asks, giving me a stern look. "You are bȧrėly allowed in Asgard yourself! Yet you invite others with you?" Heimdall asks. I would say he was trying to pierce me with his gaze. But if he tried any harder, he might succeed.

"Do not worry. They are trustworthy. This is Shisui Uchiha, my younger brother, and this here is Hashirama Senju, my childhood friend." I say with a smile.

"MADARA! It has been too long!" A gleeful voice rung out across the golden room.

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