Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 78 - Why is Hel Cold?

"So this is the entrance. Why did they have to make it all spooky?" Hashirama complained as he shivered. Despite the legends about this place, it was not a fiery inferno but instead a frozen... well hell I guess.

So we were now in Hel which was basically a wasteland of nothingness. (I am basing all of this knowledge from Naruto in the Marvel Universe. It is a great fanfic and I 100% recommend you read it. If the author of that fanfic is reading this right now, please update more) Nothing but a few zombie-like ice creatures wandered around.

"Hashirama" Was all I said and he nodded.

"Wood Style: Springing Vine Jutsu!" He yelled as a vine came up from right beneath our feet. It was massive and had around and flat surface big enough to let all of us be launched at the same time straight forward. I could use Kamui, but what fun was that when you could be flung around by a giant plant?

"WOOHOOO!" Shisui yelled his voice, bȧrėly audible through the icy winds that ȧssaulted us as we flew by. He was enjoying this just as much as I was even when he was visibly freezing. The detail that Hel was freezing cold might have slipped my mind when I told them we were coming here. Oops, my bad. I had my adaption, and since my body deemed that I could die from Frostbite if it didn't adapt, I was now immune to this cold until I left it.

"Wait, do you know where we are going?" Hashirama yells over the wind. I choose to ignore the question.

The Key to Hel was just that. A key. It did not give me any directions. Not that I would admit that to these two.

"Hey, did you hear me?!" Hashirama shouts even louder. I just kept ignoring him.

Then his lips moved as he was talking to himself, but it was too quiet to hear. Even my enhanced hearing could not decipher what he was saying because of all of the wind buffeting my ears. Good thing Kakashi taught me lip-reading. Wow, that is sort of hurtful. How dare he say that about me? I am the most compassionate and nice person he knows! Hey, what does Hashirama mean I am a demon in human skin?!

"You know even though I can't hear you I can lip read," I yelled out for Hashirama to hear me. I smiled creepily as his face turned pale, and he covered his buŧŧ. Damn it was one time ok?! Not like I enjoyed touching his buŧŧ either. But the pain I caused him was enjoyable. I think I am turning into a sadist.

'Not turning into one. You are just displaying what you always were.' Plus Hashirama deserved it. His face was annoying me.' Kakashi says proudly in my head. I think he was getting some enjoyment out of this as well.

I might have been tormenting Hashirama and Shisui but mainly Hashirama because he annoyed me. Maybe it was Madara or something, but I found him nice and viewed him as a friend, but he just annoyed me to no end.

"Wait here I am going to go and scout in the direction we should be going!" I yell over the wind. Before Hashirama and Shisui could say anything, I disappeared in a swirl.

I spent the next half an hour looking around this wasteland while having fun putting the zombies in a Genjutsu and watching them chase each other. Hahaha, I made one of them run off a cliff before while moonwalking. I am still not quite sure how I managed it, but it worked.

"WERE IS SHE!" I yelled as loudly as I can into the snowy landscape. The sound of my voice attracts more zombies, so I quickly teleport away. They weren't hard to kill, but there was practically no end to them. They were annoying little buggers I will give them that.

"BOO!" I yell and appear behind a walking Hashirama.

"EEEEEH!" He yells for the fifth time in the past half hour. What can I say I enjoyed making people lives miserable. Now if only I could get to Thanos... Did I mention by the way that Hashirama has the most high pitched scream you will ever hear? He puts five-year-old girls to shame. Scaring him was a double-sided blade. On one side, it was fun, and it scared Hashirama on the other side, it made my sėnsɨtɨvė ears nearly bleed. Metaphorically that is.

"HAHAHAHA!" Shisui laughs along with me at Hashirama who was trying to get his bearing back. Quickly jumping up and swiping all of the snow that he fell onto off his clothes.

"Well, let's keep going." He says and walks away like nothing ever happened causing Shisui and me to laugh even more.

"Did you find- anything?" Shisui asks in between fits of giggles.

"No. This whole place is massive even for me. It might take days if not weeks to find Helas cell. My Shadow Clones also haven't found anything yet." I said. Did you think I would be stupid enough not to use them? But they couldn't use Kamui so there ability to find Helas cell were limited.

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