Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 79 - Hela is Weak

"Go on a quest they said. It would be fun, they said. Odin never told me it would be so damn hard to FIND HELA!" I yelled into the snowy abyss that had turned into my least favorite place ever. This snowy hell had trapped me for nearly 18 HOURS!

"Wh... Why did Odin sen us here? Has he got a grudge against us?" Hashirama muttered out underneath his breath. He was currently the coldest because he had terrible chakra control since he had so much chakra whereas me and Shisui were just circulating our chakra expertly to heat ourselves up. Also, we had little heater packs, but I was going to let Hashirama suffer.

"He might just not like you," Shisui said with a sly grin on his face while looking at Hashirama. Hashirama was cheerful, but his manners were abysmal. He had no idea how to act toward a king, so he just did what he always did - act jolly.

"How could he not like me? Everyone likes me! Isn't that right Aaron?" Hashirama argued back and looked at me hopefully.

"Well, I think we should keep moving," I said completely ignoring the question causing Hashirama to fall down in a way only anime characters could. Shisui giggled.

'Hey, why don't you just take the memories of one of these zombies through your Rinnegan powers?' Shikamaru asked. He had been sleeping for most of this which was weird since I wasn't sleeping so he shouldn't be able too either. But it was Shikamaru, and he always found a way to sleep.

'I tried that already, but these zombies don't have any memories. They have souls, but they don't have any memories they just rely on pure instinct. If they feel something powerful, they run away. They do not remember directions just simply wander around attacking everything they don't feel scared of.' I explained. They were very simple creatures and did not need memories. If I was in there position, I wouldn't want memories either since spending eternity in this frozen hell would make me want to kill myself.

'Troublesome.' Was all Shikamaru said.

'Indeed.' I replied.

"Hey what's that big mountain that suddenly appeared in front of us without having been there like 5 seconds ago?" Hashirama asked, confused, staring at a gigantic mountain which had just come into view. How we didn't see it earlier was beyond me, but I felt it had something to do with the ever-changing logic of this universe.

"Who cares maybe we can find a cave and relax for a bit," Shisui said already sprinting off toward the mountain leaving nothing but a blur behind. Shisui really lived up to his monicker [Shunshin No Shisui].

"Well, let's go!" I said and also Kamui'd away leaving a freezing Hashirama who jogged after us slowly. He did not use any movement techniques he just relied on pure force, so he had to rely on his trees to give him a speed boost which they didn't do very well.

"Yo, goddess of Death! Are you in here?! If yes, please come out!" I yelled out from the top of the mountain.

"Hahaha! So that bastard Odin sent another warrior here? The last couple of ones were-" A voice came from behind me, but it got cut off.

"You... You are fast. I see Odin has found a worthy-" She was about to continue probably saying something like how I was good but was I good enough to defeat her.

"I told you I hate cliches!" I said, not bothering to listen.

"Hey... Aaron, didn't your parents ever teach you it was bad to hit women?" Shisui appeared in a blur next to me, looking at me in disappointment.

A tick mark appeared on my forehead "She is a goddess of Death! She doesn't count!" I complained.

"Everyone deserves a second chance," Shisui said sagely while nodding his head.

"I - huff - am going to rip you to shreds and cut off your manhood!" Hela said madly.

"*BANG!" A loud thud came afterward. "Shisui, she threatened my manhood. She does not get a second chance." I said with a scowl as Shisui sat there giggling.

"I - huff - FINALLY got here!" Hashiramas voice comes from behind us completely out of breath,

"Took you long enough. This is good practice for you go defeat that weirdly dressed chick. And if she thinks those horns are cool, she must be insane." I say not sparing a glance at the panting Hashirama.

"Did you say something, Hashirama?" I say with a vengeful smile at him, and he stiffens.

"NO, SIR! I am going to take down the badly dressed chick right away!" He says with a salute.

"You're all crazy." Helas voice came from the pile of rubble that fell on her after she was hit by me into the mountains side.

"How can you tell? Can you hear those voices too? Are they complaining about how there is no Ramen in Hel like mine are?" I said with a smirk as her face turns into a grimace.

"Wha-" She got cut off by a loud yell.

"Wood Style: Ten Pillar Jutsu!" Hashirama yells and - what a shock - ten wooden pillars appear out of the ground and aim straight at Hela.

"This is nothing!" Hela yells forgetting the pummeling she just got and summoned two blades while black obsidian pillars rose out of the earth.

"AHHH!" Hela yells a battle cry and charges straight at the wooden pillars.

"*OOF*" Hela makes a startled sound as the air escaped her lungs because she was hit by one of Hashiramas pillars.

"Nevermind, she is incredibly weak."

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