Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 151 Odin's Compromise

Thor, with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, didn't think so much at all.

Not so with Loki.

He is different from Cole's heartless, after seeing Huaguo's powerful strength, he can't help worrying about Asgard in his heart.

If one day, the enemy on the opposite side becomes a Chinese, how should Asgard deal with it?

Not to mention other things, just that group of green fat men rushed into Asgard's army, how many people in Asgard can resist?

Maybe Thor can barely block it for a while, but what about the other fat green guys?

As far as Thor said, he saw dozens of green titans, not to mention, now that two months have passed, who knows how many green titans Huaguo has produced?

Anyway, at this moment, in Loki's heart, he has made up his mind.

In any case, no matter under any circumstances, he should not provoke the country of Hua.

Definitely, now Loki is not most worried about this, but Lauf, the Frost Titan King.

"Tell me, how did the Frost titan get to Asgard?"

Thor is very concerned about this.

He came to Lauf's side, looked at the latter with a proud face, and asked.


Seeing the filthy Thor approaching, Nezha showed no hesitation, and walked away with a look of disgust.

Now Thor's body really stinks.

"As I said, there are traitors in the Odin family, your..."

Lauf grinned, although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he was still full of momentum.

The blood-red eyes still stared at Thor mockingly.

The whole world knows that your brother is a 25-year-old boy, but you don't?


At this moment, a Tongtian beam of colored light descended, and Odin, wearing golden armor, walked out of the Bifrost.

Seeing the appearance of Bifrost, Loki, who hid aside, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a good thing Lauf didn't give himself away.

The reason why the Frost titan was able to go to Asgard was the means used by Loki.

He wanted to interrupt Thor's coronation ceremony, but also to frame Thor, make him dissatisfied with the Frost titan, and then persuade him to come to Jotonheim to cause trouble.

Now that all of this has been realized, don't make a mistake in the last step and be confessed, that will be a lot of fun.

Holding Gungnir in his hand, Odin glanced around imposingly.

When he saw the Frost King Lauf lying at Thor's feet, his breath was choked.

He came to Jotonheim from Asgard without stopping to save Thor's life.

Odin knows very well that his son's Ability is much weaker than the Frost Titan King Lauf at the moment.

If there is a real fight, it must be his son who suffers.

Although he was a little helpless about his son's strength, but now there was no other better heir, and he didn't want to see his son being hammered, so he naturally rushed over to wipe his ass.

What I didn't expect was that the situation seemed to be very different from what I guessed?

It was not Thor, but Lauf, the Frost Titan King, who was hammered to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Odin looked around, and when he saw Chen Mu and the others, he also guessed the cause and effect.

Thor is not a complete fool. He knew he was going to do something dangerous, so he found some helpers.

Those four people wearing battle armor all came from the Hua Kingdom, and the traces of the surrounding battles also clearly proved that these few people were the main output of this battle.

As for the fat green man next to him, Odin is also very clear, and can feel the threat from him.

Definitely, it's just a threat.

The strength of Odin is not only reflected in his originality, but most importantly, he also has a lot of artifacts.

Let's not talk about other things, just say that the eternal gun Gungnir in his hand can kill the green fat man.

Before Odin, he perceived the changes in the future. All this seemed to originate from a country in Midgard, so he sent Thor and Loki to visit this country.

and established contact with it.

However, this feeling is only from Odin's intuition. In fact, he didn't pay too much attention to it. In his opinion, Midgard is still the backward Midgard.

Huaguo from Midgard, no matter how good it is, it's just that, he didn't take it too seriously at all.

But now, do we need to re-evaluate the strength of Huaguo?

"Odin, the Father of God, are you trying to start a war?"

Seeing Odin coming out of Bifrost, Lauf asked aggressively even though he was lying on the ground.


Odin was silent for a while, looked straight at Lauf, and asked, "What do you think?"


This time, it was Lauf who fell silent.

To be honest, if there were no people like Nezha, who came from the mysterious country Huaguo, Lauf would definitely fight Odin head-on.

Look at the current Odin, he is almost too old to walk, if you fight with him, maybe you still have a chance!

However, Lauf glanced at Nezha, who was standing quietly beside him with his hands folded on his chest, and he obediently shut his mouth.

Can't afford it.

"According to the agreement we signed at the beginning, you are invading."

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Lauf looked at Odin, but his tone was slightly lower.

In Lauf's heart, Chen Mu was very upset. In his opinion, if it weren't for the existence of Nezha, a group of soldiers could be gathered now, and Odin might be left here forever hungry!

"According to the agreement, Asgard and Jotonheim cannot invade each other. As for what Thor did before, it can be regarded as a child's play."

After hearing Lauf's words, Odin was silent for a while, and then said so.

The old Odin didn't want to start another dispute. At this moment, he was not as energetic as before.

"Father, let's join forces and destroy Jotonheim!"

Seeing his father coming, Thor felt that he could do it again at this moment.

In his opinion, as long as a powerful father joins forces with him, plus allies from Huaguo.

It is completely possible to kill all these frost titans in front of you.

If the Frost Titan King of Jotonheim can be killed, the kingdom will surely be destroyed.


Hearing this, Lauf, who was slowly getting up, couldn't help but feel a sinking heart, he was really a little afraid that this situation would really happen.

"Shut up!"

Hearing Thor's words, Odin roared angrily, and gave Thor a cold look.

Today's Odin is no longer the Odin who fought with Hela in the Nine Realms. Now he is just a bad old man.

Be content with everything now.

He didn't want to start another war.

Seeing Thor now being so belligerent made him very dissatisfied.

"Father! This opportunity is rare!"

Apparently, Thor hasn't given up trying to win Odin back.

"Heimdall, turn on Bifrost!"

Glaring at Thor, Odin ignored his words, but raised his head and shouted loudly.

Bifrost descended from the sky, engulfing everyone in it. Frost titan was not stopped by anyone, and they even wished that the group of evil spirits would leave as soon as possible.

The next moment, everyone returned to Asgard.

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