Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 152 Our Goal Is The Stars And The Sea

"Father, why should we miss this opportunity, if we work together, we will surely destroy Jotonheim!"

Even after returning to Asgard, Thor was still a little unconvinced, so he stepped forward to question Odin.

"And then? Destroy Jotonheim? What do you get?"

Odin looked at Thor calmly, and continued to ask: "You want Asgard to go back to the path of war, and then drag the Nine Realms into the quagmire of war again?"

This is the path that Asgard once walked, and Odin has now changed it.

If you wanted to kill Jotonheim, Odin could have done it long ago, why wait until now? Still let you Thor do it?

Having experienced many wars, Odin now hates war very much. Asgard has been peaceful for thousands of years, and he does not hope that the hard-won peace now will disappear because of Thor.

"But now Asgard doesn't have any prestige. We need a victory to tell the Nine Realms that we, Asgard, still can't blaspheme!"

Thor also looked very annoyed, and in his rare direct confrontation with Odin, he started talking back.

"Look, Jotonheim's Frost Titan actually sneaked into God's Domain and even entered our treasury. How can you tolerate such a thing!"

Thor bumped back at Odin, even starting to lose his tongue.

"Father, you are old and no longer fit to lead Asgard! You are just a stupid old man now!"


Watching the father and son quarreling there, Chen Mu and others also watched with great interest.

However, Chen Mu, who had a slight change in mentality, agrees with what Thor said at the moment.

If Huaguo wants to develop, it must show its strength to other civilizations.

Only with strong power, those aliens will be afraid of you. As long as you deter them, they will not dare to invade the territory of Huaguo.

"Yes, I was indeed wrong, I thought you were qualified!"

Odin is also angry, Thor, this guy, is not worthy of being a king at all.

In particular, now he dares to contradict himself in front of outsiders, saying that his family's ugliness should not be exposed, but Thor, this guy, doesn't seem to take this into consideration at all.

"Father, Thor..."

Seeing that Odin seemed to be angry already, Loki took a step forward at this moment, trying to persuade him, but Odin stopped him with a wave of his hand.

Definitely, he is acting, all of this is within his plan and under his control.

"Thor Odinson, because you disobeyed the king's order, your arrogance and ignorance will bring disaster and destruction to the innocent people in the peaceful country. You are not worthy to be the king of Asgard!"

At this moment Odin looked very angry, snatched Mjolnir from Thor's hand, and directly took off Thor's armor.

With Odin's actions, Thor's power in Thor's body quickly dissipated.

"I, the Father of God, Odin, am here to deprive you of your divine power, and in the name of your ancestors, expel you from the door!"

After speaking, Odin pointed at Thor with Mjolnir, and a thunderbolt hit Thor directly, driving him into Bifrost.

Odin activates Bifrost, teleporting Thor directly to other worlds.

Enraged, Odin, not caring where he teleported Thor, picked up Mjolnir and whispered beside it.

"Whoever takes up Mjolnir must have the power of Thor."

Odin cast magic, added a layer of Odin's blessing to Mjolnir again, and directly threw Mjolnir into Bifrost.

Definitely, expulsion is impossible. Odin now has only Thor, how could he expel Thor from the family?

As for Loki? Come on, he's adopted.

What he did was nothing more than giving Thor an experience.

In Odin's view, there are very few people who can pick up Mjolnir, and there is no need to worry about it being obtained by others.

So rest assured, in his opinion, Mjolnir will eventually fall into Thor's hands, and no one else can get involved.


Loki on the side seemed very speechless, he had seen with his own eyes, in the Divine Spear Bureau, those fighters one by one took Mjolnir in their hands in turn.

If you dropped Mjolnir near the Spear, wouldn't that be giving them this gift?

But fortunately, Loki glanced at the location of the teleportation. Fortunately, although he was sent to Midgard Earth, it was not in China, but in America.

At this moment, Loki doesn't know that Chen Mu was able to create the "Thor's Gun" a long time ago, so he doesn't have much interest in Thor's Mjolnir.

The previous Thor's gun was made of Vibranium. There is not much stock of this metal. So far, only three Thor's guns have been made. One is in Xu Jia's hands, and the other two are placed in the Spear Bureau. in.

This thing seems to be more effective than a political trial. As long as anyone who can pick up Thor's gun is sure to be a patriotic person, this kind of person is basically qualified to enter the Spear Bureau of.

In this way, the personnel of the Divine Spear Bureau can be replenished quickly.

And the other hand was handed over to the country. Huaguo has 1.3 billion people, and the forest is big. There are all kinds of people. In the center of power, not everyone, all officials are wholeheartedly for the motherland.

Among these people, there must be hidden black sheep, and the existence of Thor's gun can easily bring out this group of black sheep.

This wave, this wave of Thor's gun has become a "detector" to detect whether these people have Huaguo in their hearts.

Moreover, is it secretly doing some activities that enrich one's own pockets and corrupt the law?

In the past two months, some disturbances have been secretly caused in the circle of officials in Huaguo. People from the Supervision Bureau began to invite officials to drink tea with high frequency and investigate some things.

Although the process was very fast, there were also many corrupt and perverted criminals who fell from their horses.

People who can't afford Thor's gun are not necessarily bad people, but those who can afford Thor's gun are absolutely no problem, patriotic people, so the supervisory committee only needs to investigate those who can't afford Thor's gun , you can quickly identify whether these officials are sincerely serving the country.

In the setting of Thor's Gun, Chen Mu regards "patriotism" as the first condition, followed by "whether he is a good person". As long as he has a moment and has the idea of ​​dedicating to the motherland, he can always pick up Mjolnir of.

In order for Huaguo to develop rapidly, there is a lot of turmoil within Huaguo at this moment, in this circle, and many people with ghosts in their hearts seem to be preoccupied at the moment.

However, Huaguo does need this wave of cleansing. In this way, Huaguo, which is twisted together, can develop better and faster.

After two months of screening, all that is left in Huaguo today are comrades with a common pursuit.

Work hard for the great revival of Huaguo!

Is revival on earth enough?

No, no, our goal is the sea of ​​stars at this moment!

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