Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 861 Emergency Plan

"Navigator Space Station Astronauts Entering Emergencyly?"

At this time, Liu Peiqiang, who had just flown the plane and took Han Duoduo back to his hometown in Shanghai, looked at the news on his phone, and couldn't help but feel a little strange. He had been disqualified by 550w before, but he didn't expect it to be An order to assemble urgently has been received.

Could it be that some accident happened?

Liu Peiqiang's intuition has always been accurate, and now he guessed something right away.

"Pei Qiang, I've already made up my mind."

In the old house in Shanghai, the pale Han Duoduo leaned on Liu Peiqiang's shoulder, looked at the sky, and said, "If you can work in the navigator space station, then let my dad take Liu Qi to live in the dungeon." , as for me, there is no need to go to the dungeon."

Han Duoduo knew that his time was short, otherwise he would not want to go back to his hometown to have a look.


In this regard, Liu Peiqiang could only keep silent, and put his hands on Han Duoduo's shoulders.

As a man, the most unbearable thing for him is that he can't protect his wife and son, but this is something that can't be helped, the reality is like this, in this world, countless people will be trapped by life, not everyone They are all rich and powerful, and every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

The method Han Duoduo thought of was actually exactly the same as the one given by 550w, which made Liu Peiqiang feel a little desperate.

"Did you get the news? We're leaving in a few hours, and you still have time to say goodbye to your son."

At this time, the phone rang, Liu Peiqiang answered the phone, and Chen Mu's voice came from inside.

The Lord God arranged for Chen Mu to be a colonel in the air force. Liu Peiqiang wanted to fly a fighter plane back to Shanghai, and it was also the fighter plane that Chen Mu approved for her.

"Let's go."

Hearing Chen Mu's voice, Han Duoduo raised her head and looked at Liu Peiqiang. Although she didn't know what happened, her eyes were full of determination at the moment.

She is a strong woman, even if she encounters misfortune, but she also maintains an optimistic attitude at all times, giving Liu Peiqiang a smile all the time, so that Liu Peiqiang can stabilize her mind.

"Let's go."

Liu Peiqiang nodded. He really had to meet Liu Qi and his father-in-law Han Ziang again. After all, he didn’t know why he was going to the Navigator Space Station this time. He needed to gather urgently. I don't know when I will be able to see Liu Qi and the others again, maybe this time will be the last time.

Supporting Han Duoduo to stand up, the two boarded the fighter plane and flew towards the base.

And at this time, they also noticed that the sea below unexpectedly set off huge waves without warning.


Everything is happening according to the script. Tu Yaya's life data has been uploaded to 550w, which will make up for the last shortcoming of the quantum computer, and it is also very beneficial for Nuwa who is attached to it.

And Tu Hengyu, who led all of this, was also arrested.

Under the influence of Nüwa, the planet's engine on the moon began to overload, and after a few hours, an explosion finally occurred, which caused the huge earth to slowly fall towards the earth.

Affected by the tidal force of the moon, the oceans on the earth began to churn, setting off huge waves.

All of this has made everyone on Earth very nervous, and the coalition government has launched an emergency plan to try to solve this major crisis.

All of this is nothing more than the process that Nu Wa started to promote the project of moving mountains.

"Your dungeon qualification has been cancelled."

In the prison, Ma Zhao looked at Tu Hengyu inside and said so.

"Well, as expected."

Tu Hengyu, who was already mentally prepared, did not have any surprises.

When he decided to upload Tuyaya's life backup to 550w, he knew it was bound to happen.

But to him, it doesn't matter anymore. His last wish at this moment is to let Tu Yaya have a complete life, and the rest has long been left behind, including his own life.

So what if he didn't have the qualifications to live in the dungeon, he would die, and he was already mentally prepared.

The last wish to take a look at Tu Yaya has also been fulfilled, and Tuo Hengyu has nothing to worry about at this moment.

"Tu Hengyu, there is an emergency now."

Looking at the indifferent Tu Hengyu, Ma Zhao took out a document with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong?"

Tu Hengyu raised his head, his eyes full of doubts.

"Something happened over there on the moon."

Ma Zhao said with a sullen face: "One second after you uploaded Yaya's life data, the planet engine on the moon base was overloaded, and now the No. 1 engine has exploded. If all three engines explode, the moon will be destroyed by the Earth Under the influence of gravity, it falls to the earth."

Although Ma Zhao didn't say it clearly, what he meant was that it was Tu Hengyu's behavior of uploading Tu Yaya's life data that caused all this.

"We need to restart the global Internet root server, let all the engines on the earth be networked, start the engines, escape here, and avoid the attack of moon debris."

As he said that, Ma Zhao took out a document, which contained a list of personnel who applied to perform the task. Several other people in it had already signed, and only Tu Hengyu was left.

"Then can I refuse?"

Tu Hengyu looked at the document and raised his head to look at Ma Zhao. At this moment, he had nothing to worry about.

"You shouldn't refuse."

With that said, Ma Zhao took out a life backup card with Tu Yaya's name written on it.

Seeing this, Tu Hengyu sat up straight all of a sudden.

"If the moon falls and the earth is destroyed, everything in the world will be destroyed. Even if you have uploaded Yaya's life data, without hardware support, Yaya will die."

Hearing this, Tu Hengyu said no more, picked up a pen, and wrote his name.

He may not care about his own life or death, but as a father, he cannot just watch his daughter die.

He had already witnessed his daughter die in front of him once, and he tried his best not to let this happen again.

Tu Hengyu is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't have much at the moment. He is just a father who loves his daughter in order to save the noble sentiments of all mankind. As far as he is concerned, his motivation for action is actually very simple. Just for his daughter Tu Yaya.

And this is enough for Ma Zhao and the coalition government.

As long as you are concerned, you will naturally do your best.

So, together with Tu Hengyu and Ma Zhao, the two embarked on the journey to restart the root server.

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