Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 862 The Crisis Is Approaching

The moonfall crisis, the coalition government quickly formulated a plan.

This plan is divided into three steps.

The first step is to deploy more than 3,000 nuclear bombs on the Campanus crater on the moon.

The second step is to induce the moon to undergo a fusion reaction by detonating the phased array, thereby collapsing and disintegrating by itself.

The third step is to restart the Internet root server on the earth, let all the current planet engines complete the networking, and then start to push the earth away from the moon debris.

At that time, the mountain-moving project will officially start, and the earth will begin to drive towards the new home of the distant Centaur under the impetus of the planet engine.

The third-step plan and the first two-step plan have not been handed over, so it can be done directly, as long as the network is restarted before the moon debris reaches the earth.

Definitely, there is another force that the coalition government can borrow, and that is Superman Clark.

Facing the sudden crisis, Clark naturally stood up and began to assist mankind in carrying out these plans.

Because of the explosion of the lunar engine, a lot of debris was blown up, forming a small star ring around the moon. It is difficult for human spacecraft to deploy nuclear bombs to enter.

So Superman at this moment, was entrusted with cleaning up the debris and clearing a path for the delivery ship.

At the same time, human beings gather all their strengths, and in the face of the imminent crisis of annihilation, they are united like never before. This is something Superman has never seen, or even imagined.

In the coalition government, under the impassioned speech of the spokesperson of Huaguo, human beings put aside their previous suspicions and took out all the nuclear bombs to solve this crisis.

This is also one of Nvwa's plans. The biggest problem of human beings is that they like to fight among themselves, crazy internal friction, and simply destroy the nuclear bombs directly, lest these nuclear bombs become a threat to human survival in the future wandering.

Definitely, now because of Wanjie Huaxia, human beings will no longer have to worry about it. It doesn't matter whether it is a nuclear bomb or not.

Anyway, very soon, all the nuclear bombs that humans can use were mobilized at an extremely fast speed, packaged, and shipped to the navigator space station, which will soon be taken to the moon for deployment.

At the same time, Tu Hengyu, Ma Zhao and others on the earth, as the first team, went to the root server in Beijing, preparing to restart the server here. At the same time, several teams also went to the root server in Tokyo and Dulles respectively.

Tu Hengyu and his team faced the most serious problem. Because of the tidal force of the moon before, the huge wave of elimination had flooded the entire Beijing, which made it very difficult to restart the plan.

"The housing prices in Beijing have finally come down. It's the same as that in my hometown, Qingcheng Mountain. It's only five or six thousand a flat, and there's no purchase limit..."

Tu Hengyu, Ma Zhao and others dived into the bottom of the water. Tu Hengyu looked at the notice board not far in front, which said the housing prices of nearby communities, and couldn't help complaining.

As we all know, how can ordinary people see the housing prices in Beijing?

Anyway, Tu Hengyu has been working for so long, but he has not yet been able to buy a house in Beijing.

Now, under the apocalypse, house prices have naturally dropped.

"Stop wasting time, let's go."

Ma Zhao, Tu Hengyu, and two other team members were all wearing heavy diving suits. Hearing Tu Hengyu's complaints, he patted Tu Hengyu's shoulder and walked towards the Internet Center in front of him.

At that time, Huaguo had been involved in the Internet for a relatively short time, and it was many years behind in the start. The servers of the ipv4 protocol were all in the hands of America, which also caused the Internet to be stuck by others. Maliciously cut off the Internet, and after two hours of the national Internet disconnection, Huaguo learned from the pain and tried to catch up.

Therefore, after the birth of the ipv6 protocol, Huaguo seized the opportunity and successfully took the advantage. After many crises, he finally took the right to speak in his own hands. The root server of ipv6 was led by Huaguo. building.

In the end, the three main root servers in the world are located in Huaguo, Japan, and America.

This is also the result of a compromise. America was allocated a main root server without doing anything. In international exchanges, its own strength is always the most important thing.

Tu Hengyu, Ma Zhao and others originally worked here, so they knew the structure here very well, and soon found the location of the server. At this moment, the building was already submerged by sea water. It was originally built to a very high specification, so it is still very complete and airtight, forming a cavity.

Along the way, Tu Hengyu and the others also encountered many difficulties, and many accidents happened to the team members. When they came to the computer room, only Tu Hengyu and Ma Zhao were left.

Although the other two people who died didn't even show their names, they are well-deserved heroes to the entire human race.

In space, the operation of laying nuclear bombs was also very smooth, because with the help of Clark, the bomber ship passed through the moon debris unimpeded and arrived at the crater. at one point.

After the nuclear bomb was deployed, everyone returned to the space station, but got a bad news.

"The password cracking failed. It will take at least a hundred hours to crack the detonation codes of all nuclear bombs."

In the coalition government, everyone knew the news and was disheartened.

"Human beings always use the most sophisticated password system to destroy each other."

In the coalition government, Zhou Zhe, the representative of the Hua Kingdom, sighed helplessly. Is this the only way for human beings to be destroyed?

All the efforts, is it possible that in the end, because of human reasons, all the previous efforts fell short?

"Sir, we have one last resort."

At this time, the Russian representative stood up and said in a low voice with a sullen face.

"Every nuclear bomb has a safety device for the final manual activation."

Manual activation means that it is destined not to be too far away from the nuclear bomb. Simply put, it requires someone to manually detonate the nuclear bomb at close range.

One can imagine the fate of the person who detonated the nuclear bomb.

There is only one dead end.

After hearing the words of the Russian representative, everyone present fell into silence.

This is a very difficult decision, someone will sacrifice, but who will sacrifice? Who can die generously?

This is a very difficult question to decide.

The atmosphere in the coalition government is very dignified, but everyone knows that this is the only way to save the entire planet.

It's cruel, but someone has to do it.

"Notify the navigator space station."

Zhou Zhe paused as he straightened his wheelchair forward, then spoke in a low voice.

It is impossible to crack the password, so this is the only option.

It was said that the Russian representative solemnly paid a military salute, and all the people present, counting as one, all made the same action.

They are saluting those who are about to set out to win a chance for all human beings.

ps, three shifts every day this month, to see if I can get a full attendance. In addition, every time there is a master certification to add a new chapter, I will never break my promise. . .

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