Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 865 Who Is The Real Hero

"By the way, I haven't seen General Zod for so many years. Do you know where they are hiding?"

Without saying anything else, Chen Mu looked at Clark and asked curiously.

"The last time I contacted them was more than ten years ago. Uh, it seems that they are building a phantom engine inside the moon, and the location seems to be under the Campanus crater..."

Clark blinked, looked at the nuclear bomb planted inside the crater, and the task force members flying past, and couldn't help but fell into silence.


Regarding this, Chen Mu also had a dark face. He did know the purpose of General Zod and the others from Nuwa, but he didn't know which corner they were hiding in.

I never thought that they were actually under the phased array of nuclear bombs.

Good guy, this is planting more than 3,000 mushrooms directly on the head.

"Forget it, I can't die anyway, so don't worry about them."

For this group of rookies who can't even do the task, Chen Mu is almost speechless.

It's been more than ten years since you came to this world, and I haven't seen any achievements from you guys. Have you got a little reward point?

What a bunch of rubbish...

"Now there are a lot of debris from the moon, falling towards the earth, go ahead, block those debris, maybe there are still a lot of reward points to be obtained."

Chen Mu waved his hand and asked Clark to prevent the meteors formed by the moon fragments from falling to the ground. This would not only protect humans from harm, but also allow Clark to earn extra money and get some reward points.

Over the past ten years, Clark has worked tirelessly as a tool man, and he has not gained nothing. While helping humans, he has also obtained a large number of reward points. s things.

In addition to strengthening oneself, it can also be exchanged for anything.


Clark's face darkened, and he flew towards the airtight door, and quickly left the space station to protect the earth from the meteorite in space.

Clark's helping humans does not mean his unilateral contribution, but the mutual benefit between the two.

Human beings have been helped by Clark's power to avoid many disasters, and Clark has also received reward points from the main god's space, so it is not treated as a complete tool man.

On the other hand, on Earth, the task of restarting the root servers is also in full swing.

The servers in America and Japan have been restarted, leaving only the server in Beijing.

At this moment, only Ma Zhao and Tu Hengyu were left in the team to restart the server, and they were nervously carrying out the recovery task in the network center.

"Teacher Ma resumed the process and got stuck."

"Without the help of hardware, your recovery fart!"

Ma Zhao said angrily, took the key and walked into the computer room.

In the computer room, the cables of several server devices have fallen off at this moment, and they must be reconnected to complete the recovery task.

"Don't waste time, connect to the network quickly."

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and a violent earthquake occurred. In an instant, the earth shook, and a heavy cable rolled down from the side, pressing on the leg of the horse station. At the same time, due to the earthquake, the wall cracked , Sea water slowly poured in.

"Tu Hengyu, come and help!"

Ma Zhao shouted, if possible, no one wants to die, and they have not yet completed the task, and the important task of connecting the global Internet is still on their shoulders.

"Here we come, Teacher Ma, hold on."

Hearing Ma Zhao's call for help, Tu Hengyu also put down his work and ran over, but at this moment he found that the door of the computer room was somehow stuck and could not be pushed open at all.

"It can't be opened, Mr. Wang!"

Tu Hengyu was also in a hurry. Ma Zhao could be said to be his friend who was both a teacher and a friend. It was really uncomfortable to see him being submerged in the sea at this moment.

"Cough, cough, Tu Hengyu, take this, this is the last set of passwords, as long as you enter this set of passwords, you can connect to the network!"

Seeing that he couldn't leave, Ma Zhao no longer wanted extravagantly. He handed the key to Tu Hengyu, showing a relieved smile.

"Remember, civilization without people is meaningless."

After saying the last sentence, Ma Zhao sank to the bottom of the water. Even so, he waved goodbye to Tu Hengyu with a smile on his face. At this moment, Tu Hengyu could only watch helplessly as all this happened before his eyes.

There was no time for Tu Hengyu to be sad. After holding the key, he gritted his teeth and went back to the host. He wanted to enter the password into the computer to connect to the network.

But at this moment, the influx of sea water not only flooded the computer room where Ma Zhao was located, but also the water level at Tu Hengyu's current location has risen sharply.

According to the current situation, it is obviously impossible to connect before the seawater submerges everything, so what should we do?

That is, at this time, at the same time, on the moon, the task force that manually detonated the nuclear bomb has also arrived at their respective positions.

After the intense connection work, everyone waited quietly for that moment.

"Zhang Peng, can you say something? There is less than a minute left."

In the voices of the contingent, everyone seemed very calm, even laughing.

They are very indifferent to their own sacrifice at the moment.

"Yeah, what should I say?"

Zhang Peng raised his head, looked at the huge amounts of the earth in the sky, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"Earth is still beautiful."

Thinking of his apprentice Liu Peiqiang being able to survive well, Zhang Peng had no regrets at the moment.

"Ha, it's a pity that I couldn't take you fishing in Lake Baikal."

Zhang Peng's friend, the Russian officer Love, said with a smile, then grinned as the countdown was about to end.


Without any hesitation, Love pressed the detonator in his hand. Not only him, but also the astronauts from all over the world at the same time did not hesitate. The country is ashamed, and when facing death, it is very calm.

"It's so beautiful."

Looking at the rising light of the nuclear bomb, Zhang Peng muttered to himself, and pressed the switch in his hand without any hesitation.

All of a sudden, the moon rose with rays of light one by one, and from the outside to the inside, a piece of mushroom rose.

There is no air on the moon, so the transmission of sound cannot be heard, but at this moment, in the silence, it shocked everyone's mind.

Even Clark, who was resisting massive meteorites in space at the moment, couldn't help admiring this scene.

You are the real heroes!

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