Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 866 Zod: Who Is Going To Kill Me?

Hear the thunder in silence.

Looking at a large mushroom cloud rising from the moon, everyone fell into silence, including Chen Mu, who looked at the direction of the moon with eyes full of respect.

What is death as home? What is it to die generously?

The members of the task force detonated the nuclear bomb in their hands without any hesitation.

The explosion of nuclear bombs arranged in a phased array triggered a series of chain reactions on the moon.

The moon's own gravity caused itself to start a nuclear fusion reaction, and the moon collapsed like this.

There is no sound, but everyone can feel some kind of shocking sound.

Definitely, there really was a voice.

"Grandma's, who is it?! Who is going to kill me again!!!"

In the past ten years, Clark is not the only one who has become stronger. After all, Clark is not actually a natural fighter, like General Zod and others. This group of natural fighters from Krypton quickly mastered their own abilities Strength, and continues to grow stronger at a very rapid pace.

Originally, this group of Kryptonians was still hiding in the bottom of the lunar crater and concentrated on building the phantom engine.

But I don't know which **** bastard actually put a nuclear bomb on their heads!

No, not one, it should be said who the hell put a nuclear bomb?

Crazy! The moon is there, and no one has provoked anyone. Who has a brain problem to blow it up?

It’s okay if you blow it up, anyway, it’s okay for the Kryptonians, but why are you blowing up their heads?

Am I, General Zod, recruiting you to provoke you?

At this moment, General Zod looks very miserable, and no one can bear the close output of nuclear bombs.

Fortunately, as soon as the nuclear bomb exploded, the group of Kryptonians discovered something was wrong, and one or two ran away without any hesitation, so they were not directly killed by the nuclear bomb.

But everyone's condition at the moment is not very good, all of them have black noses, swollen faces, and disgraced faces, looking very miserable.

The most important thing is that the Phantom Engine, which they spent more than ten years building, was about to be completed, but it was directly blown up by this wave of nuclear bombs.

Who can I turn to for reasoning?

Originally, with the more than 3,000 nuclear bombs of human beings, it is impossible to blow up the moon, but who made a more powerful phantom engine buried under these nuclear bombs?

The nuclear explosion also triggered the collapse of the phantom engine, and the powerful energy gathered inside exploded at this moment.

After the moon collapsed for a while, it exploded again, with huge amounts of the moon and stars, and was even directly blown out of a big crater.

Countless rocks and debris were blasted into the sky, and because of the gravity of the earth, large pieces of moon rocks formed meteorites and fell towards the surface of the earth.

For a moment, Clark's pressure soared instantly. Facing the overwhelming meteorites, there were still a large number of fish that slipped through the net and smashed towards the earth.

"Carl Al, is that you bastard? Is that the nuke you put on our heads?"

One by one Kryptonians slowly gathered beside General Zod, all glaring at Clark with unkind eyes.

It's fine if we didn't bother you, how dare you put a nuclear bomb on top of us?

Do you really think we are easy to bully?

Anyway, the current General Zod and the others are gnashing their teeth one by one, with the intention of going to teach Clark a lesson now.

"It's not me, don't get me wrong, don't talk nonsense!"

While resisting a large piece of moon rock, Clark explained: "Because the moon is falling towards the earth, humans decided to use nuclear bombs to blow up the moon and start the mountain-moving plan at the same time. They don't know that you are under that crater. "

Can Clark say he forgot? If you really want to say that, you will inevitably have another fight with General Zod.

Now is not the time for internal strife, the earth is now facing various crises, and at this moment, there is no time to waste it with General Zod and the others.

"General Zod, you will join me soon to shoot down all these meteorites, which will give you a lot of reward points."

Feeling the increasing pressure and watching the meteorites flying over, Clark greeted Zod and the others.

It is really difficult for him to resist these meteorites alone. It would be great if he had the help of General Zod and the others.

"What? You mean you will get reward points for hitting these meteorites?"

General Zod was taken aback, and asked in disbelief: "Didn't you say that the reward points will be obtained after completing the main mission? Why hit meteorites?"

I have to say that General Zod and his group of Kryptonians are all single-minded. Chen Mu or the main god never told them that the way to get reward points is to complete the main task.

As far as reward points are concerned, there are still many ways to obtain them.

"I'll settle the score with you later!"

General Zod, who wanted to get more reward points in exchange for various equipment, glared at Clark, and then called other Kryptonians to attack those meteorites together.

He didn't have time to spare, so he continued to chat with Clark.

For the rise of Krypton, they must earn as many reward points as possible, so after hearing Clark's words, they all attacked with suspicion.

"Destroy the meteorite that fell to the earth and get 100 reward points."

After smashing a meteorite, General Zod and the others were overjoyed when they heard the sound coming from their ears. They hurriedly greeted the others and worked hard to hit the meteorite together.

Clark didn't lie to them, he could indeed get reward points for smashing the meteorite.

But Clark, a bastard, must have known other ways to get reward points, so he kept it secret and didn't tell them?

I really don’t think of myself as a Kryptonian anymore!

Thinking of this, General Zod glared at Clark again, thinking that he would have a chance later, so he must teach this guy a lesson.

Besides, humans don't know that we are under the crater, don't you know?

This made Clark bewildered, he didn't seem to offend General Zod, did he?

Forget it, never mind, Clark concentrated on hitting the meteorite.

With the addition of General Zod and others, Clark's pressure dropped sharply, and together they blocked countless moon rocks from the earth.

Although I was surprised by this group of Supermans who suddenly appeared, but seeing that these people seemed to be helping humans, the coalition government didn't care too much, and just regarded it as the helpers that Clark found.

With this group of Kryptonians helping to resist the meteorite, the coalition government will not let down its vigilance, and is still evacuating the crowd on the ground in an orderly manner, allowing people to enter the dungeon to avoid danger in an orderly manner.

The first and second steps of the plan have been successfully completed at this moment, and now it is the third step. The Beijing root server has not yet been restarted. People all over the world are nervously waiting for the result.

As for Tu Hengyu, he also encountered the most desperate situation.

The sea water flooded back, almost completely submerging the entire control room.

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