Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 69 The hero appears

"Put it down Stannie! Don't hurt those innocent people." Tony said loudly, holding out his hand.

"It's bad luck for them!" Stanny didn't care. "Tony, we all make money from dead people, why are you pretending to be kind now?"

Iron Overlord raised the car and turned around to exert force. He actually threw the car, which weighed more than one ton, onto the viaduct dozens of meters away!

"No!" Tony was full of grief and anger.

"This thing should be controlled by me. It's just a flying toy in your hands, but it can turn into a battlefield overlord in my hands!" Iron Overlord once again reached out to stop a car and lifted it up, "You don't want to save Are you going to kill them? I'll give you this chance!"

This time, Iron Overlord threw the car and hit Iron Man. The three passengers in the car were so frightened that they kept screaming. Iron Man struggled to catch the flying car, and the asphalt pavement under his feet was shattered.

Iron Overlord raised his arms, and Iron Man saw a red dot hit his chest.

"Oh, no!" Tony quickly threw the car aside.


Stanny is worthy of being a crazy arms dealer. All the first-class weapons he loaded on Iron Overlord were not produced by Stark. The combination of these equipments defeated Tony step by step!

"Energy dropped to 19%."

"Don't tell me this, just put the progress bar on the screen!" Tony hurriedly gave the order, "Supply all energy to the power system!"

Iron Man began to rise. With his flying speed, Iron Overlord could not aim at all. Iron Overlord was not equipped with an artificial intelligence system like "Jarvis", and the aiming system lagged far behind Iron Man.

After a few missed shots, Iron Overlord did not continue to waste ammunition. His legs sprayed out a large amount of flames, and Iron Overlord's huge body began to slowly rise into the air and continued to accelerate.

"Tony, luckily I also added a flight system!" Stany said proudly, "Where else can you run now?"

"Sir, it looks like his armor can also fly..."

"I saw it, okay?"

Tony controlled the suit and began to fly upward vertically, constantly raising the flying altitude.

Iron Overlord also chased after him. Stanny knew how talented Tony was. Tony even surpassed his old partner Howard Stark, so Stanny knew what terrible consequences would be if he let Tony escape...

"Sir, do you want to fly to a high altitude to cause icing problems on his mecha?" Jarvis reminded, "But with the energy remaining now, the probability of flying to the extreme altitude is 100%..."

"I know!" Tony said calmly, "Sprint with all your strength, man!"

As the manufacturer of the mecha, Tony would of course know this, but now he has nothing else to do.

This war was originally unfair. Stanny took away his upgraded version of the Ark Reactor. He could only fight with the original Ark Reactor...

Stanny was able to create Iron Overlord entirely because of him, so Tony must destroy Iron Overlord. This is his mission!

"Help me!" A girl in a dress was dangling in the air, her hands firmly grasping the broken metal handguard on the viaduct, "Someone help me!"

The girl's long golden hair was swaying in the air, and the night wind blew her long skirt, like a flower petal. But her situation is very dangerous, and she may fall and wither at any moment.

In just ten seconds, her hands were sore, as if they were losing strength. But the girl clung to the metal pipe and refused to let go. She kept calling for help, hoping to meet a passing superhero and save her!

"The hero appears!"

A righteous and awe-inspiring voice came from the sky, from far to near, and also brought the sound of howling wind.

The girl's cry for help became louder, even covering up the chaotic honking of car horns, "Help me!"

"Beautiful lady, your life will be saved by me!" A heart-warming voice came from behind the girl. She felt a pair of hands spread out under her armpits and lifted her up with force, and he The fingers are very long...

"I'm so sorry, ma'am! I was just watching the two tin men fighting and didn't notice your crisis." The person behind said with guilt.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you for saving me. You appeared at just the right time..." the girl said loudly. As she spoke, she leaned back to see which superhero had saved her.

But what the girl saw was a smiling demon mask...

"Ah!!!" the girl screamed until her voice broke.

"Sonic attack? Are you a superhero too?" Luo Xia raised his head in disgust, "Are you not a fan of demons? Then I wish you good luck and bye!"

Luo Xia said and let go of her hand. The girl began to fall, and the speed continued to increase. She felt that she was falling continuously and could only continue to scream crazily.

Luo Xia quickly picked her up again. He grabbed the girl's back collar and flew upwards.

"I'm your fan, Mr. Devil! I'm so happy to see you!" The girl almost shouted, "You are my idol, you are my superhero!"

"Hello, fans! Do you want to take a photo? Or sign an autograph..."

Luo Xia was stunned as he spoke, because he could no longer feel the weight in his hands. He held the broken dress with a look of suspicion on his face: "Fake product?"

It was clear that he had held Hawkeye's back tie and led him to play a bungee jumping game that was full of experience an hour ago. The speed was so fast that Hawkeye's clothes were still hanging on...

The girl without her skirt screamed as she fell again... Luo Xia picked her up again, this time he chose a considerate princess hug.

The trembling girl gasped in Luo Xia's arms. She had never felt such a safe embrace!

"Uh... let's continue the topic we just talked about. I can also sign your signature." Luo Xia glanced at it and said, "I have to say that black lace is very tasteful!"

Luo Xia sent the girl back to the ground, and the girl's legs trembled and she knelt on the ground.

"Good luck to you, beautiful lady!" Rosha said and flew away, the torn dress falling on the girl's head.

Luo Xia arrived on the roof of Stark's factory. He looked up at the dark night sky and could vaguely see two falling figures.

He raised his hand, took aim, and activated the Dragon Talisman.

"Backup power activated, emergency landing initiated, sir."

Iron Man made an emergency landing with difficulty, and suddenly a pillar of flame shot from the ground and hit him!


"Sir, the armor's damage is 30%!"

The armor lost control and began to fall vertically.

As Tony screamed, the mecha hit the roof of the factory hard, knocking a hole out of him and finally stopping on the second floor.

"Sir, the armor's damage is 59%"

"Shet! If I know who attacked me, I will definitely..."

"Are you okay?" Suddenly a man stood at the entrance of the cave and looked down at him, "Mr. Stark."

"Devil?" Tony swallowed back what he just said, "As you can see, I'm fine, Mr. Demon! It's just that you missed the shot just now..."

Thanks to the book friend "Little Monster is Three Years Old" for the 1,000-point building reward.

Thanks to the book friend "I Will Go My Own Way" for the 2,000-point reward.

Thanks to the book friend "It's really hard to come up with a nickname" for the 100-point reward.

Thanks to book friend "Lonely Street K" for the 100-point reward.

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