Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 70 The Devil’s Gift

Iron Man wanted to fly to the top floor through the hole he just made, but he didn't expect that he would get stuck at the hole... The devil looked down at him with disgust on his face.

He put his hands on the floor and tried to climb out, but failed with great effort.


"Sir, are you sure you want to supply all the remaining energy supply to the power system?"

"Then let's forget it!" He punched the concrete floor one punch after another, causing fragments to fly with each punch.

"Are you sure you don't want to help?" Tony looked at the indifferent devil and said helplessly, "Friends should help each other..."

"Aren't we enemies? Everyone says that you are a superhero and I am an evil villain." Luo Xia's tone was a little strange. "As an enemy, it's good that I don't last any last hits. What do you think?"

"I knew it a long time ago!" Tony said dissatisfied.

"And your factory is very well built."

"Of course!" Tony's tone was full of pride, "There is a giant Ark reactor down there!"

The devil's reaction did not exceed Tony's expectations. Does anyone who can make friendship with the devil really exist? It won't be him anyway.

They are friends only when the devil needs them. This is very consistent with the devil's style.

Tony never expected that he could get help from the devil. As long as the devil could stand aside and not interfere in his battle with the Iron Overlord, Tony would be satisfied.

Suddenly, Tony felt the floor shaking... He turned around and saw Iron Overlord running towards him. It seemed that the high-altitude fall caused by the icing problem had not completely eliminated Iron Overlord!

Tony was covered in cold sweat as he watched the Iron Overlord charging towards him like a rhinoceros. He waved his fist and hit the floor hard. His remaining energy is not enough to launch energy cannons to repel the Iron Overlord...

At this time, the demon who was watching turned around and asked, "Do you need help? Mr. Stark."

"What?" Tony was a little surprised. The devil would be so kind?

After saying that, Luo Xia raised her hand and pointed it at the floor in front of Tony, and the dragon totem slowly lit up. It seemed like the devil wanted to help him blast open this hard floor.

"No, no, no!" Tony refused quickly. He still vividly remembered the image of the demon destroying the Mark 4 armor with one blow... Even if he was beaten up by the Iron Overlord, he didn't want the demon to use this method to help him escape. Dilemma.

Luo Xia turned around smoothly and aimed at the rushing Iron Overlord. The dragon spell was activated, and a red flame pillar carrying powerful energy was shot out, accurately hitting the leaping Iron Overlord!


A huge explosion came out, and the heat wave blew up Luo Xia's clothes.

Iron Overlord was hit hard, and I don’t know where he was blown away...

Tony was a little curious about why the devil helped him... Anyway, it couldn't be because he helped the devil create the Iron Spider suit and model before. The devil doesn't remember favors!

Because Iron Overlord is too ugly? It seems that the devil's aesthetics is also online. Compared with that fat man, the red and yellow classic car paint and streamlined structure of the Mark series are much better...

In any case, the current situation was favorable to him, and Tony could only keep these disturbing speculations in his heart.

"And you, my friend!" Tony gave Rosha a thumbs up, "You are the real hero!"

As he spoke, he punched the floor with all his strength. The arc pulse device at his feet was working hard, spraying sparks intermittently, and was able to send him to the top floor.

"Sir, I captured the movement curve of Iron Overlord. Without any offensive intention, he started to run away."

It seems that Stanny also recognized the man standing on the roof of the factory building as a devil. The devil's powerful blow poured cold water on the excited Stanny. The Iron Overlord could not let him do whatever he wanted in this world...

"I have to catch up with him!" Tony said firmly, "Iron Man can't let a mobile arsenal roam the streets of New York!"

He straightened his arms to his side, opened his palms, activated the arc pulse device, and two groups of weak firelight spurted out.

But he had just flown a few meters when the armor shut down and fell to the top again.

"Sir, the backup energy has been exhausted..." After saying this, the armor and Jarvis also disconnected.

Tony was lying on the floor and couldn't help but hammer the floor hard when he saw the screen that had gone out.


If Stanny hadn't snatched his Ark Reactor after a sneak attack, the situation in this battle would have definitely turned!

You must know that his armor was made to deal with demons, and it has been continuously upgraded to Mark 5. With the Mark 5 design, he can completely defeat the Iron Overlord!

But now that his armor has run out of energy and fuel, it is obvious that he can no longer pursue Stanny. Could it be that he can only let Stanny wear the Iron Overlord and get away with it?

"It looks like you need help." A plain voice came from the side, it was the devil.

Tony was covered in cold sweat, but he had forgotten about the demon who had just shot him... Let alone chasing the Iron Overlord, how to survive safely in the hands of the demon was still a problem.

"Of course! Can you lend me your cell phone?" Tony pretended to be calm, "I need to contact my assistant. The losses in this battle are not small. I also need to call 911. I'm feeling dizzy now. My chest still hurts, it must be a concussion and broken ribs..."

"No, you don't need these at all." Luo Xia shook his head and said.

Tony, who was lying on the floor, vaguely saw the devil stretching out his hand and aiming at his chest, and it was blindingly bright for a moment...

"No!" Tony exclaimed! He seemed to feel the breath of death...but the next moment the screen in front of him lit up.

"Good evening, sir." Jarvis reconnected the armor and continued working, "50% energy left!"

"What? (What)" Tony was stunned...

A beam of energy shot out from the dragon-shaped totem in Luo Xia's hand, directly connecting to the Ark Reactor on Iron Man's chest.

"Energy reserve 100%!"

Tony's brain has shut down...

"Energy reserve 200%!"

Tony realized that the Ark he was using now was very fragile and could not withstand overloaded energy storage.

"That's enough, that's enough...stop, Mr. Devil!"

"Energy reserve 300%!"

Luo Xia stopped the energy transmission, and Iron Man instantly ejected into the air.

"Medical miracle!" Luo Xia said to himself, and then turned and left.

Tony's heart was a little heavy, and he shouted at the devil's back: "I never said I wanted to exchange anything with you, Mr. Devil!"

"Free." The devil's voice disappeared into the dark night.

Tony's face became even heavier, and he suddenly remembered what Zweig said in "The Beheaded Queen": "She was too young at that time, and she didn't know that all the gifts given by fate had already been marked in secret. …”

Tony froze in place for more than ten seconds, and finally came to his senses with Jarvis's reminder.

He had no time to care about what conspiracy the devil was brewing, and now he was going to judge the Iron Overlord!

"Jarvis, I feel like I'm going to explode, let's release some energy!"

A large amount of energy poured into the armor's power system, and the four arc pulses were overloaded!

Iron Man shot out quickly, breaking the speed of sound in an instant...

[Detecting the severe awe of ‘Iron Man’, you have become a mysterious, powerful, incomprehensible and undefeatable villain in his heart. Reward Villain Value 200,000! 】

Is this the surprise and special reward the system said when the spell was unsealed?

Luo Xia was thinking...

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