Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 100 Two boiled eggs? (Book friends group: 952354783, everyone is welcome to chat)

After sending Professor Plan 2.0 was formed, and then he left with Mystique.

Hank was very sad about the departure of his crush goddess. In order to divert his attention, he devoted himself to the development of artificial intelligence. After seeing Eric's artificial intelligence, although he did not see the source code, he was still influenced a lot. Enlightenment, the artificial intelligence crisis belonging to the X-Men may be born a lot earlier.

Professor The villain was finally exposed under Eric's artificial intelligence.

We know the name, but we still don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, where it is specifically, and how many subordinates there are. We need to investigate carefully. The other party seems to have a device that can shield the power of the mind, and it can actually avoid the brain wave enhancement. Instrument search.

The red tank Marco continued to go back to sleep. Perhaps Cytorak, an old otaku, liked to watch the despair and pain of others slowly losing their power. Marco's power was reduced very slowly, but it was irreversible and incurable.

Little Storm was left at Xavier Academy for Geniuses by Eric. If she wanted to continue to become stronger, there was no more reliable way than studying. Even Eric had been studying the knowledge of the four basic powers.

What surprised Eric the most was Lingdie. This sexy girl actually took the initiative to throw herself into his arms...ah, she took the initiative to join Boss Ai's banner.

Her purpose is very simple, just to make money. She has been working for the mutants before, but now she heard from Red Tank that Boss Ai is stupid and has a lot of money. She will give money as long as she sleeps, so she naturally chose to work under Boss Ai!

Eric, of course, welcomed this with both hands and three feet. This girl must have good looks, a good figure, good abilities, and a good background. That is a good thing that cannot be found even with a lantern. He immediately said , you can sleep however you want, even your boss...

As for her awesome brother, Eric didn't even ask, and it was useless to ask. He was a direct line of old man Merlin's troops. He was still jumping around to resist snapping his fingers, and he was already an all-powerful guardian of the universe. or.

Returning to New York with Psylocke, Eric once again received an invitation from Lu Dan to watch the American legend awaken.

Captain America, after all, was dug out in advance and will soon wake up.

In fact, the purpose of braised eggs is very clear. Captain America is the first superhero in the United States. He has very strong abilities, but in modern society, his symbolic meaning is far greater than his abilities.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he naturally doesn't want anything to happen to Captain America, but after being frozen for more than fifty years, no one dares to guarantee that this captain is still the same captain as before. He called Eric over just to prevent some accidents. situation occurs.

"Mr. Eric, thank you very much for finding him!" As soon as they met, Colson grabbed Eric's hand and kept thanking him. His expression was as excited as meeting an old comrade from many years ago.

"It's easy. I like him too." Eric smiled and took out his hand. If he held it like this, it would easily cause some misunderstandings. Didn't he look at the eyes of other people around him and become ambiguous?

"Really, are you also a fan of his? No wonder you have to go through so much trouble to find him. I have collected a lot of captain's cards, many of which are out of print. I will ask him to sign it for me later. After signing, we can Let's watch together, let's..." Colson kept talking on the side, completely unaware of Eric's embarrassed look.

"Everyone be quiet, it's about to begin." Fortunately, Lu Dan came to the rescue quickly. At this moment, Eric saw how Lu Dan looked at him.

On the monitoring screen, a nurse injected Captain America with the last tube of medicine, exited the room, and waited for orders outside the door.

The overall layout of this room perfectly restores the United States in the 1940s. Whether it is the wall hangings or daily necessities, they are no different from those of that time. The only flaw is the baseball game recording played on the radio. Of course, this is just a small problem, Eric will not tell Lu Dan.

Even though the time was advanced nearly ten years, everything was still the same as the original plot. Captain America woke up successfully, but still remained vigilant, found flaws in the football game information on the radio, and then defeated several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and rushed out of the temporary The "hospital" built.

Different from the plot, it was Eric who was waiting for him this time.

"Captain, don't be impulsive. How about we sit down and talk?" Eric pressed Captain America to the ground with one hand and kept smiling.

"Who are you?" The captain was still working tirelessly to get up from the ground, always ready to give Eric a try.

"I'm sorry for that drama, soldier." Nick Fury came from behind the scenes, wearing a black trench coat and a bald head with one eye, which was very stylish. "But it will take time for us to hand over the details to you."

"The details? What details?" Captain America stopped resisting and looked at Nick Fury with a strange expression.

"You have been asleep, Captain, for nearly sixty years."

Captain America obviously found it difficult to accept this fact. After Eric let go of him, he still lay on the ground for a long time before slowly standing up and saying with a blank look on his face: "I still owe her a dance."

Eric shook his head secretly, wanting to tell him that there was no hope for him. His future self had already occupied his goddess. He cheated on himself...

In the following time, Nick Fury entrusted Eric to tell the captain about the history of more than 50 years. Such tiring things were avoided as far as possible by Lu Dan.

Eric closed the door under Coulson's resentful eyes, looked up at the several monitors in the corner, raised his middle finger to Lu Dan behind the monitors, and then took out a lighter.

"Okay, Captain, they can't see us anymore. I don't like being treated like a monkey." Eric threw a thick stack of information to the captain and lay down on the chair.

The captain agreed with Eric's approach, picked up the information, read it carefully page by page, and asked a few questions from time to time. Of course, he was most concerned about Carter.

The records about Carter in the information were also the most detailed. When he learned that Carter was married, Eric clearly saw two tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

For such things, Eric really couldn't help. He shrugged and continued to watch a grown man express his true feelings.

The information was quickly flipped through. The second half mainly introduced the origin and current situation of S.H.I.E.L.D., and at the end, there was a cool photo of Nick Fury.

The captain stared at the photo and pondered for a long time, "Is his name Nick Fury?"

"Of course, if you like, you can call him boiled egg."

The captain did not respond, but said puzzledly: "During World War II, there was also a Nick Fury in my Howling Commandos. He was a lieutenant and a black man, very similar to him."

Hearing this, Eric's expression froze, "Are you sure? Captain!"

"Of course, he is a brother who has been through life and death with me!"

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