Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 99 Good friends for life (available now, please order first, and give monthly votes)

After dealing with the three minions, Eric straightened his clothes before going to meet his peers.

Red Tank is also no match for Magneto. Eric knows this very well. The reason why he is asked to deal with Magneto is just because his skin is thick enough and he can drag him back.

Just like now, Magneto is flying in the air, and Red Tank is looking for rocks everywhere on the ground. As long as Magneto wants to leave, he will hit him with rocks. If he can't hold him back anymore, he still has an Eric left in his pocket. His bag of tricks.

But now it seems that this trick is no longer useful.

"You are finally back. I have some questions and I hope you can answer them." Magneto seemed not surprised by Eric's return.

"Don't be so troublesome!" Eric flew to the opposite side of Magneto, looked at the old fellow, pointed out, and sent an electromagnetic wave containing a large amount of information.

Magneto accepted it with concentration, his expression becoming more and more incredible, looking at young Eric, his eyes widened, "Is this true?"

"It's true!" Eric spread his hands and said with a smile.

"So, what is the future of mutants?" Magneto is indeed Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood who is willing to make enemies of the world for the sake of the future of mutants! Having just learned Eric's identity, his first question was for the mutants.

"Max, you have to understand that mutants have always been just a part of humanity!" Eric sighed and said, "Mutants are experiments done by the gods on humans, and humans are the source of mutants!"

"No! Mutants are evolution! They are the future of mankind!" Eric's words seemed to shake Magneto's lifelong belief, making his voice almost roar.

"Marx, don't deceive yourself. You should have discovered that the birth of mutants is cyclical. Now, or more than ten years ago, was the peak moment for the birth of mutants, but in recent years, with the awakening of the X gene, It has become increasingly difficult. Perhaps in a few decades or hundreds of years, even without the influence of external forces, it will be difficult for mutants to be born again. "

"This is impossible!" Magneto roared, the magnetic field around him rioted, and a large number of metal objects flew around. Eric raised his hand and stroked it gently to calm the rioting magnetic field, and then shot Magneto an electromagnetic pulse to calm his emotions.

"As early as more than a hundred years ago, British scientist Nathaniel Essex proposed this theory. Unfortunately, he was right." Eric stepped forward and patted Magneto on the shoulder. Take him to the ground.

"Mutants, do you really have no future?" Magneto closed his eyes silently, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant.

"The prosperous period of mutants is only about a century. Even if mutants rule all mankind now, mutants will still return to humans in a few decades!"

"Decades? Then I want these decades!" Magneto stared at Eric, his aura becoming stronger again, "I can't control what the future holds, I want these decades!"

Eric suddenly smiled. This is Magneto. No matter what difficulties lie ahead, he will never give up. Magneto is not a person, but a spirit!

"Okay, let me help you!"

Leaving Magneto and the mutants to reminisce with Professor X, Eric entered alone inside the pyramid Apocalypse had just built, where there was an extremely complex conversion device.

It was this device that gave Apocalypse the means to take away the abilities of other mutants.

The designer of this device is named Imhotep, the perfecter of Egyptian sacrificial rituals, the Zunki of astronomy, the designer of the first pyramid, and the founder of the Brotherhood of the Aegis.

He was called the "God of Medicine and Wisdom" by the ancient Egyptians. He once led the ancient Egyptians to eliminate the invasion of the alien Zerg "Brud Zerg". At that time, Apocalypse was just one of his subordinates.

He founded the Brotherhood of the Aegis, an organization that continues to this day, and many famous figures in history have been members of this organization.

Michelangelo, Zhang Heng, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Tesla, Howard Stark...

Familiar names make up the most brilliant and secretive organization in human history. It is the least famous and has the greatest influence on human history.

The current S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra are actually the products of the split between the Aegis Brotherhood. The eagle logo of S.H.I.E.L.D. is derived from the eagle-shaped pattern on Imhotep's shield.

In a sense, SHIELD and Hydra are two sides of the same coin.

Eric felt the complex metal structure inside the pyramid, looking through the huge pyramid and staring at the pure gold spire at the top of the tower.

"What a genius design! How many years ahead of human society is the Holy Shield Brotherhood? It's a pity that I only checked the records of the Cosmic Cube."

Eric secretly thought that it was a pity that when he was in the Emperor Thanos universe, in order to find a way to break the barriers of the universe, he tried every means to join the Aegis Brotherhood. It was there that he found the idea for that method, and found a small fragment of the Tesseract.

"I wonder if the Holy Shield Brotherhood of this universe will accept me?" Eric was thinking wildly, waving his hand, extracting all the metals from the pyramid, kneading them together and sinking them into the ground.

The materials of this device are nothing special, they are all ordinary gold and the like. The truly valuable ones are the complex patterns inside the pyramid, which have been memorized by Eric. The remaining gold reorganized by Apocalypse material is of no value to him.

Apocalypse has been destroyed, and his four horsemen are not worthy of their name. There is no obvious hatred between them and Eric and his group. After learning that Apocalypse is dead, they quickly abandoned their former master and boarded Hank's plane.

Magneto and Mystique followed Apocalypse for the future of mutants, and Storm and Psylocke for power. Hank and his group came here to rescue Professor X who was betrayed by his best friend.

The group had different purposes, but they all got what they wanted. It can be said that everyone was happy. They talked and laughed on the plane, and they didn't look like the enemies who were just in a life-and-death battle.

"Hank, I wonder why you called me first when encountering such a thing?" Eric sat down between Hank and Mystique, acting as a hot light bulb.

"Um, Eric." The good time was interrupted by Eric, Hank seemed a little embarrassed, "Because you are Arik, your name is the first in the phone book, of course I will call you first."

Eric's face suddenly darkened, "Man, you are one of the smartest people on earth! How could you make such a low-level mistake? My name is Erik, not Arik!"

"Ah? So, sorry, I was too flustered at the time, I didn't look closely." Hank apologized hurriedly, the blue hair on his face swaying, like a blue lion.

"Who recorded the phone book?"

Having heard this, Hank pointed at the red tank who fell asleep again, "It was Marco who recorded it."

Eric was speechless, letting this silly kid record the phone book, you are so generous!

At this time, Magneto came over, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "That's why I changed my name back to Marx."

"Oh? The previous phone book of the college was also recorded by Marco?"

"No, it was Charles. He deliberately wrote my name wrong so that he could put it first."

Hearing this, Eric couldn't help but look at Professor X who was smiling at the side, and shuddered.

Good buddy, for life...

It was put on the shelves in a daze...I still don't have any manuscripts to save, I can only try my best to write, sweat ("▔▔) sweat

Shamelessly asking for monthly tickets, asking for first order...

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