Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 11 I will be the hero, and you will take the credit

Eric ignored the bullets fired by the robbers and walked into the office building leisurely. The robbers in the building were wondering why they always missed when they were shooting at him.

When Nick Fury broke in with cover and tactical moves, Eric had already dealt with the first robber. Nick Fury only saw Eric throwing the robber aside like throwing garbage. He hurried forward, put his pistol back into the holster, picked up the robber's submachine gun and held it in his hand, and took the pistol from the robber's leg and handed it to Eric.

Eric shook his head, picked up the dagger on the ground and shook it in front of Nick Fury.

Nick Fury curled his lips and made a gesture of invitation to him.

Eric chuckled and walked towards the position of the second robber. But before they took two steps, the two heard a "ding" sound, and then a round object was thrown over.

"Grenade!" Nick Fury's eyes widened, his pupils shrank sharply, and he hid behind another wall at the fastest speed, while Eric raised his hand and threw the dagger in his hand.

The dagger spun and flew in the air, and the handle hit the grenade accurately, knocking the grenade back.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the robber was blown to pieces. Eric gently flicked the dust off his clothes and waved to the stunned Nick Fury, "Let's go!"

The explosion attracted two other robbers. The two robbers didn't waste any time, raised their submachine guns and fired a burst of shots. Nick Fury hid behind the wall, occasionally stretched out his gun to fight back a few times, while Eric rushed directly at the two robbers.

"Be careful!" Nick Fury shouted, but did not keep up.

Eric was like a prophet, making several evasive moves at a short distance, and he could easily avoid the robbers' bullets every time. When he got to the robbers, the two just ran out of bullets.

The two robbers were shocked by Eric's performance. They only reacted when they heard the sound of the firing pin hitting the target. They hurriedly reached out to pull the pistol from their legs. Eric would never give them another chance. He punched one of the robbers in the chest like lightning. The man flew backwards, spitting blood, and struggled for a long time without getting up.

The other robber was obviously better. He took a step back, pulled a distance from Eric, took out his pistol and pulled the trigger directly.

Eric tilted his head, let the bullet pass, flew forward, hit the robber's waist with a left fist, stood up and elbowed him in the head again. The robber fell to the ground before he could react.

"You are so fast! Faster than any fighter I have ever seen!" Nick Fury came up and checked them one by one to confirm that they had lost their combat effectiveness.

"I told you, I'm from the special department." Eric smiled kindly, took a grenade from the robber's waist, and threw it directly at a glass without pulling the ring. The grenade broke several pieces of glass in a row and accurately hit the head of a robber who was about to shoot. The robber fainted on the ground without a groan. Nick Fury ran over and hit him in the head again.

"Let's go, there are no more people down there. They are on the roof. I heard that they prepared a helicopter." Eric greeted and ran towards the stairs.

"Rooftop? Damn! There are forty floors! How did you hear it?" Nick Fury cursed and followed him up. After climbing two floors, he realized that he was a little stupid. He slapped his forehead hard and sat on the power tower.

When Nick Fury came out of the elevator, Eric had already fought with three robbers. Nick Fury cursed the monster inwardly, bypassed the battle group, and ran towards the helicopter. The robbers can fight at any time. Saving people is the most important thing!

"Da! Da! Da!" The helicopter was equipped with a heavy machine gun, and a series of bullets were fired at Nick Fury. He hurriedly rolled to the side, firing back while rolling. He took care of the hostages on the plane and could only shoot in the direction of the pilot.

A bullet happened to hit the window next to the pilot and flew past the pilot's nose. The pilot was startled and pulled the joystick, and the plane flew up.

"No! Damn it!" Nick Fury cursed, and no longer cared about it. He squatted in the corner and aimed and shot. Unfortunately, his shooting skills were too poor. He used up all the bullets of his submachine gun and pistol, but he didn't hit anyone.

The robbers on the plane fired a burst of bullets at the corner where he was hiding, and he was so scared that he dared not show his head again, and could only watch the plane fly away.

The plane was more than ten meters away from the roof. The pilot arrogantly gave Nick Fury a middle finger, as if he was fighting back against the previous shot. Nick Fury gritted his teeth, punched the ground, and secretly hated his incompetence.

At this moment, a figure suddenly came running from behind. His speed was so fast that he stirred up a piece of snow under his feet, and he kept accelerating like a cheetah.

"Eric, what are you doing!" Nick Fury exclaimed.

Eric had no time to care about him. His body, which had been strengthened by the super soldier potion, was running to the extreme. His lungs contracted and expanded sharply, taking in more oxygen. His strong heart kept transporting blood to all parts of his body. The muscles of his whole body moved perfectly, pushing his speed to peaks one after another.

The machine gunner on the plane seemed to be shocked by his speed. He didn't remember to shoot until the pilot reminded him, but it was too late. Eric came to the edge of the roof, squatted down, exerted force, and flew towards the helicopter like a cannonball.

Eric flew more than ten meters in the air and crashed into the helicopter. Then he punched and kicked, and knocked down several robbers on the plane in a few seconds, leaving only the pilot.

The pilot was also a tough guy. He knew he was no match for the other man, so he pulled out his pistol and shot at the helicopter dashboard. The plane suddenly sounded alarms, black smoke rose, and it was spinning and about to fall.

Eric stabilized his body, picked up the little Lolita who was tied to the side, came to the door of the plane, saw the right moment, and jumped down!

"Eric!" Nick Fury shouted. At this distance, he couldn't jump over without the run-up just now!

Nick Fury ran to the edge of the roof, and saw Eric holding the little Lolita, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air, and slammed into the glass curtain wall of the building, knocking a big hole in the glass curtain wall, and fell into it. Nick Fury collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. He was really scared!

Nick Fury struggled to stand up, ran downstairs and found Eric. Incredibly, Eric was unharmed!

"You are a monster!" Nick Fury stared at Eric, his lips trembling.

"Hey, man, I told you, I'm from the special department!" Eric carefully put the unconscious little Loli on the ground and untied the rope on her body.

"Okay, okay, I believe it." Nick Fury waved his hand impatiently and took out his mobile phone to report the situation to his superiors.

But Eric stopped him, "Fury, don't mention me to them!"

"Why?" Nick Fury asked puzzledly, "You saved the director's daughter, you are a hero, you should be rewarded."

"Come on, reward!" Eric sneered and turned away, "I'm from the special department, I don't exist! Fury, I'll be the hero, and you'll take the credit, OK?"

Nick Fury looked at Eric's figure going away, silent, and silently muttered in his heart: "I also want to form such a non-existent team!"

The contract was delivered today, I don't know if the status can be changed, but it doesn't matter, I will continue to lick my face and ask for recommendations, collections, investments, and comments ^0^~

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