Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 12 Alice Industries

"Eric Lensher, was he the one who saved my daughter with you?" Director Alexander Pierce looked at Eric's photo at SHIELD headquarters, looking thoughtful.

"Yes, Director." Nick Fury stood in front of the table, holding a thick stack of reports in his hand. "To be precise, he saved your daughter. I was just assisting."

"Don't belittle yourself, Fury, you are very capable. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have let you serve as the director of the New York Bureau." Alexander dropped the photo in his hand, clasped his hands together, and looked at Nick Fury with a smile. Rui, "In five years, I will retire from this position. At that time, I will recommend you to the World Security Council."

Nick Fury was shocked, pointed at his nose and asked, "Me?"

"Yes, believe in your own abilities, you can do it!" Alexander stood up and patted Nick Fury's shoulder enthusiastically, "Okay, we'll talk about the rest later. Let's talk about Eric first. , you said that his strength, speed, endurance and reaction ability are far beyond ordinary people, so do you think he is a mutant? "

Nick Fury pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: "I don't have an X-gene detector, so I can't judge, but judging from his various behaviors, I think he looks very similar to the same person."

"Oh? Who?"

"Steve Rogers, Captain America!"

"Captain America," Alexander mused, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table, "Since the death of Dr. Abraham Erskine in 1941, no one has been able to create a super soldier potion. What do you think, Eric? Or is the organization behind Eric capable of imitating it? "

Nick Fury slowly shook his head: "Director, I'm not sure."

"Okay, I will send someone to investigate this matter. If there is nothing else, you can go out."

"Director, in this incident, I saw something that we didn't notice before. I think we should have a special team composed of people like Eric to deal with some special events. I initially A plan has been drawn up, please take a look." As he spoke, Nick Fury handed the report in his hand to Alexander.

Alexander reported the result, but did not open it, "Okay, I will take a look, Fury, our most important plan now is the Insight Project. This plan will take ten or even twenty years to complete. For the sake of the world, Safety, we can’t make mistakes! Therefore, other plans must be appropriately compromised!”

"I understand, Director!"

"Okay, get out!"

When Nick Fury walked out of the office, Alexander pressed a button on the desk, "John Garrett, come to my office!"

After saying that, he glanced at the document in his hand, smiled disdainfully, and threw it into the shredder, "Project Guardian? Childish!"

Eric was in a very good mood. Even if the heavy snow covered his face, he could not change the smile on his face.

"The most treacherous and cunning spy leader was fooled by me, haha! I really want to see what his expression will be like in the future. Well, I must take a photo of this to make an emoticon."

It's not like he tricked Nick Fury. Eric just hid his powers appropriately. What he showed to him was the super physical strength brought by the super soldier potion. It could only be regarded as a small concealment. Hit him.

It's not time to reveal his abilities yet.

What really made him happy was the feeling of being a hero for the first time. It was so great that it was beyond words!

"Sure enough, becoming a superhero must be the right choice!"

Eric hummed a little tune all the way as he walked towards the office building he bought a few months ago. Of course, it has now been renamed "Alice Industries".

Speaking of this name, Eric got really angry! I secretly hate that Magneto was so poisoned at that time that he actually named his company after his late wife, making it difficult to change even now!

It can be changed, but if it is changed, people will inevitably gossip, which will be detrimental to the company's reputation.

The name "Alice Industries" was once published in the newspapers along with the 10 million reward. The newspapers clearly reported the origin of the name "Alice". She was the beloved woman of Viscount Charles Lansheer's life and also the wife of Ariel. C. Ransher's biological mother...

He just inherited his father's company and forgot his mother's name. How does this make the world think of him?

I have to jump into the hole I dug with tears in my eyes...

After nearly half a year of renovation and renovation, Alice Industrial has taken on a completely new look. The geographical location here can only be regarded as a corner in New York City, and it is far less lively than the Stark Industrial Park in the city center.

Eric didn't care about this, but felt that it would be better to be cleaner.

The general framework of the company has been established under a strong financial offensive. The company's business involves mechanical engineering, bioengineering, genetic engineering, new energy, new materials and other industries.

Of course, the company has no specific projects yet, and its only business is to undertake some processing tasks from other companies. To put it bluntly, Eric is now a big contractor...

"Mr. Eric, have you finally remembered that you still have a company waiting to be taken care of?" As soon as Eric entered the company, a tall and beautiful woman approached him. She was the assistant to the president that he personally interviewed. .

"Oh, Jennifer, how's the scenery?" Eric ignored the beauty's complaints and looked at her up and down with admiration.

"Landscape? What scenery?"

"What was the scenery like in heaven when you came down to earth?" Eric slowly approached, and the tips of their noses almost touched each other, "Jennifer, you really look like an angel!"

Jennifer rolled her eyes and stepped back, "Mr. Eric, there are a dozen playboys like you on any street in New York!"

"Oh? Then they must not be as handsome as me, right?" Eric wiped his hair and raised his eyebrows at Jennifer.

Jennifer rolled her eyes again, "Mr. Eric, if you want to pick me up, please fire me first! I don't accept office romances, thank you!"

"Okay, okay, Jennifer, you are so heartless, you know, I can't live without you." Eric pretended to be sad and reached out to Jennifer, trying to hold her hand.

Unfortunately, the aloof assistant to the president didn't want him to get what he wanted. A thick report hit him in the hand, "Mr. Eric, you should take a look at the company's financial report first. We don't have much money anymore! If there is nothing to do, then our only outcome is bankruptcy! Then the company will be taken away by the evil banker!"

"Bankruptcy? That's great!" Eric threw the report behind his head and almost jumped up with joy, "Then I can pick you up!"

Jennifer slapped herself hard on the forehead, and the idea of ​​changing jobs came to her mind again. With such a president, the company will go bankrupt sooner or later, so she should find another way out as soon as possible!

"Okay, Jennifer, no more jokes, notify everyone to hold a meeting, we have something to do!"

Guardian Plan, hehehe...

Continue to ask for collection, recommendation, and comment...

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