Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 13 A groundbreaking invention

"This is an epoch-making invention!"

Eric gently placed a dark iron block on the table. On the round table, heads of various departments leaned over to look around, wanting to see what it was.

Since they joined Alice Industries, they had never done any serious work. They did a lot of useless work every day and had long lost confidence in this rich second generation. They were all taking high salaries in vain, waiting for the day when the company went bankrupt to switch to other companies. Almost everyone had already found a way out, but today, this rich second generation suddenly came back and told them that it was an epoch-making invention with a piece of iron. No one could resist their curiosity.

Eric was very satisfied with their performance. He tapped the table with his index finger knuckles to attract everyone's attention. "Everyone, I know you are very dissatisfied with me. You think I am just a lucky rich second generation and that this company is just a joke between me and my father. But what I want to tell you today is that in the future, you will be very glad that you joined our company!" "Since ancient times, humans have been worried about traveling. Humans began to domesticate horses in the wild era. In the civilized era, they invented horse-drawn carriages and ox-drawn carts. It was not until the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century that humans applied steam engines to transportation, which greatly improved people's travel speed. In 1804, Mr. Delevisk, a British ore technician, used a steam engine to build the first train. At that time, the speed of the train was only 3 miles per hour! In modern times, the development of science and technology has made trains faster and faster, but its speed still cannot meet people's needs. !"

Eric looked around and pointed at the dark iron block, "Everyone, please allow me to introduce to you the latest scientific research results of Alice Industry, superconducting materials, Lansheer No. 1! It will make the maglev train the first choice for human travel in the future!"

After listening to Eric's explanation, all the supervisors showed disappointed expressions. One supervisor stood up and said, "Mr. Eric, maybe you should buy a few magazines first to learn about the scientific and technological information of various countries! Maglev trains are not new things. Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom have built maglev trains. "

"Of course I know these, but do you know how long their tracks are? Do you know how fast their trains can run? Do you know how high their costs are? Do you know how much energy they consume per mile? Do you know how serious the radiation from their trains is? Hmm?" Eric stared at the supervisor, and a series of questions made the other party speechless.

"Everyone!" Eric picked up the black iron block on the table, raised it high above his head, and shouted loudly: "This is the world's first room-temperature superconducting material!"

The table was in chaos, and everyone was whispering. Several technical department managers popularized the common knowledge of room-temperature superconducting materials to the people around them. A mechanical engineering manager stood up excitedly, "Mr. Eric, are you telling the truth? Room-temperature superconducting materials really exist?"

A marketing manager who had a simple understanding of some knowledge also stood up, "Mr. Eric, is the technology of this material mature? What is its cost?"

"Mr. Eric, does this material have radiation or other disadvantages?"

"Mr. Eric..."

The conference room was in chaos, and all kinds of questions were thrown at Eric. Eric smiled and answered them one by one. These people were all hired by him from other companies with high salaries. They will be important members of his company in the future. Now, they must be captured in one fell swoop!

"Okay, gentlemen!" Eric waved his hand down, signaling everyone to sit down. He turned around and saw Jennifer, who was also a little excited, "Oh, sorry, there is another beautiful lady!"

"Haha..." Many men responded with understanding laughter.

"Everyone! First of all, I want to make it clear that Lansheer No. 1 is an absolutely safe material, non-toxic and non-radioactive! Secondly, its cost is only a little higher than extracting steel from iron ore! Finally, and most importantly, we have complete maglev train construction technology!" Eric once again threw out a heavy news, re-igniting the conference room.


Leaving some technical information of the maglev train and Lansheer No. 1 for the various supervisors to discuss on their own, Eric left the conference room.

He is Magneto. No one in the world knows more about magnetic fields and metals than him! Room-temperature superconducting materials are an impossible technology for ordinary scientists, but for him, it is just a simple magnetic field change and magnetic field solidification.

That piece of metal is actually a piece of scrap iron, which he picked up on the road.

Using his advanced technology, it is very easy to reproduce this magnetic field change by scientific means. As for the manufacturing technology of the maglev train, it didn't take him long to sort it out with his intelligence and advanced memory.


"The company's affairs can be put aside for now. It's time to start preparing for the strengthening plan!" Eric returned to the temporarily rented apartment, poured a glass of red wine, and stood in front of the window to look at the night view of New York.

For nearly three months, Eric was completely familiar with this young and strong body. The super soldier potion gave him a physical fitness comparable to Captain America. Moreover, with his magnetic field strengthening method, his physical fitness is still steadily improving. As long as he is given time, Captain America will be left far behind.

While traveling through the cosmic passage, several unknown energies were invaded into Eric's body. These energies were constantly destroying his body. He had to use a magnetic field to temporarily seal these energies in his body, making it difficult to get rid of them. It was not until the last moment of injecting the potion that he used the super strong electromagnetic pulse that burst out to expel the energy and return the superpower to the Omega level.

Moreover, his body is younger and all functions have reached heights that Magneto has never reached, which allows Eric to exert more powerful abilities. Now, just relying on his superpowers, he can easily crush the elderly Magneto!

However, this is not enough, he needs to be stronger!

"The earth is a sieve. The Predators can come, the Kree can come, the Skrulls can come, the Chitauri can come, the Dark Elves can come, Thanos can come... In the future, there are too many crises, etc. "Follow me, I must be strong!" Eric picked up the glass and drank it all, "At least, I must be able to withstand that snap of my fingers!"

"If I want to continue to strengthen, the cold jade bed can no longer keep up with my needs. I need to continue to strengthen. Well, I need vibranium!"

"Ulysses Klaue, the arms leader who sells vibranium, I have to find him."

"Well, there is another person who needs to be found as soon as possible. Her genes are indispensable for future plans!"

"Step by step, let's start with Ulysses Crow!" Eric turned around to get another drink, but out of the corner of his eye he spotted a small red dot on the opposite floor. The magnetic field induction spread instantly, covering the entire building opposite. Scanned everything.

"Hmph! X-gene detector! Who is it? William Stryker? Or Bolivar Trask?"

I discovered a very sad thing. Originally, this book was ranked 15th on the PC new book list and second on the light novel list. However, after the contract was signed and the status was changed, it can no longer be found. I don’t know what page it is on the contracted list. Oh...I want to cry just thinking about it

To comfort my wounded heart, dear friends! Save me with favorites and recommendation votes!

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