Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 144 Hello, I am Bruce Banna, why am I here?

Each of the Celestial Gods has his own priesthood, and their duties and abilities are all related to this.

For example, the Searcher, his ability is to search for life forms, looking for life forms with potential for improvement; the Collector, can transform organisms into biological seed capsules to collect every biological sample on the planet; the Eradicator, can destroy the life forms of the entire planet, and the one who once held the Power Stone may be the Eradicator.

What about the Son of the Stars? Eric didn't know. According to the information of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, he was born in the core of the sun, and the language he spoke was arithmetic. He was proficient in basic mathematics when he was born, and algebra and calculus after a few years, and then complex analysis, abstract algebra, real analysis, topology...

All knowledge related to numbers is his nutrition. According to these materials, the Holy Shield Brotherhood guessed that his priesthood should be in the direction of mathematics and planning.

"Respected Celestial God, why are you driven by Howard? You know, he is carrying out a very dangerous plan, which may blow up the entire timeline at any time!"

After all, he is a Celestial God, and Eric really doesn't want to fight him. Regardless of winning or losing, this battle is of no benefit to him. If he loses, Howard will succeed, and if he wins, he will be delayed and may even face revenge from the Celestial Gods.

"2060!" The Son of Stars spit out a number, and then there is no sound, and the huge palm slaps everyone fiercely.

"2060? What the hell?" Eric and the others looked puzzled, but they have already started fighting, so let's do it!

Several people showed their magical powers and escaped from the attack of the Son of Stars.

Eric shot a ray at his head that was as big as a house, but unfortunately, before the ray approached, a beam of light shot out from the eyes of the Son of Stars, shining on the ray, and the strange ray formed by strong and weak forces turned into a harmless white light!

"Is this your priesthood? Planning?" Eric's face turned black. How can he fight? Good guy, his attack was directly planned into white light, which is modifying reality!

So, this is what planning means!

Tony's missiles and Barton's arrows hit the Son of the Stars one after another, but they were also unable to get close to him. They turned into two pieces of rotten wooden sticks a few meters away from him.

Looking at the wooden stick on the ground, T'Chaka, who was about to pounce on it, stopped and swallowed hard. He wondered if his armor could block this ability?

"He can't use this ability without restraint! I'll deal with him, you go find Howard." Eric pressed his waist, stepped lightly on the ground, and flew up.

"Well, I think it's better to leave this kind of small character to the boss, and we'll deal with the more important big boss." Barton put away his bow and arrow, and ran eastward according to Eric's instructions.

"Barton makes sense! Let's go and find Howard as soon as possible!" Captain America nodded, put the shield back on his back, and followed Barton's footsteps.

"Can Eric handle it alone?" T'Chaka looked at Eric flying in the air and was worried.

"Let's go. Since he said so, there must be no problem!" The Blade Warrior, who had been silent all the time, said very confidently.


Eric's estimate was correct. Although the Son of the Stars was 20 meters tall, he was actually still in his infancy. His energy was not enough to support his uncontrolled use of his abilities.

After hundreds of rays, the Son of the Stars obviously reduced the use of his abilities. Eric used the temporary anti-gravity device to deal with him.

For the Son of the Stars, Eric was too small. With a slap, Eric could pass through his fingers.

"+-*/!" With an incomprehensible roar, a burst of golden lightning suddenly lit up on the Son of the Stars. Countless lightning burst out from his body and turned into countless sharp arrows and shot at Eric.

Under the rain of arrows, Eric had nowhere to hide. He stretched out his hand to aim at the lightning. A ring on his hand was shining, and a strong magnetic field surged. The lightning was immediately attracted by the magnetic field and gathered in front of him, turning into a lightning ball several meters in size.

"Without the X gene, I still have the magic ring!" Eric sneered and threw the lightning ball at the Son of Stars.

The Son of Stars was hit directly, but he was not hurt at all. The huge energy was absorbed by him again, and his eyes were full of anger.

"2060!" He shouted the number again, waving his iron fist and hitting Eric fiercely. His fist was covered with golden lightning.

"2060? What does it mean?" Eric frowned and thought about the meaning. His hands were not idle. The effect of the magnetic field control ring was brought to the extreme by him.

His most powerful ability is magnetic field control. Although there is a layer of ring between him now, he is still more skilled and powerful than others.

The power of the magnetic field makes him fearless of lightning, but he dare not take the fist as big as a small house. He tried to control the metal on the Son of Stars, but found that it was blocked by a layer of inexplicable energy. He had no choice but to give up and dodge quickly.

After all, the Son of the Stars was still in his infancy. Apart from his divine power, he had only a few means of attack, including fists, palm strikes, lightning attacks... these were the only ones he used.

After a few rounds, Eric was familiar with his tactics. He only had to be careful of his weird planning ability, and the rest was not enough.

While dodging, he was thinking about the meaning of the number "2060".

"2060? The future Newton went to?" Eric thought of this at the first time, but what does this have to do with the Son of the Star? Does he also want to go? Plan the world after the destruction of mankind?

"Wait, mathematics! 2060! Silent mathematics!" Eric suddenly thought of the answer.

Silent mathematics, a mathematical algorithm created by Newton and other super geniuses of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, they hope to use it to solve all problems in the world, but the answer they get is always 2060, which indicates that mankind will be destroyed in 2060, which is also the fuse of the civil war of the Holy Shield Brotherhood.

"Howard showed the Son of the Star the silent mathematics? Is he crazy?" Eric was shocked by his own conjecture.

"Newton has always been right! In 2060, everything will die!" The Son of the Star said the first complete sentence since the battle, his eyes were full of anger, and the huge energy almost condensed into substance.

"Hey! Stop! I know a man who came from the 39th century. The world will not end in 2060!"

Eric's shout made the Son of the Stars stand there in a daze. His head seemed to be stuck in a macro machine. A large amount of data flashed before his eyes, and countless formulas that he could understand and could not understand appeared in front of him.


Barton and his companions ran all the way, and soon they saw a complete small building standing in the ruins. The bright lights were like a beacon shining on the dark ruins.

"It should be here, let's go!" T'Chaka called out and was about to attack the small building, but he had just taken two steps when the ground in front of him shook, and a metal cage slowly rose. There stood a strange man inside, who actually had four arms.

"Hi! Hello, I'm Bruce Banna. Can anyone tell me where this is? And why am I here?"

"Oh, this is bad!" Banna had been in Eric's laboratory for more than a year, so Barton naturally knew him. He hurriedly looked at Banna's wrist and found that the vibranium bracelet was still there, and he was relieved immediately.

Unfortunately, before he could catch his breath, a strange ray hit Banna's bracelet, and the vibranium bracelet was instantly shattered!

Uh, I don't seem to like the plot of the comics, I'll move on as soon as possible...

The comics combine Original Sin and Legend of the Shield, and the changes are a bit big (**;)

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