Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 145 I’m sorry for this world and my friends.

"If I remember correctly, that bracelet is made of vibranium." Barton swallowed and glanced at Captain America's shield and T'Chaka's armor.

"I think we'd better put the vibranium matter aside for now!" Captain America took off his shield and assumed a defensive posture towards Banna.

Under the nervous gazes of several people, Banna's body expanded rapidly, and with a shocking roar, the four-handed Hulk appeared in front of everyone.

"What kind of monster is this?" Tony's voice revealed disbelief, "This is so unscientific! Before he transformed, he looked less than 150 pounds, but now he weighs at least 1,500 pounds. Where did this mass come from? How is it possible? Created out of thin air?”

"Mr. Scientist, let's think about how to escape first!" Barton shot an arrow at Hulk. The arrow exploded instantly after hitting Hulk, generating a large amount of smoke and shrouding Hulk.

"He's mine!" Red Tank, who had been confused in the team, suddenly woke up after seeing Hulk, roared excitedly, and rushed straight into the smoke.

"Well, okay, maybe you don't have to run for your life..."

Once the Red Tank starts charging, no one can stop him, not even the Hulk!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, like a comet hitting the earth, and the two behemoths collided hard. The Hulk, who had just completed his transformation, instantly transformed into a meteor, drawing a beautiful parabola in the sky, and was knocked away at least two kilometers away. .

"Roar!" With a shocking roar, anyone could feel the blazing anger. The Hulk carrier ran back with great force and collided with the red tank again.

However, the ending was no different. The red tank that started charging was unstoppable, and it was still the Hulk who was knocked away.

"Hahaha! You can't do that!" Looking at Hulk who was knocked away by him, Red Tank stopped and smiled arrogantly.

However, happiness brings sorrow, and he was knocked away twice in a row. This time Hulk learned the lesson and did not choose to confront him head-on. Instead, he jumped high and used the cover of smoke to hit the red tank head-on.

This time, the red tank was stunned. More than 1,500 pounds of weight fell from a high altitude, slamming the red tank into the ground.

Hulk was unforgiving, and his four iron fists were like shooting stars, taking turns to hit the red tank with one punch on the head, making the red tank stunned for a while.

The power of the four hands was demonstrated at this time. Hulk punched with almost no gap. Red Tank resisted the attacks in turn and reached out to grab Hulk's two fists, huh? Why are there two more?

It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. This is a true portrayal...

Of course, Red Tank was not a vegetarian. He grabbed Hulk's arms and pulled them to both sides. The huge force tore them apart. Even Hulk felt a heartbreaking pain and let out a painful roar. The attack slowed down slightly.

Taking advantage of this gap, the red tank hit Hank's big green head. One was protected by a helmet, and the other was unconscious. Hulk was a little dazed from the impact. He shook his head and tried to regain consciousness, but he was met by two casserole-sized fists. The red tank was about to fight back!

"Well, do we want to go up and help?" Seeing the two monsters fighting back and forth, the Pattons and the other five were dumbfounded. After a moment of hesitation, Captain America, who had a strong sense of justice, could not withstand the torture of his conscience and wanted to go to the hospital. Help your comrades before.

"I don't think he needs help, and we can't help much." Barton shrugged, not caring about the safety of the red tank. He knew very well that Hulk would never be able to kill the red tank.

"I'm afraid we don't have time to help! A large number of mechanical creatures have been detected ahead. It looks like they are still mechanical spiders. Get ready to fight!" Tony warned, flew into the air, and fired a row of small missiles into the distance.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the light of the explosion, everyone saw the overwhelming mechanical spiders.

Captain America threw his new shield at the mechanical spider. After an extremely unscientific rebound, the shield flew back again. However, the mechanical spiders that were hit all emitted electric sparks and exploded after a while.

T'Chaka, wearing a Black Panther suit, rushed into the battle group without saying a word. The Blade Warriors drew out their brand-new Edman sword and followed suit with a sneer.

"Oh, my teammates are so awesome. It seems like I won't get the MVP today." Barton muttered, took out an arrow and put it on his bow, took aim, let go, and a ball of lightning appeared on his little finger ring. On the arrow. When the arrow hit, the lightning attached to it exploded, emitting a huge electromagnetic pulse. The mechanical spiders within a radius of tens of meters instantly emitted electric sparks and collapsed to the ground.

T'Chaka's new Black Panther suit is also made of Adamantium alloy. This metal is made of vibranium combined with other metals and a special catalyst. It is several times heavier than vibranium. But stronger and sharper.

Of course, this weight is nothing to T'Chaka, who has been strengthened by the heart-shaped grass. He is still agile in his movements, flickering among the mechanical spiders, ignoring guns and bullets, but he can always destroy them with his claws. enemy.

The same is true for Blade Warrior. Eric not only equipped him with a new sword, but also equipped him with two other pieces of equipment, one is an energy shield and the other is a dark force field ring.

In the dark realm created by the dark force field ring, the power of his half-vampire blood was fully exerted. Before the mechanical spider could detect his position, he had already chopped off its head with a knife.

The attack power of several people is very strong, but facing the almost endless mechanical spiders, their strength is still dwarfed, and they are soon surrounded by mechanical spiders.

"Damn, there are too many of them!" T'Chaka twisted off the head of a mechanical spider, panting with exhaustion.

Barton only had the last five or six arrows left. In order to prevent accidents, he has not been willing to use them. He held a long knife in his hand and fought with the Blade Warrior, "Tony! Only you can fly here, go and stop your father, we will hold you here!"

"That's right, go! Leave this to us." The Blade Warrior cut off the head of a mechanical spider with a knife, turned around and jumped to avoid the strafing of another mechanical spider.

"Can you do it?" Tony was flying in the air, hesitating.

"We can do it!"

At this moment, Captain America jumped high on a mechanical spider and grabbed one of Tony's feet, "I'll go with you!"


On the moon, at the Observer base, the wallkeeper walked in tremblingly. The toxins in his body were still not resolved, but he was only suppressed by a large amount of drugs, but he couldn't care less.

"I'm sorry for what happened next. I need to save my world and my friends." The wallkeeper raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at the observer.

The observer looked at him calmly and turned his head, seemingly indifferent, and seemed to be ready to meet his fate.


The wallkeeper killed the observer, this is fate...

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