Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 2 The Six Illuminati

"The Ultimate Eraser? What is that? An eraser?" Stark seemed to lightly knock on the outer shell of the box, but in fact he was scanning this thing through Jarvis.

The results of the scan came out quickly, but he couldn't understand it, once again...

He could only see that this little thing contained an unimaginable amount of energy, and any leakage could blow the earth into cosmic dust!

This thing is very dangerous! Magneto must not get it!

This is the conclusion Stark came to, and it is also the decision of Doctor Strange. He is the holder of the Time Stone and the Supreme Sorcerer favored by the Trinity Vishanti. His vision is much higher than Stark. The Ultimate Eraser, of course he knows, this is one of the best killers in the universe!

"Eric, my feeling tells me that this thing is very dangerous! What on earth are you going to do with it?" Professor X also didn't want him to get this thing. His mental power has been warning him. This feeling is countless times stronger than when facing Apocalypse.

"This is a key. I just want to use it to open a door." Eric replied with a smile, reaching out to grab the Ultimate Eraser.

"You lied!" Doctor Strange took action first. Cytorak's scarlet necklace instantly wrapped around the safe. With a strong pull, the safe broke away from the wall and flew towards Doctor Strange.

"This is not up to you!" Eric waved his hand, and several steel bars broke through the wall and tightly wrapped around the safe, wrestling with Doctor Strange.

Stark also launched an attack, firing two palm cannons at close range. Eric didn't even blink and let him attack. He saw that the palm cannon was blocked by an invisible wall, only causing a little ripple.

"Damn, magnetic shield!" Stark cursed inwardly and flew into the air to look for flaws.

Eric would not let him get his way. With a light wave of his hand, Stark flew out like garbage. "Stark, wearing steel armor to fight Magneto, I really doubt your IQ."

Professor X controlled Mystique at the first time and took her to retreat quickly to a safe place. Facing Eric, who was wearing an anti-mind control helmet, his ability was useless. In order to prevent himself and Mystique from becoming hostages, he had to evacuate as quickly as possible.

Of course, he had a more important role, calling for reinforcements.

Magneto could control electromagnetic fields. Ordinary communication equipment could not work at all in front of Magneto, but he could!

The distance from the moon to the earth was far beyond his ability limit, but he had Mr. Fantastic's black technology, an ultra-long-range single-line telepathic transmitter, a device like a Bluetooth headset, which could connect Illuminati members within the solar system.

Eric didn't care about Professor X's retreat, which was within his expectations. He waved his hand gently, and a metal door rotated like a windmill, cutting off the scarlet necklace of Cytorak that Doctor Strange had wrapped around the safe.

Doctor Strange suddenly conjured up a magic long knife and chopped it on the safe.

Cut it in two with one stroke! Whether it was the safe made of special materials by Mr. Fantastic or the several steel bars wrapped around the box, they were no different from paper-made ones, and were cut into two pieces by Doctor Strange with one stroke.

"The sacred sword of Vishanti? I really don't understand. Why is it called a sword when it's just a knife?" Eric knew Doctor Strange's moves very well. He controlled the remaining steel bars on the safe again, turning them into several spirit snakes, and entangled the Ultimate Eraser in the box. He also couldn't directly control the Ultimate Eraser.

Doctor Strange countered the move and quickly recited the spell. A small ancient body of Hogs was smashed on the safe. The safe and the remaining steel bars on it exploded immediately, turning into a flying butterfly and dissipating, leaving only the Ultimate Eraser falling down.

Eric wanted to control some metal again to take back the Ultimate Eraser, but it was too late. A portal appeared out of thin air under the Ultimate Eraser, and it fell straight down. Looking at the scene opposite the portal, it should be the New York Temple.

"Come back!" Eric stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A metal round shield suddenly flew out of the New York Temple and supported the bottom of the Ultimate Eraser. At the last moment when the portal was closed, the Ultimate Eraser was sent back and was firmly grasped in his hand.

"You pissed me off!" Stark flew back after being thrown out. Under the mask, his face turned blue and he felt greatly insulted.

"Oh? Is this your anti-Magneto armor?" Eric found that Stark had changed into a new armor. The material of the armor seemed to be carbon nanotubes, which was completely immune to his ability.

On the other side, Doctor Strange opened several portals in a row, and Aquaman, Black Bolt, and Mr. Fantastic walked out one after another.

The six giants of the Illuminati gathered!

"Finally, we are all here. So, let's start!" Eric slowly flew off the ground and looked down at everyone.

"You are not the only one who can fly here!" Aquaman held a spear, his face full of pride, and flew up.

Black Bolt put his hands behind his back, his lips tightly closed, and stared at Magneto in the air.

"He has a very strong magnetic field protection around him. Give me a few minutes and I can interfere with him!" Mr. Fantastic held a palm-sized instrument in his hand and kept debugging it. It should be a temporary assembled black technology equipment, and many lines were exposed.

"Illuminati? Haha, you don't know what you are going to face!" Eric smiled contemptuously and snapped his fingers lightly. A strong electromagnetic pulse burst out. Stark's armor was not affected at all, but the semi-finished black technology equipment in Mr. Fantastic's hand was not so lucky. It emitted a few wisps of black smoke and was declared scrapped.

"Oh, no!" Mr. Fantastic was shocked and hurriedly threw the instrument in his hand. Whether intentionally or not, the instrument slid a few meters on the ground and stopped at Eric's feet.

Aquaman had the most violent temper. Seeing Eric take the initiative, he threw the spear in his hand with force and flew towards Eric behind the spear.

Eric controlled a metal door to fly up and blocked the spear. At the same time, several steel bars flew out from the wall and wrapped around Aquaman, making him unable to move.

"A fish in the sea still wants to toss on the ground?" Eric sneered and controlled the steel bars to tighten continuously, binding Aquaman tightly to the ground. If Aquaman did not have superhuman physical fitness, he would have been strangled into several pieces long ago.

"Ah!" Black Bolt suddenly opened his mouth and shouted softly, and the pseudo-sound wave carried this huge energy to impact Eric's magnetic field shield, making the shield shaky.

"Boom!" Before Eric could react, the black technology device that he thought had been scrapped suddenly exploded under his feet. A strange magnetic field wave swept over Eric, and his magnetic field shield was instantly broken. The magnetic field controlled by his heart also lost control instantly. He could no longer fly and fell down.

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