Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 3 I'm scared first, you guys can do whatever you want

"Stark! It's now!" Mr. Fantastic shouted, and Stark immediately fired the missiles on his shoulders, and at the same time shot two lasers on his arms, hitting Eric together.

Black Bolt's pseudosonic attack never stopped. At this time, without the protection of the magnetic field, it hit Eric directly.

Doctor Strange also launched an attack, using the Icon illusion to create hundreds of clones. Each clone used different magic, but each magic was extremely powerful.

Missiles, lasers, energy, magic, different attacks hit Eric at the same time. The fire of the explosion drowned Eric, and even blew up the specially-made walls and ground of the base, and countless equipment was sucked into outer space.

Doctor Strange hurriedly activated the mirror dimension to isolate everyone from space.

"There is also a magnetic field reaction! Set fire!" Mr. Fantastic seemed to be carrying some kind of hidden detection instrument. He observed the changes in the center of the explosion and hurriedly reminded everyone.

Stark stretched out his arms and transformed into two flame jets. The Ark reactor rotated at full strength, and all the energy was converted into flames and sprayed out.

Doctor Strange also chanted a spell, and a piece of magic flame fell down.

Black Bolt stopped his attack. He was also a genius with a very high IQ. He naturally knew the low-level knowledge of high-temperature degaussing. He was afraid that he could not control his powers well and blow away the flames that several people had finally gathered.

"The magnetic field is weakening, let me compress it!" Mr. Fantastic jumped up and turned his body into a big pie, tightly wrapping the flames and Eric, leaving only a small opening for the two companions to continue adding flames.

"Eric." Professor He knew he could save him, but he couldn't!

"Bang!" A light blue shock wave suddenly exploded in the center of the flame, completely deforming Mr. Fantastic, and the remaining shock wave pushed Doctor Strange and Stark far away.

"Damn it, vibranium cloak!" Stark yelled.

"Not only the cloak, but also my socks and insoles are made of vibranium. Do you want it?" Eric smiled happily, but it made Stark very angry.

"Okay, everyone, it's over, I should go!" Eric clicked lightly, and a metal particle the size of a bean hit Mr. Fantastic. Wrap it up sir.

Immediately afterwards, Eric opened his five fingers and held a virtual grip on Black Bolt. Black Bolt couldn't control himself and floated up. He hurriedly opened his mouth and launched an attack, but the powerful pseudo-sound wave could not break through three meters around him. He was three meters away. Outside, there seemed to be an invisible barrier surrounding him, which could reflect his attacks back, scaring him so much that he didn't dare to open his mouth again.

Next was Stark. Eric glared at him fiercely, and a strange magnetic field hit him, directly disrupting Stark's brain waves. Stark fainted without even humming. Carbon nanotubes are indeed not controlled by magnetic fields, but they also lose their shielding against magnetic fields. Without the protection of the iron shell, Iron Man is just a mortal!

Of the six giants of the Illuminati, only Doctor Strange and Professor X are left unscathed.

"Riven!" Eric suddenly shouted and emitted an electromagnetic wave at the same time. A ball of electric light burst out from Mystique's neck, and she was instantly out of Professor X's control. She immediately touched her foot and took out a small The needle was inserted into Professor X's neck.

Professor X suddenly became short of breath, and his powerful spiritual power faded away like a tide.

Leech potion!

"Dear Supreme Mage, I have no intention of being an enemy of the Illuminati!" Eric straightened his sleeves. "This universe is about to face a huge crisis. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do."

"I don't think you have such a great ability!" Doctor Strange looked at Eric cautiously. He still had a backup plan. The secret of magic is incomprehensible to ordinary people. As long as he pays a certain price, he can subdue Eric. But he had been hesitant to do so.

"No, of course not me!" Eric waved his hand, "I just want to survive! We don't have the ability to defeat him, but I can escape!"

Doctor Strange thought for a moment and suddenly his eyes widened: "You want..."

"Of course!" Eric raised the Ultimate Eraser in his hand, "This thing can't defeat that person. It's just a replica made by Reed and can only be used once. If, I mean if, you can find it. If it’s genuine, you might be able to defeat him!”

Everyone on the field who was still awake fell silent, thinking about Eric's words, as long as Neptune Namor was still there roaring and cursing.

Eric didn't care and took out another object from his arms. This object emitted blue light, like a small corner knocked off a Rubik's Cube.

"Well, everyone, goodbye!" Eric squeezed the little horn to pieces, and the blue light rioted, transforming into a blue brick wall in front of him.

"This is the Cosmic Cube! It embodies the barrier of the universe!" Doctor Strange exclaimed.

"It's a pity, it's just a small fragment and can only be used once." Eric shook his head regretfully, controlled Mr. Fantastic to float over, put the Ultimate Eraser in his hand, and pointed it at the wall.

"Your IQ is indeed very high. You have bound the ultimate eraser gene so that only you can use it. Unfortunately, your vision is too low!"

Eric controlled Mr. Fantastic and pressed the switch of the Ultimate Eraser. A strange and huge energy rushed towards the wall. The Ultimate Eraser also completed its mission, turned into fly ash and disappeared.

The blue bricks were broken into pieces, but there was no dust flying. This is not a real blue brick, but a barrier between two parallel universes. It is higher than the rules in the single universe. In the single universe, almost no one can see its existence, let alone break it!

Only the Cosmic Cube, a power that surpasses the single universe, can change reality and turn the illusory, invisible and unknowable cosmic barrier into a blue brick wall!

Similarly, even if you see it, this wall is not something that anyone can break. Even the heyday of the Devourer of Planets at the peak of the single universe may not be able to cause any scars on it. Only the Ultimate Eraser, a power that also surpasses the single universe, can break it with one blow.

The blue bricks broke, and a colorful channel gradually stabilized. The two universes were connected for the first time. A large amount of information and energy exchanged with each other, which had a huge impact on both universes, but Eric didn't care about these. He had to hurry up. Although he couldn't see, hear, or sense it, he knew that there was a higher-level power interfering with this channel. He or He would not allow the two universes to be connected.

"Okay, everyone, goodbye! I'm going to give up first, do whatever you want!" Eric laughed and stepped into the passage.

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