"Your Majesty the King, you can tell from my appearance that I am half Asian. In my mother's country, there is a word, a good deed a day, which means to do one good deed every day."

Eric blushed, stared into the king's eyes, and made up a story impassionedly; "I can't be that perfect, but I always keep in mind my mother's teachings and be a good person!"

"Six months ago, my father suddenly found me. I had never met him, but I knew he was my father, because he kept telling me to be a good person after meeting him! Then he left, leaving me with The next big inheritance is a sudden death.”

"Being a good person is what my parents asked me to do, and I also strictly demand myself. When I met Ni Jadaka, I didn't know his life experience. In my eyes, he was just a poor child, a A kid who needed help, so I helped him!”

"However, I inherited my father's company. I want to do a big thing and help more people. I can't protect Nijadaka anytime and anywhere, and I can't give him the warmth of a family, so I I just sent him back to Wakanda. I never wanted to ask Wakanda for anything!”

Eric became more and more excited as he spoke, and shouted as if he had been greatly insulted: "Your Majesty the King, I am just a very ordinary good person, please don't use dirty money to insult my character!"

"I know you have a lot of vibranium, and I know that vibranium is very valuable, but so what? Without a noble heart, what's the use of having more money?"

King T'Chaka was shocked, the queen hiding outside the house was shocked, and the little Black Panther and Little Storm lying under the window were also shocked. Eric, what a good person!

King T'Chaka actually doesn't believe that there are people in the world who don't want vibranium. The education he received since childhood and his personal experience all told him that in this world, as long as he leaves Wakanda, he will be voyeuristic. Vibranium vampires, as long as they are not careful, they will tear open Wakanda's protective shell and take a deep breath. But Eric's words made him doubt his own knowledge.

Little Black Panther and Little Storm have eyes full of little stars. They are still young, and what they accept every day is the beautiful world that adults weave for them. They think that there are still many good people in the world, even the little Black Panther, the prince, does not have them now. Accepting the contamination of too much dirty politics. Two pure hearts were deeply moved by Eric's "heartfelt" speech, and felt that Eric was really a good person!

"Okay, I apologize for my words!" King T'Chaka bent down slightly, lowered his head to apologize, and Eric calmed down.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I'm a little emotional." Eric looked at the king apologetically.

"It's okay, Mr. Eric, you are our friend in Wakanda and will always be!" The king patted Eric on the shoulder and solemnly declared, "In the future, if you need Wakanda's help for anything, please be sure to Speak up! We will help!”

Eric breathed a sigh of relief and finally stopped being fooled. If he was asked to make it up again, he would be speechless! He grabbed the king's hand and shook it violently, like a revolutionary comrade who had only met so late.

"Your Majesty the King, I seem to really need Wakanda's help with something!" Eric said sheepishly, as if he suddenly remembered.

"What is it? As long as Wakanda can do it, we will definitely help!" King T'Chaka took care of everything.

"It's like this. Six months ago, my father once rescued an old couple. They were in a car accident and were seriously injured. There was almost no chance of survival. My father took it upon himself to put them into the newly developed machine of our company. In the training warehouse, their lives were suspended, but it has been more than half a year, and the old couple still have not improved. "

Ariel showed a worried look at the right time, "Due to the unexpected death of my father, our company has lost a lot of technical information on the cultivation warehouse. We only continue to maintain nutrition and energy supply. I am very worried that they will not last long!"

"In that diary, I saw that Wakanda seemed to have a very high level of medical care, so I boldly asked His Majesty the King to save them!"

The king once again showed an unexpected expression. He thought Eric wanted to ask Wakanda for something, or that he wanted Wakanda to help him solve some trouble. But unexpectedly, he actually wanted Wakanda to help him. He saved an unrelated old couple!

Eric, what a good guy! This friend is worth making!

"Of course, my friend! Where are they? Let's go and treat them now! Wakanda's medical technology can be said to be the best in the world, and we will definitely be able to cure them!" King T'Chaka told his family The medical technology is very confident.

"Well, they were still in New York, and I didn't know if Wakanda was willing to help at the time, so..." Eric showed an embarrassed expression, as if he was ashamed of his small-mindedness.

"Haha, okay, let's go to New York first. Don't worry, Wakanda's aircraft are also the best on Earth. One hour is enough for a trip!"

Eric was overjoyed, grabbed the king's hand and thanked him profusely.

Afterwards, Eric flew to New York with two royal guards, moved Howard and his wife over, and sent them to the research center in Wakanda. Eric also followed.

"After so much effort, I was fooled until my mouth almost blistered, and I finally came in!"

Wakanda's research center is the forbidden area of ​​Wakanda second only to the vibranium mine. Except for royal family members and scientific researchers, no one else is allowed to enter. Even the leaders of the other four tribes cannot enter without the king's approval!

And here is Eric's main purpose of coming to Wakanda! Vibranium technology is what Eric needs most urgently now!

As for vibranium, Eric's current demand is not large, one or two hundred pounds is enough, and this demand can also be obtained in the outside world! Don't forget that Wakanda has a history of thousands of years, and there are actually quite a few vibraniums that have been circulated.

In the original history, Ulysses did not have Wakanda's internal response. His vibranium was almost all robbed from various museums. It is enough for Eric to use these vibranium products now.

As for the future, hehe, the little golden leopard is his person, will he still lack vibranium? According to Wakanda's customs, the little golden leopard is qualified to compete for the throne.

The battle for the throne will prohibit the use of the power of the heart-shaped grass, but it cannot prohibit the super soldier potion! As long as the little golden leopard grows up and can withstand the transformation of the medicine, and gives him an injection, the throne of Wakanda will be as easy as taking something out of a bag?

Technology, vibranium, he wants it all! Wakanda will be his future raw material base and scientific research center!

Clear the Wakanda dungeon and complete the task of escorting the prince home. The task reward is: Wakanda's friendship????????

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