Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 22 Leaving Wakanda with a lot of gains

Entering the research center, Eric looked around curiously like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Seeing his curiosity, the king called the director of the research center to explain to Eric.

The director of the research center is also a member of the royal family. According to seniority, he is the cousin of King T'Chaka and the eldest princess of Wakanda.

Sure enough, Wakanda's core technologies are all in the hands of women, and the men are a group of barbarians who only know how to fight.

Eric asked a lot of questions, and the questions went from shallow to deep. At the beginning, King T'Chaka could interrupt from time to time, but after two or three questions, he could only watch.

Afterwards, even the eldest princess had to think for a long time before she could answer.

At this level, Eric had to shut up at the right time to save some face for others.

At this point in time, the technological level of the Stark family is about ten years ahead of the world, and SHIELD and Hydra are about twenty years ahead. Wakanda's technology is relatively skewed. To put it roughly, it is 30 years ahead of the world, but Eric has technology that is 50 years ahead of the world!

"Eric, it turns out you are a genius! I didn't even see it, but you were able to stump my sister. It's amazing!" King T'Chaka laughed excitedly, feeling very happy that Eric stumped his sister. Proud, apparently he was often ridiculed and scorned by his sister...

The eldest princess' expression changed on the side, and her eyes towards King T'Chaka became more and more unkind. Eric laughed dryly and did not dare to answer.

The group seemed very harmonious, and Eric played the role of a scientific genius entering a top laboratory vividly.

But at the level of the magnetic field that ordinary people can't see, Eric has already seen all of Wakanda's core technological secrets!

As early as when he first entered Wakanda, Eric secretly scanned a lot of Wakanda's technology, aircraft, vibranium-powered trains, invisible shields, vibranium laser spears...

As long as it is a metal object, he can see it clearly in front of him, and Wakanda relies too much on vibranium, which completely exposes their technology to Eric's nose.

There is only the research center. The protection here is very tight, including magnetic field shielding equipment. If he wants to scan the equipment here, Eric can't sense the situation inside from the outside, so he can only find a way to get in, otherwise he won't Take the risk and move the Howards out.

"Vibranium technology is indeed unique!" Eric digested these technologies carefully, combined with his advanced memory and powerful magnetic field ability, and he could come up with several new ideas every minute.

"Sure enough, my guess was correct. With Wakanda's technology, the next plan will be even more perfect!"

"Your Majesty the King, Mr. Eric, we have preliminarily checked the conditions of the two patients. They are a little... um... special." A researcher walked over cautiously, holding a tablet in his hand, speaking hesitantly and hesitantly. Undecided.

"What's going on? Answer truthfully!" King T'Chaka showed the majesty of his king and ordered the researcher to report the situation.

"Yes, Your Majesty! We have fully examined the two patients. They do not have any diseases. Their bodies have suffered serious trauma, but they have been cured." The researcher showed the tablet to the king, and Howard and Howard flashed on it. inspection results.

"Then why don't they wake up?" The eldest princess snatched the tablet and flipped through it quickly.

"Their cells are in a deep state of evolution, and until this evolution ends, they won't wake up."

"That's a special potion developed by my father. It can treat injuries and delay aging." Eric now feels that his decision to make up a father was really wise. If there is anything that cannot be explained, he should blame him. Just push it, there will be no proof anyway! Well, the only slightly embarrassing part is that I was so stupid that I gave my father the name "Charles"...

"Is there a way to speed up this process?" King T'Chaka felt that he was embarrassed in front of Eric. He just boasted that he would definitely be able to cure the Howards!

The researcher glanced at the eldest princess cautiously and did not dare to answer. The eldest princess looked at the tablet for a long time and looked at Eric hesitantly. Eric suddenly realized, "You want that potion, right?"

The researcher nodded hastily.

"Unfortunately, only my father knew the formula for that potion, and he passed away before he could teach me." Eric casually blamed "Dad Charles" for the super soldier potion. How could he hand it over!

The eldest princess frowned and thought, sliding her fingers back and forth on the tablet, "We can take some of their blood samples for reverse inference, but this will take a lot of time, and the chance of success is low."

"Is there no other way?" Eric couldn't help but ask.

The eldest princess slowly shook her head, "There is no other way at the moment. We have tried every method we can think of, but none of them work. Even if the purest energy is injected, their cells are still resisting."

Eric frowned. He didn't expect the Howards' problem to be so serious that even Wakanda's medical technology couldn't solve it.

"How long will it take for them to evolve?"

"Preliminary estimate, it will take almost ten years!" The eldest princess frowned and gave a speechless figure.

ten years! It will be next century, Iron Man will be released soon! What evil have I done! When Eric heard this answer, he had the urge to hit a wall.

"Eric, leave them in Wakanda. We will definitely find a solution." King T'Chaka patted Eric on the shoulder and solemnly promised that he had hit himself too hard today and had to save his face.

"That's all I can do!" Eric shook his head helplessly and left Howard and his wife in Wakanda.

As the ruler of a country, King T'Chaka has been traveling around the world for many years and has met important figures from many countries. He naturally knows the Starks, but he was very wise not to ask in detail.

Everyone has their own secrets, Wakanda has them, and Eric has them too. Since he wants to save the Starks, Wakanda will help him save them. There is no harm in this kind of thing, only benefits. If the cure is successful, Wakanda will not only fulfill its promise to Eric, but will also gain the friendship of the Stark family. This is very important political capital. With the influence of the Stark family in the United States, even if Wakanda is exposed to the world in the future, with the help of the Stark family, Wakanda will have more room for maneuver.

Eric left Wakanda alone, with a bag of vibranium on his back, about a hundred pounds. This was forced upon him by King T'Chaka before he left, to express his apology for not being able to help.

There were three people when they came, but he was the only one when he left. In order to deal with Jennifer's questioning, Eric made up a lot of lies, such as the bodyguard met his former comrade-in-arms on the grassland and resigned on the spot to go hunting, and the servant found his long-lost parents in a small village and stayed on the grassland.

Eric made up a lot of lies to fool Jennifer, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly that a lie really needs more lies to cover it up...

The book cover was uploaded the day before yesterday, and then it was changed for me yesterday. The change was not as good as what I uploaded...

This green piece, add a few more words, are you serious, editor? ???? Daily three requests, please collect, please recommend, please comment

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