Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 25 An olive branch from the military

"General Ross, Happy New Year! How about a drink?" Eric sat in General Ross's car calmly, holding whiskey in one hand and two glasses in the other.

General Ross did not respond to him, but knocked on the driver's backrest. The driver understood, turned on a jammer, and raised the soundproofing board in the car.

Eric frowned. The jammer interfered with electronic equipment and emitted waves of chaotic electromagnetic waves, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Eric, on behalf of the Ministry of Defense, I hope to reach a cooperation with Alice Industries." General Ross still did not smile, and took out a document expressionlessly.

Eric took the material, flipped through it briefly, and his eyes lit up.

This is a weapon design drawing, which is very simple and has no technical content.

Individual electromagnetic gun. A concept, a concept that is difficult to realize.

If it is manufactured according to the method in the design drawing, then this individual electromagnetic gun will weigh at least 100 kilograms. If the weight is reduced, the power of the electromagnetic gun will be insufficient.

"The military wants Alice Industries to improve this weapon?" Eric closed the blueprint and poured a glass of wine for General Ross.

"Yes, Alice Industries has developed room-temperature superconducting materials, which makes it possible for this weapon to be manufactured. We hope that Alice Industries can cooperate with the military to manufacture this weapon." General Ross took the wine, but did not drink it. He held it in his hand and stared at Eric, "If you can succeed, then Alice Industries will become another major customer of the military in the future. By then, the orders will definitely not only be single-soldier electromagnetic guns, but also ship-borne electromagnetic guns, aircraft-borne electromagnetic guns, electromagnetic gun tanks..."

After listening, Eric was surprised, "General Ross, this is a good thing, of course we Alice Industries are willing. But I don't understand why we choose Alice Industries? This kind of thing, as long as you buy Lansheer No. 1 from our company, it is actually not difficult to make it?"

General Ross was silent for a moment and said, "I recommended you to the Ministry of Defense."

"Why?" Eric was extremely puzzled. He and General Ross met for the first time and had no relationship at all. Why would he be so kind?

"I have an experiment that requires a lot of room-temperature superconducting materials."

Experiment? Eric's heart moved. It seems that General Ross is obsessed with only one experiment, right? "What kind of experiment is it?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" General Ross glared, his beard slightly raised, and swallowed the wine in his hand.

Eric shrugged and poured him another glass.

"This experiment requires a lot of funds, and the Ministry of Defense will never approve it." General Ross said, and touched Eric's glass with his own.

Got it! Eric understood immediately! Help him launder money!

"General Ross, I understand what you mean!" Eric smiled and drank his wine, "We will accept the order from the Ministry of Defense, but please tell the Ministry of Defense that the development of individual electromagnetic guns is very expensive, which will consume a large amount of Lansheer No. 1, and the price of Lansheer No. 1 is very expensive!"

"Haha, very good, happy cooperation!" General Ross nodded with satisfaction and raised the glass in his hand.

"Happy cooperation!" Eric smiled and clinked their glasses together, making a crisp sound.

"General Ross, I have another weapon here, I wonder if you are interested?" After drinking, Eric suddenly remembered something.

General Ross was a little surprised. He had never heard that Alice Industries had a weapons department. He came here to ask Eric to add such a department to help him launder money, but how did Eric mean that they already had research results?

"Sonic weapons!" Eric thought of the sonic gun he got from Ulysses. Remove the fancy function of deformation, and then find a way to replace the vibranium component inside. It won't be a problem to copy it.

"Oh? How powerful?" General Ross didn't care what type of weapon it was, he only cared about the power.

"First-class! From non-lethal weapons to missile-level, the power can be adjusted by itself, and it is continuous damage, zero pollution, only consumes electricity, and can be reused!" Eric recalled the scene of the green fat being blown away by the sonic weapon in his mind, and listed its benefits one by one.

The more General Ross listened, the brighter his eyes became. He finally agreed that the military would purchase individual electromagnetic guns and sonic weapons from Alice Industries. At the same time, he personally invested and bought ten tons of Lanshel I from Eric at cost price.

Eric staggered back to the company and found that the banquet was over. There were few people in the whole company. I think they should go to the test site to participate in the test ceremony of the maglev train.

General Ross has three hobbies, smoking, drinking, and arguing with Hulk. Today, Eric finally saw his hobby of drinking. My goodness, the two of them just drank it like that. After a bottle of whiskey, the two of them were fine.

Eric had injected the super soldier potion, and the alcohol decomposed as soon as it entered his stomach, but General Ross relied entirely on his huge capacity.

After drinking a bottle of whiskey, General Ross was hooked on the alcohol bug. He opened the wine cabinet in the car and took out one bottle after another until he got drunk.

In order to appear less fake, Eric poured half a bottle of brandy on himself and deliberately staggered as if he was about to pass out.

Eric habitually turned on the magnetic field induction, and instantly became alert. Someone was prying into his safe!

Eric was not angry, but very happy. Really, I am not saying this in a sarcastic way. He was really very happy!

He thought that Alexander Pierce must have sent someone here. The old bastard finally took the bait!

The UV shielding device was the first product released by Alice Industries. Eric even took on the elegant title of "Friend of Women" for this. This thing was actually made by Eric specifically for Alexander to see.

It can shield ultraviolet rays, and naturally it can also shield visible light!

Aerospace aircraft carrier, Insight Plan, this is the technology that Alexander urgently needs.

Why did Eric have to go to Wakanda before doing this? It was because Hydra could not crack Wakanda's technology.

If it was just to make a device to shield ultraviolet rays, Eric could do it in minutes with his supernatural powers and advanced scientific knowledge. However, it would be easily cracked by Hydra.

With the addition of Wakanda's vibranium technology, the incident was different. The core component of the UV shielding device has become an alloy that can release a special magnetic field, and the most critical raw material of this alloy is vibranium!

Special Vibranium alloy, plus Wakanda's magnetic field control technology, Hydra can't crack it no matter how advanced its technology is!

"Finally here, let me see who Alexander sent over!"

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