January 1, 1993, New Year's Day, Alice Industrial.

After several months, Alice Industrial held another product launch conference, and the product launched this time was the highly anticipated maglev train.

The conference was packed with people. Not only did the major media arrive on time, but also many representatives from the relevant government departments came, and the major railway companies and technology companies were waiting outside the door early.

Eric stood in front of the CEO's office window and looked out. Stark Industries, Hammer Industries, Avantgarde Technologies, Roxxon Oil, BNSF, NASA...

A lot of people came, including those who should come and those who shouldn't come. Eric finally found his old friend, the long-haired Nick Fury, in the crowd. Next to him was a somewhat restrained young man. Seeing the young man's hairline, Eric laughed, "Long time no see, Coulson!"

The press conference was still the same. First, they ridiculed the transportation methods and travel speeds in today's world, and then praised their own maglev trains for being fast, safe, environmentally friendly, and cost-saving...

In the press release that Eric read, trains, planes, ships, subways, cars, and all other means of transportation were devalued to the point that they couldn't even follow the maglev trains and eat dust.

All media recorded what they should record and recorded what they should record. Anyway, they broadcast whatever Eric said. If something really happened in the future, Alice Industries would be blamed, not them.

The major railway companies were not happy. Their own territory that they had operated for many years was about to be occupied. No one would be happy. Many representatives were thinking about how to trip up Alice Industries. But at the press conference, they all kept quiet. They were all well-known figures, and they still had to maintain their basic face.

The two-hour press conference ended quickly. The major media and company representatives moved to the restaurant to attend the banquet. There was a more important event in the afternoon, the trial run of the maglev train.

Eric held a glass of wine and interspersed between the bigwigs, dealing with questions from all sides. He knew everything about the maglev train, but once it came to room-temperature superconducting materials and Lansheer No. 1, Eric would smile and say nothing.

In fact, everyone knows that the construction technology of maglev trains is not difficult. Any high-tech company can develop it. The real difficulty lies in the room-temperature superconducting material, which is a substance recognized by the scientific community as impossible to exist, but now it has been synthesized by Alice Industry. Ninety-nine percent of the companies and forces that came to the press conference came for this.

"Eric, long time no see!" Nick Fury came over with the newbie Coulson and stretched out his hand from a distance.

Eric smiled and shook hands with Nick Fury, "Fury, long time no see, I heard that you were transferred to the headquarters, what's wrong, are you uncomfortable living in New York?"

"Don't mention it, New York is too noisy! So I applied to be transferred to the headquarters to do clerical work," Nick Fury frowned and made an ear-picking gesture, and pointed to the newbie Coulson next to him, "Let me introduce you to my new subordinate, Coulson, a very good young man."

"Hello, Mr. Eric!" Coulson's smile is indeed very friendly, making people feel that he is a good person at first glance. Eric's eyes lit up immediately. This kind of smile must be learned, it is too deceptive!

"Hello, Coulson, is your Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency also interested in maglev trains?"

Nick Fury shrugged and said helplessly: "It's just routine. The director said that such an important gathering must have someone on site to watch. I happened to be free, so I came."

"Well, I thought you came to see an old friend!" Eric pretended to be sad.

Nick Fury laughed and said, "Come on, Eric, I'm not those little girls, don't try this!"

"Haha, have fun, I'll go over there and take a look!" Eric smiled and patted Nick Fury's arm, pointing to another group of people. Nick Fury looked over and saw a bald fat man talking there. He immediately nodded in understanding and made a gesture of invitation.

Eric walked towards the bald fat man. When the bald fat man saw Eric, he stretched out his palm from a distance, his fat face squeezed into a chrysanthemum, and laughed: "Haha, Mr. Eric, you are finally here!"

"Mr. Obaday! I didn't expect Stark Industries to be so kind as to attend my small press conference!" Eric looked surprised, as if he was very surprised by his arrival.

"Oh, don't say that. Mr. Eric is young and promising. He can actually invent room-temperature superconducting materials. This is something that even Tony can't handle! In the future, Alice Industries will definitely have great potential!"

"Don't say that. Alice Industries is just a small company. How can it compare to Stark Industries..."

The two started the business flattery mode, and they almost flattered each other to the sky. Many reporters did not forget their own jobs and took pictures. They even thought of the headlines of the reports in their minds-Obaday and Eric met enthusiastically, and Stark Industries may have reached a secret agreement with Alice Industries.

"Eric, do you want to relax at my place tonight? I have invited a few models to come over, and they have great bodies!" Obaday leaned close to Eric and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear, with a look in his eyes that all men could understand.

Eric smiled immediately and gave a look that said you know me, "That's great, I just designed a few sets of clothes and need models to try them on."

"Oh, what a coincidence, I also have a few sets of clothes to try, so, it's settled, how about eight o'clock tonight?" Obadi put his arm around Eric's shoulders, like two old friends.

"Okay, it's settled, eight..." Eric hadn't finished his words when a light cry suddenly interrupted him from behind.

"Mr. Eric, there's something urgent, you'd better come over." It was Jennifer, she looked a little anxious.

Eric frowned and turned around, "What's going on? Can't you see that I'm discussing something with Mr. Obadi?"

"Haha, Eric, don't lose your temper with a beautiful woman, it's not gentlemanly!" Obadi smiled and patted Eric's shoulder, "You do your thing first, I'll contact you later."

"Mr. Obadi, I'm really sorry, I'll be back soon." Eric nodded apologetically and asked Jennifer to lead the way with a fierce face.

"Jennifer, what's going on?" Coming to a corner where no one was, Eric resumed his glib tone, how could he be unhappy at all?

Jennifer couldn't care about these things now. She looked around and made sure that there was no one around. Then she leaned close to Eric's ear and said, "General Ross wants to see you!"

"General Ross? What is he doing here? And why can't he come openly? Why is he so mysterious?" Eric pouted in dissatisfaction.

"I don't know. He doesn't seem to want people to know that he is here. He just wants me to invite you over."

Eric raised his eyebrows. What does this mean? "Where is he?"

"The underground garage."

Alas, I'm going to be busy soon. I've taken on more than 80 tasks...

I won't stop updating! I won't stop updating! I won't stop updating!

I'll say it three times for important things. No matter how busy I am, I won't stop updating!

I'm asking for collections, recommendations, and comments every day

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