Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 287 Death in reincarnation!

The young bird is a new life bred by the Star Mother using the energy of the old beetle. I don’t know what she added to it, but it actually restrained the old beetle.

Those thin white light threads are just some simple mixtures of time and space forces, and a trace of unknown energy is added, which completely trapped the old beetle. No matter how he struggled, he couldn’t break free.

Eric tried to tear one, but found that it was easy to tear it apart. It seems that this is just a move against the old beetle.

The young bird kept dragging, the slender beak closed tightly, the two huge wings flapped quickly, and with Eric’s strength, it quickly dragged the old beetle back.

The old beetle was in the light net and kept struggling. The huge jaws bit a thin thread tightly, but it couldn’t bite it off. He released all kinds of strange insects, but it was useless.

The young bird dragged the old beetle to the front of the Star Mother, and cried out as if asking for credit. The Star Mother touched its head again and injected a milky white energy.

The young bird flapped its wings happily, turned around, and pecked the old beetle on the head with its beak.

The old beetle seemed to know that it could not escape the light net, so it gave up struggling. Seeing that the young bird was about to peck him, he actually shrank his neck and retracted his head and several legs into the shell.

"Clang!" There was a loud noise, as if metal and iron collided, the bird's beak collided with the shell, and a dazzling spark was knocked out. The young bird screamed in pain and flew up, and the shell was intact!

"Is this a shrinking beetle?" Seeing that even the young bird could not break the shell of the old beetle, Eric glanced at the Mother of Stars.

But to his surprise, the Mother of Stars was also looking at him, as if she wanted him to break the shell.

"I'll go?" Eric pointed to his nose in disbelief, but he didn't expect the Mother of Stars to nod.

"I can't do it!" Eric smiled bitterly and spread his hands, indicating that he was powerless.

"Your weapon!" A red light shot out from the mechanical eyes of the Star Mother, shining in front of Eric.

Eric's heart moved, summoned the Spear of Samsara, and placed it in the red light.

The Star Mother pointed at the young bird, shot out a white light, and the young bird swallowed it in one gulp, then chirped a few times with nostalgia, flapped its wings and flew high, and then swooped down quickly, rushing straight towards the Spear of Samsara.

At the same time, the Star Mother waved her hand and sprinkled a golden light. Eric recognized the breath on it at a glance. It was the last matter and energy that floated in the universe after the Son of the Star was smashed into powder. It was collected by the Star Mother and now thrown at the Spear of Samsara.

The young bird dived down at a fast speed, but its body became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a little black light, and drilled into the Spear of Samsara with the golden light.

The Star Mother sprinkled a white light again, and the rules of breeding wrapped the Spear of Samsara, turning it into a narrow white strange egg.

"Even guns can be hatched?!" Eric couldn't describe his mood at the moment, nervous, anxious, puzzled, but more of it was unbelievable.

He didn't know what this thing would hatch, some kind of creature, or a weapon?

The Star Mother seemed to think that the ingredients added were not enough, and the huge finger touched Eric's forehead. Eric didn't dare to move, and let the mountain-like giant finger touch his forehead.

At first it was just a little cold, but when the Star Mother injected a stream of energy into him, he immediately felt a burning pain.

In his body, there was a force resonating with the Star Mother. It was a little bit of original cosmic energy absorbed from the Son of Stars, with the mark of the Son of Stars, mobilized by the Star Mother, so as to control other energy in his body and pour out crazily.

Eric collapsed to the ground in an instant, and there was no energy in his body. The extracted energy was injected into the strange egg, and the eggshell of the strange egg finally began to crack.

"What will it be?" Eric struggled, looking at the eggshell expectantly, just like he was expecting his own children to be born.

The eggshell cracked, and Eric looked inside. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It was still the Spear of Samsara, and even the pattern on it hadn't changed.

The Spear of Samsara seemed to have life, and it jumped to Eric's side by itself. Eric reached out and held it, and a feeling of blood connection rose in his heart. The energy that had just been extracted returned to his body in an instant.

Eric's heart was filled with enlightenment, and he nodded to the Mother of Stars, flew to the old beetle, and the tip of the Spear of Samsara gently touched the insect shell.

The new power was running in the Spear of Samsara. It was the planning power from the Son of Stars, the dark corrosive power from the old beetle himself, and Eric's own power, which was nurtured by the rules of the Mother of Stars.

It was the power of space, the power of time, the power of reality, the power of illusion, and the power of reincarnation!

"The name of the gun is Samsara!" Eric chanted softly, and the power of Samsara quickly spread on the insect shell with the tip of the gun as the center.

Samsara is not the reincarnation of life and death in fantasy, nor is it the reincarnation of the soul, but the reincarnation of matter and energy, the reincarnation of reality and illusion, and the reincarnation of space and time.

When the power of Samsara is contaminated on the insect shell, the energy from the world tree on the insect shell, the power of space, time, dimension, etc., just like experiencing a reincarnation, quickly faded, and the insect shell was losing its defensive power!

The old beetle felt the loss of his power, and struggled unwillingly. His head stretched out again, spitting out countless energy attacks, and a large number of strange insects kept flying out of his body.

But these things, whether energy or strange insects, will quickly fade away when they enter the range of reincarnation.

Reality is reincarnating and turning into nothingness. The old beetle's attack reincarnates with reality and becomes a virtual thing, which can't even touch the corner of Eric's clothes.

The old beetle is still unwilling to give up. He also has the ability to modify reality!

It is a kind of rule power. Invisible ripples pass by, and Eric and the Spear of Reincarnation suddenly become a pile of dead leaves.

However, the power of reincarnation is still there!

Before the old beetle is happy, the dead leaves turn into Eric and the Spear of Reincarnation again. His efforts are meaningless!

The old beetle is really panicked this time. Under the shell, bursts of gray mist are quickly released. He actually wants to turn into a human form!

Unfortunately, the gray mist has just begun to spread, and the power of reincarnation has restored it again. He can't change even if he wants to!

As time goes by, there is finally no power on the shell. At this point, the shell of the old beetle is as fragile as an ordinary beetle on Earth.

Eric took a deep breath, took out the Spear of Eternity, and thrust it in effortlessly. The power of Odin surged wildly from the tip of the spear, completely destroying everything in the old beetle's body.

Old beetle, died in reincarnation!

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