Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 288 It seems I came at the right time!

When Eric pulled out the Spear of Eternity, the wound on the insect shell healed instantly, and the originally dissipated power returned again. The difference from before was that its owner would never wake up again.

Eric watched all this calmly. He knew that his power was still too weak. The Spear of Samsara could not affect the insect shell for a long time, and the power of Samsara could not exist for a long time.

Samsara, a magical power.

When Eric forged the Spear of Samsara, he named it Samsara just because the name sounded more noble and for show. At that time, the Spear of Samsara only relied on its four basic forces to decompose or reorganize matter or energy, which was a tricky material reorganization ability.

Forging in the eternal fire gave the Spear of Samsara a vigorous vitality, allowing it to extend the tentacles of power to the illusory levels of life, soul, etc.

The Mother of Stars gave it the power from the old beetle and the Son of Stars, allowing its power to merge into one, and finally gave birth to the current power of reincarnation, which involves the ability to reorganize and plan in many aspects, such as space, time, matter, spirit, reality, illusion, etc.

That's right, planning! The most critical role in this is still the Son of Stars!

No one knows what his priesthood is. Planning is just the calculation and guess of Eric and the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield. But one thing is certain, his ability allows him to easily reorganize matter, energy, reality, illusion...

It is almost the same as the current ability of the Spear of Reincarnation!

Why is this so? The Son of Stars was killed by Eric, but his biological mother integrated her son's body and ability into Eric's weapon. Is it because the Mother of Stars likes him? Or is it a bigger conspiracy?

Eric raised his head solemnly and looked at the Mother of Stars, "Sir, why don't you kill me?"

"Your duty has not yet been fulfilled." The voice of the Mother of Stars is still cold and mechanical.

"What about the son of the stars? Your son, his death..."

"His mission is complete." The mother of the stars left a meaningful sentence, not giving Eric the opportunity to continue asking questions, quietly retreating, the space behind her orderly avoided, opening a huge space channel for her.

"Mission completed?" Eric tightened the gun of reincarnation, frowned and thought, thinking for a long time but couldn't get the point, and couldn't help laughing. He has now left the novice village and entered the kindergarten. How can he have the strength to speculate on the strategies of the big guys? It's better to improve your strength honestly and live every day!

The old beetle died, and everything in his body was destroyed by the power of Odin, leaving only an extremely hard shell. This shell is too huge, and Eric's pocket dimension has evolved to the present, and it is not even half the size of it.

Such a large shell, how to make armor? Thinking about it, it seems that only the dwarves of Nidavi have this technology.

Moreover, the dwarf king Eitri had once made some kind of space teleportation device for Thor, allowing him to successfully teleport to the earth. Now that Asgard is closed, maybe there will be a way for him to get there.

When Eric thought of Asgard, he was full of anger. After all, he was Thor's savior. He went to Asgard to ask for a favor, but he was actually calculated by Odin, the old shady man!

This is intolerable! Uncle can tolerate it, but aunt can't tolerate it! I must ask for an explanation!

Eric took out the space gem again and tapped it lightly on the insect shell. The space of the insect shell was quickly compressed, and soon the insect shell was compressed to a few meters square. This is already the limit. Even if it is already a dead object, it still has great power.

After compressing the insect shell, Eric once again used the rune escape spell, tapped the world tree, turned into a stream of light, and went straight to Nidavi.


Nidavi used to be very lively, with hundreds of dwarves forging, drinking, and living here.

The neutron star provides endless energy for the star ring, melts various metals for the dwarves, and also drives away darkness and coldness for them.

The heat and noise fill the entire Nidavi. The dwarves drink wine happily and work hard on iron. Their daily life is simple and pleasant.

But today, their lives are disturbed by an uninvited guest, one of the most capable subordinates of the Mad Titan Thanos, the most cunning of the Black Five, Ebony Maw!

As soon as he arrived in Nidavi, he used his super language control ability to control almost all the dwarves. Only the dwarf king Eitri survived with a special equipment on his body.

Eitri held a huge hammer, which he used for ironwork on weekdays, but he didn't mind using this hammer to smash the bastard in front of him.

But he couldn't do that. If he made a slight move, his people would have no choice but to die.

At the same time, he also found something even more terrible. He couldn't contact Asgard! Something happened in Asgard!

"Put down your hammer, yes, that's it!" Ebony Maw waved his hand gently, his movements were gentle and elegant, "I don't like meaningless battles."

"Thanos's lackey, this is Nidavi! It is the dwarf country under the protection of the great Majesty Odin! You'd better release my people quickly!" Eitri's face flushed, anger and anxiety were written all over every corner, even his thick beard was trembling.

"Don't worry, your people will be fine, the great Thanos is not ready to clean up here, I just came here to forge a piece of equipment on Thanos's orders." Ebony Maw's fingers slid gently in the air, and a green brick on the ground floated up.

"My master, the great Thanos needs a sword!" Ebony Maw moved his fingers slightly, and the blue bricks quickly weathered. Soon, only a small sword model was left floating in the control, and he raised his hand to send it to Eitri.

It was a strange double-edged sword, with a handle in the middle and blades on both sides, like the propellers of a helicopter.

"Without the order of His Majesty Odin, Nidave will never forge any weapon!" Eitri stiffened his neck. Dwarves have always had a bad temper. If it weren't for the fact that one of his people was in Ebony Maw's hands, he would have rushed up long ago.

"Oh? That's a pity. I originally thought that your people were more important than Odin's order." Ebony Maw chuckled and waved his hand. The dwarves controlled by him lined up and walked to a furnace.

"What are you going to do!" Eitri shouted in horror.

As soon as Ebony Maw stopped moving, the dwarves stopped moving, as if they had paused. "From now on, every ten minutes, a dwarf will jump down! You'd better finish your task quickly!"

"You!" Etri stared, breathing heavily through his nostrils, clenching his fists, and wanted to rush forward immediately.

Ebony Maw sneered and pointed his finger, "Now it's the first one!"

Following his movement, the leading dwarf took a step and stepped into the furnace!

"No!" Etri's eyes were bloodshot, and he ran towards his tribesmen, but suddenly found that they were floating above the furnace and did not fall down.

"Oh, it seems that I came at the right time!"

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