Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 33: Hammer of Skadi

How many villains are there in the Marvel Universe? No one can tell for sure.

From the Universal Truth Church that spans the galaxy to a criminal gang of two or three people, there are simply countless villains.

Eric couldn't determine who had taken Sammy away for a while, but he believed he could find it.

The Yenisei River flows from south to north and finally flows into the Arctic Ocean. The group used a submarine, so they could only move north and follow the main trunk of the Yenisei River to find them.

Eric took off with the Red Tank and flew down the Yenisei River. While flying, he expanded the magnetic field sensing range and searched with all his strength.

Considering that the submarine had been gone for at least two days, Eric focused his search on the second half of the Yenisei River.

Unfortunately, it seemed that God was dissatisfied with his behavior of deceiving the silly boy. Eric flew around the Yenisei River twice and found no clues. He even searched some branches with larger water volume, but still found nothing.

Red Tank, the silly boy, looked at the clouds in the sky with a silly face. Flying so high, he couldn't see the ground at all, and had no idea that he had already circled the Yenisei River twice.

Eric glanced at him quietly, and seeing that he trusted him so much, he gritted his teeth, increased his speed suddenly, and went straight to the north.

The Arctic Ocean is so vast, and Eric's magnetic field induction can only cover a small area. He can only make up for it with speed.

Along the way, Eric encountered many ships, but he didn't find any magnetic field fluctuations of mutants, let alone any traces of submarines, which made him very anxious.

Unconsciously, it was white in sight, and Eric even found a few polar bears on an iceberg.

It's already the North Pole! Eric stopped helplessly and landed slowly.

"Have you found it?" The silly boy thought he had arrived at the place, and excitedly punched each other with his fists, making a bang bang sound.

"Well, they should be around here. I need to use a big move to find the specific location. Don't disturb me." In order to maintain his face, Eric could only swallow his anger.

Red Tank obediently retreated more than ten meters away, fearing that he would disturb Eric.

Eric sighed. He brought trouble upon himself. Who told him to be so sure? Let's find him!

He was indeed preparing to use a big move, which was a move he was very reluctant to use because it was too brain-consuming!

Eric took off again, flew to a higher place than before, and sat cross-legged in the air. The metal powder he carried with him spread out, forming a huge concave mirror in the air, aimed at the ground, and he himself was just at the focus of the concave surface.

Eric looked up at the mirror on the top, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and emptied his mind. Then, a continuous and stable electromagnetic pulse emanated from him continuously.

Almost in an instant, Eric received feedback from the ground, a huge amount of feedback, and unimaginable data that impacted his mind.

Mountains, rivers, icebergs, oceans, ships, humans, polar bears... As long as there is something on the ground, it will feedback an electromagnetic pulse to him, and then it will be underground, under the ice and sea... His brain was instantly flooded with a huge amount of data.

Eric's trick was inspired by radar and radio telescopes. As early as when Magneto was young, he had mastered this trick, but he didn't dare to use it.

When helping Professor X build a brain wave enhancer, Magneto had studied radio telescopes in detail. After all, there is a large radio telescope outside Xavier's manor. It is impossible not to be interested in it every day.

It was also because he had a thorough understanding of the principle of radio telescopes that Magneto joined forces with Beast Hank to build a brain wave enhancer.

However, whether it is radar, radio telescope, or brain wave enhancer, data processing has always been done by computers. How can it be analyzed directly by human brains like Eric today? It is God's blessing that his head did not explode on the spot.

Eric was lost in the vast amount of data, barely maintaining a trace of clarity. He struggled to control his supernatural powers, first blocking the terrain data, and the data flow immediately decreased by 30%.

Then came the ocean currents and fish schools under the sea, and the data flow weakened by 30%, so he had a chance to breathe.

There was still 40% of the data left, and Eric blocked all non-metallic signal sources again, and the data was reduced by more than half, leaving less than 100,000...

Then, it was too small, as long as it was smaller than a submarine, it was blocked; the sunken ship on the seabed was blocked; the offshore well platform and fishing boat were blocked; the polar research station was blocked...

Finally, Eric finally locked the target, under an iceberg, there was actually a huge underground base!

"Finally I found it!" Eric sneered and flew straight there.

But just after flying for two minutes, he was embarrassed and turned back, his mind was too confused, and he forgot about the silly boy Red Tank...


"Boss, is Sammy really here?" Red Tank looked at the iceberg in front of him, eager to try.

Eric was speechless. This silly boy, could it be that he wanted to work on the iceberg?

"What are you thinking? There is a base under the iceberg. Well, don't destroy this base. I need it. If you break it, I will deduct your salary! Also, you can kill people wearing green clothes, but you can't kill anyone wearing white clothes! Remember? If you kill a person wearing white clothes, I will deduct one month's salary from you!"

After a simple magnetic field induction, Eric has determined which force this is.

This is still the fault of Red Skull. This is the secret base established by Red Skull. He started secret research when he was in power. Now two generations have been bred in the base, but they still worship Red Skull and continue to conduct research during the Red Skull period.

The object of research in this base is a hammer, which is silver-white, with a golden handle and a round hammer head, just like an auction hammer. The surface of the hammer is engraved with complex patterns and spells, and there is an evil and huge energy flowing in the hammer. Eric tried to control it, but the hammer directly bounced his superpowers away.

First, use the method of elimination. This is not Thor's hammer.

However, this is Asgard's hammer, and only this hammer family can have such a hammer with a strong magical atmosphere.

"Skadi's Hammer! Hiss! It's a bit troublesome!" Eric went through the hammers he knew in his mind and finally locked the target.

Speaking of this hammer, it is also inseparable from Thor's family. The owner of this hammer is Thor's uncle, Odin's elder brother, and he calls himself Kul the Great Snake.

He was once the god king of Asgard, the god of fear. Due to his brutal rule, Odin overthrew him and sealed him on Earth.

However, the Great Snake left eight hammers on Earth. As long as you get his approval and lift the hammer, you can become the Sky Hammer Messenger and master powerful divine power.

"Great Snake Kul, a father-level existence, how can I let you go!"

Ah ah ah ah ah, I made a mistake. It turned out that it was recommended today. I thought it was tomorrow...

Uh, is the Qidian data collapsed? I still can't find this book...

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