Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 34 Dust of Death

This hammer cannot be moved! This is not something he can point out now, and of course, Eric does not intend to touch this thing in the future.

This hammer is a pit. The Heavenly Hammer Messenger, to put it nicely, is not the puppet of the Orochi?

He didn't want to touch it, and naturally his men couldn't go either. Eric remembered that the red tank seemed to have been chosen by the big snake, and got a hammer to play with. In the end, he took it off and lost all his crimson magic power.

This silly kid is already pitiful enough, but we can't let him touch such immoral things again!

The two quickly entered the base. Eric raised his hand slightly and turned off the annoying alarm.

There are not many people in this base, and there are less than 2,000 people at full capacity. The two of them can kill them all with any attack. But with his younger brother present, Eric is not going to do it himself. He explains clearly the precautions and lets the stupid kid go. Killed.

Hydra soldiers wearing green military uniforms accounted for about 90%, plus the base's leaders of about ten people. These people are useless and can be used by the red tank at will. Eric was reluctant to kill the nearly 100 remaining scientists.

What is lacking most in the 21st century? What a talent!

These scientists are all talents and the most important resource! How can you waste it casually?

Although they have been separated from society for a long time and their knowledge cannot keep up with the times, they can still learn! They have been studying this hammer for decades, and more or less, they will always gain something. When Eric contacts Asgard in the future, these people are all important people who study Asgard's technology or magic. Team.

After the red tank crashed all the way, Eric took a moment to sense it, confirmed the direction, and walked straight to the research room.

Skadi's Hammer is there, little Sammy is there, and almost all the scientists are there, just in time to catch them all!

"Looking at the situation, they seem to be preparing a blood sacrifice? Fortunately, they came quickly!" Sammy is still alive, and with him are hundreds of mutant children, all locked in several small cages. Several X-gene suppressors were installed on the cage by Hydra, causing these mutant children to temporarily lose their superpowers.

Sensing this thing, Eric became careful. His superpowers also came from the X gene. These suppressors also worked on him!

"Hmph! X-gene suppressor? Did Bolivar Trask create it? This little guy just deserves a beating!" Eric shook his head dissatisfied and controlled several iron balls to fly up at the same time. The suppressor was smashed!

At first, the mutant children in the cage were terrified, thinking that these demons were going to torture them again, and they hugged each other tremblingly.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't get the whipping I imagined, and there was still a lot of chaos all around. The demons were running around and shouting, as if they had encountered an enemy.

A few daring children saw the opportunity and used their abilities to knock down a Hydra. The remaining children saw the opportunity and took action one after another. For a moment, there was lightning and thunder in the laboratory, violent winds, and all kinds of things. Such an attack is dizzying.

Not only were many Hydra soldiers killed, but the scientists were also injured a lot, and several instruments and equipment were also damaged.

Eric hurriedly took action and wrapped the little mutants with a magnetic shield, which not only protected them, but also restricted their actions. These scientists, instruments and equipment have been regarded as something he has in his pocket, how can you let you destroy them so casually! For these devices, he did not dare to use electromagnetic pulse.

"Long live Hydra!" Eric stepped into the research room and shouted a slogan. The Hydras subconsciously put their feet together, stood up straight, and shouted: "Long live Hydra!"

"Who are you?" After shouting stupidly, a Hydra finally realized that Eric didn't look like one of them, and raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Eric.

Eric ignored him, walked into the research room with official steps, looked around, nodded with satisfaction, and said in a smooth Berlin accent: "Yes, even though the general has been gone for decades, you still have not forgotten yourselves. This is a great mission! When the general comes back, I will definitely take credit for you!”

"The general is still alive? Also, who are you?" An old man with white hair walked out of the crowd. He was wearing a white coat and a green military uniform underneath. He looked like a leader.

"Hmph! How bold! How dare you question the general's strength!" Eric's expression changed, he took out a strange-looking pistol from his arms and shot at the old man.

There was no blood splatter on the spot as expected, just a cloud of smoke spraying out from the muzzle of the gun, covering the old man's face.

When Eric drew his gun, several Hydra soldiers took out their guns and pointed them at Eric, but when they saw this scene, they all put down their guns in a daze.

"Ah! My face! My face!" The old man scratched his face with both hands, fell to the ground convulsively, twitched all over, and let out a miserable cry. The skin on his face quickly dissolved, withered, and turned red. The hair falls out, ending up in the head of a red skull.

After a while, the old man became silent, and his hands fell from his face, exposing his cheeks, causing the remaining people to step back in horror.

"Death dust! The general's weapon!" Several older researchers exclaimed and knelt down on one knee. Others looked shocked when they heard the name and followed suit. Wu Yaya knelt down. land.

Eric put the pistol back in his arms, and the pistol quickly turned into a handful of powder and adhered to his clothes. There was no death dust in him, it was just some metal powder controlled by his superpower.

Eric put his hands behind his back and looked around proudly, "I am the general's personal guard, with the rank of colonel! You can just call me Colonel Eric!"

"I came here this time because I found someone using the general's name to seek personal gain and tracked him all the way here. According to military law, you should all be shot! But considering that you have not forgotten your mission for decades and have been sitting and studying for the general, I will spare your lives."

Eric saw that everyone on the ground was relieved, and he smiled again, "Hehe, those main criminals outside are not as lucky as you! In the future, you must remember blood and honor and continue to contribute your strength to the general! Long live Hydra!"

"Long live Hydra!"

Eric nodded with satisfaction, "Very good! Everyone, pack up your belongings, pack all instruments and files, and wait for orders!"

"But, Colonel, Skadi Hammer, aren't we going to study it?" A thin young man asked carefully.

"What's your name?" Eric stared at him expressionlessly, making him feel like a sieve.

"My name is Weber."

Eric pointed at Weber and said, "You will be their supervisor in the future! There is no need to study the Hammer of Skadi any more. I have found the answer in the literature. The Hammer of Skadi is waiting for its master. Now the time is not right. No matter how much research is done, it is meaningless."

I didn't even realize that the new book cover has been reviewed. What do you think? Isn't it quite domineering? Haha!

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