Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 343 We are standing on his beard!

"I offered an eye to the Fountain of Mimir, and then I learned the truth about Ragnarok."

"I hung myself on the World Tree for nine days and nine nights, on the verge of death, and almost sacrificed myself to collect part of the rune magic."

"The people sitting in the shadows, they are too powerful! They know my power, my wisdom, my magic, everything, just like they have controlled countless reincarnations before."

"If I want to defeat them and let the gods get out of this reincarnation, I must make changes."

"I have been thinking hard and feel that hope is in the future! I will send you into the atrium, hoping that you can learn the thoughts of mortals. The people sitting in the shadows understand the gods, but they cannot guess the thoughts of mortals!"

"This method is very difficult, and the hope is very slim, so slim that I myself have lost hope."

Everyone sat on the ground in silence, silently listening to Odin's murmurs, with heavy thoughts. Thor clenched his fists, and his nails dug into his flesh, bleeding profusely.

"Until one day, a new hope appears!" Odin's voice made everyone raise their heads again and follow his gaze to look at Eric.

Eric sat cross-legged, holding his chin with one hand, almost falling asleep. When he found that everyone was looking at him, he was frightened and shrank his neck, "What are you looking at me for?"

"An outsider, even the true God of the Gods, cannot guess his thoughts!" Odin squinted his eyes, a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

"An outsider?" Thor was puzzled and looked at Eric inexplicably. Eric shrugged without explaining, and Odin didn't mean to explain either, but continued his story.

"The future is always changing. Through the eyes of the warlock, I can see many futures. Eric's arrival made me suddenly make up my mind and choose a future that makes me feel crazy!"

Hearing this, Eric stood up suddenly and grabbed Odin's collar, "You guy, you tricked me even though you knew you were crazy! His strength is enough to crush a hundred of me! I was almost tricked to death by you!" "

"But you survived, didn't you?" Odin smiled, as if he had everything under control, "And you killed him! A God of Gods! You killed him completely and put his shell back Forged into armor, your success has made me more determined in my choice. This may be a better way!"

"Do I have any other choice?" Eric smiled bitterly. The Warlock's Eye told him that there was a white-robed wizard among the gods, hiding on the earth. How could he ignore it?

"Thank you, Eric!" Odin actually knelt down on one knee and saluted Eric.

"Father, you said you wanted to gather the power of the past, present, and future, but you said you couldn't do it. Why?" Thor helped Odin up and asked curiously.

Odin looked at Thor with an inexplicable expression, "My son, I watched you be born, grow up, train, get into trouble, fight, and live... I can ruthlessly occupy my father's body, but I cannot ruthlessly devour you. Your divine power!”

Thor was startled and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Odin. He looked at Eric with a smile, "With Eric's help, it doesn't matter if you lack some divine power."

"Pfft!" Eric almost vomited blood, "You old guy, you are trying to trick me to the end!"

"Father, I can do it, Eric..." Thor hurriedly took care of everything, but Odin interrupted him again.

"The God of Gods, the Ancient God, we don't know how many of them there are until now. I know only five of them. One of them is dormant in the World Tree and was killed by Eric. The other one is hiding here. , is our target this time, and there are three more who are currently sleeping, and it will be difficult to wake up until Ragnarok.”

It’s hard to wake up until Ragnarok! After hearing these words, Eric's eyes lit up. In other words, as long as he solves the problem of the earth, he can return to the earth openly! At least until Ragnarok!

"My son, I cannot predict the outcome of this battle. If we fail, everything in the future will depend on you! Remember, you must learn to think like a mortal." Odin patted Thor solemnly on his shoulders, as if he was asking for help on his deathbed.

Eric rolled his eyes when he saw it. Odin was such a useless guy. He asked him to work and even cursed him to death! Believe it or not, I gave up my job in a minute? The worst case scenario is taking Skye and hiding on an alien planet! Anyway, with the space gem in hand, the universe is at my disposal!

Odin seemed to see what he meant and smiled slightly, "Eric, this is your chance."

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" Eric raised his eyebrows.

"Don't you want to take your strength even further?"

"What? Do you have any idea?" Eric's eyes lit up.

Odin smiled mysteriously, "God of the Gods!"

"Them?" Eric frowned, "You want me to..."

"That's right!" A cold light flashed in Odin's eyes, "Gods are born with the ability to transform energy. They can absorb any energy and then transform it into the original cosmic energy they need, but we can't!"

"In order to fight against the gods, the Asa protoss came up with the method of inheriting divine power. Facts have proved that this method is feasible!" Odin clenched his fists confidently, with abundant divine power flowing through him.

Eric curled his lips and said, "I don't have time to give birth to a child."

Odin shook his head, "We are not the only gods who are thinking of ways to fight against the gods. The ancient gods are also doing the same. This is why they control Ragnarok!"

"So, their energy is useful to me?" Eric looked regretful. When the old beetle died, why didn't he think of absorbing his energy?

"I don't know either, I just gave you an idea." Odin pointed a little at Eric's eyebrows, and the knowledge of a magic circle appeared in his mind, "You can try it."

"What a bad old man!" Eric silently comprehended the magic circle, smiled bitterly, and shook his head.

When Odin heard this, he laughed heartily, and his laughter made the distant mountains tremble.

"What are you talking about?" Thor touched his head, unsure.

Eric glanced at him jealously, what a lucky guy! There is no need to work hard, no need to fight, as long as you reach the age, you can inherit the divine power and your realm will automatically improve. How come this kind of good thing has not happened to him?

Thor was stunned by the sight. He looked at himself up and down, but found nothing wrong. He scratched his head and looked confused.

"Perhaps this is the price! The powerful divine power burned out his brain!" Eric maliciously slandered Thor, but Thor laughed in return.

Eric sneered and shook his head, "Where is the old man with the white beard? Let's do it!"

Odin smiled slightly and pointed at his feet, "We are standing on his beard!"

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