Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 344 This mission belongs to you!

Standing on the beard of a multiverse-level boss!

How is this possible?

Eric suddenly jumped up, his eyes released a scorching divine light, and his unified position stirred up circles of hidden ripples, spreading out in all directions.

Not only him, Thor and the four members of the Asgard stood up vigilantly and looked around.

No one! The entire snowy mountain, except for them and some strange black giant trees, there was no living thing.

"Father, there is no one here!" Thor was puzzled.

"He is in another dimension!" Blue halos emerged from the Spear of Samsara, and the power of the Space Gem surrounded him, dyeing Eric blue.

Eric had traveled through the World Tree and lived in Asgard, which was in a different dimension from the Earth, for a long time. He could now see a little bit of the change in dimensions.

Odin shook his head, "Not entirely, this is the intersection of two dimensions. He opened up a mezzanine between the two dimensions, which is about a quarter of a dimension higher than the atrium."

So, that guy is in the 3.25 dimension? Eric looked up at the sky in silence. It was the first time he knew that dimensions could be calculated in this way! However, since the boss was willing to play this way, he could only accept it.

"Tell me, what is your plan?" Eric folded his hands in front of his chest and looked directly at Odin. Odin now had a face like Bor, and he was not used to it no matter how he looked at it.

"Seal him, and then kill him!" A cold light flashed in Odin's eyes, and countless runes were born and annihilated in his eyes.

"Seal a single universe level, are you sure you are not kidding?" Eric was shocked. This idea was too crazy!

Odin sneered, "He locked himself in the box. We just need to cover the lid and add a lock."

"Then, he belongs to me, right?" Eric's mind immediately emerged with the magic circle that Odin had just taught him, and he immediately understood Odin's plan.

Odin nodded, his face grim, "They have devoured the power of Asgard for countless reincarnations. Now, it's time for them to taste the taste of being devoured!"

Eric fell into silence. This was a deal with a clear price tag.

He helped Odin deal with a single universe-level boss, and he also had to bear the revenge of the power behind the boss in exchange for the boss's energy! Save the earth by the way...

This deal sounds very tempting, but the danger is also like a bottomless abyss.

"How sure are you?" Eric stared at Odin.

Odin closed his eyes slightly, "less than one percent."

Less than one percent, it's no different from committing suicide!

In the past, Eric would definitely turn around and leave, but now, he hesitated.

After weighing it again and again, Eric gritted his teeth and decided that this deal was worth it! Let's do it!

Odin smiled and stretched out his hand, "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation, Odin, you really look like an earth businessman now!" Eric reached out and held Odin's hand, but with a look of disgust.

"I used to be a merchant in Venice for a while, selling flowers and stuff." Odin's face showed a look of reminiscence, which seemed to be an unforgettable memory.

Eric instantly sketched out this picture. Odin, a burly man, had white hair and wore golden armor. His sharp eagle-like eyes stared at every passerby. Every time someone walked past him, he stepped out, stood in front of the person, and asked in a majestic voice: "Mortal, buy a flower! It's your honor!"

Sigh! Eric shuddered and looked at Odin with a weird look, "Your business must not be very good!"


It is not a simple matter to seal a single universe-level existence, and this was Odin's impromptu decision to change the plan, so he prepared it hastily.

His two crows, Hegi and Mulin, represent careful thinking and memory respectively. They flew around in the wilderness and brought a lot of magic materials to Odin. This time, even as strong as Odin, he had to rely on magic materials!

Tony Stark woke up. He accepted Odin's gift and picked up a lot of rune magic knowledge for free. Although he couldn't master it now, as long as he was given some time to digest it, he would be able to integrate rune magic into his armor.

Tony asked Jarvis to free up nearly half of his computing power to help Odin calculate the composition of the sealing magic circle. Both of them were extremely intelligent and unexpectedly got along well. They quarreled fiercely over some data from time to time, and laughed heartily because they solved some problems from time to time.

Thor, who had a simple mind, couldn't understand what the two were talking about at all. The data, polarization, and runes they talked about were no different from the heavenly book to him. He only listened to the beginning and quietly left with his head in his arms, and went to drink with the four members of the Asgard.

As for Eric, he left the wilderness and came to the world tree again.

There are two exits in the dimensional interlayer where the white-robed wizard is located, one in the wilderness and the other on the world tree.

"Strange, the old beetle is on the World Tree, and the white-robed wizard is also on the World Tree! What is on the World Tree? Why are they so attracted?" Eric was thinking while flying around the World Tree.

The World Tree is the connection of space, time, dimension, etc. throughout the universe. It is the most important thing in the Nine Realms system. It is not unreasonable for the ancient gods who use the Nine Realms as chessboards and the gods as chess pieces to pay attention to this place.

However, this does not explain why they keep such a close eye on the World Tree! One and a half of the two ancient gods have settled here!

This is very abnormal and unreasonable, so there must be something very important to them on the World Tree that they must always watch!

What is it? I don’t know, Eric doesn’t know, Odin doesn’t know, perhaps, only the future Rune King Thor can know...

"Forget it, let’s take care of the present first!" Eric slowly stopped, he arrived.

This is a place on the World Tree that is closer to the earth, in the middle of the trunk of the World Tree. With Odin’s guidance and the help of the space gem, Eric found this place easily.

The dimensional interlayer is like a pocket with two ends. If you want to seal it, you must block both exits at the same time. This is what Odin wants Eric to do.

"Old cunning man, you even planned this!" The more Eric thought about it, the more he realized Odin's insidiousness. "I thought, you have been studying rune materials for a lifetime, but you just put them in the library so casually, and I found them in an instant. It turned out that you were waiting for me here!"

A month of learning the rune spells allowed Eric to understand Odin's sealing magic circle. The father-level strength is an indispensable prerequisite for setting up the magic circle.

This task must be yours!

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