Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 37 If you make a mistake, you must bear the consequences

"You mean, there are vampires in this world?" Eric looked at the two black men in front of him with a strange expression, "Are you sure you are not joking?"

"I never joke!" The speaker was a stern-looking black man, who was wearing all black in broad daylight. Black leather jacket, black leather pants, black leather shoes, black gloves, and black sunglasses. His dark outfit made his skin look a little white.

"Okay, your name is Brad, right? I'll believe what you said. So, what are vampires? Aliens? Mutants? Human mutations? Or another species?" Eric hugged his arms together, saying he believed, but his face was full of distrust.

"It's a virus! An infectious virus that spreads through the host's saliva. It can penetrate the blood vessels throughout the body within 72 hours and reproduce new parasitic tissues." Nick Fury crossed his legs, looking very professional.

"Oh, virus! Oh my God, it seems I have to prepare more Isatis root!" Eric covered his nose exaggeratedly, as if he would be infected if he loosened his grip a little.

"Eric!" Nick Fury sat up straight and looked at him helplessly, "We are not joking, these are all true! We are friends, how could I lie to you!"

"Friend?!" Hearing this word, Eric was immediately angry. He stood up and pointed at Nick Fury and cursed: "Is there a friend like you? I saved your boss's daughter from the hail of bullets, and you promised not to betray me, but someone leaned on my window that night! You came to my product launch conference hypocritically, but secretly sent a female spy to pry open my safe!"

"Didn't you pry it open?" Nick Fury shrugged, showing no remorse for what he did, and Eric was so angry that he wanted to kick him twice.

"Okay, Eric, I apologize, you know my job, we have rules..."

"Fuck your mother's job! I don't want to listen to your damn rules! Get out of here!" Eric walked angrily to Nick Fury, grabbed his collar, lifted him up effortlessly, and threw him out of the office.

After venting, Eric clapped his hands in satisfaction, with a smile on his face like a spring breeze, "Okay, Brad, let's continue talking about vampires."


Outside the door, Nick Fury stood up calmly, greeted Jennifer who happened to pass by and was frightened, and got on the elevator with his hands in his pockets.

"How is it?" In the elevator, a man wearing a wide-brimmed hat covered his face with the hat and asked in a low voice.

"You saw, I was thrown out!" Nick Fury didn't seem surprised at all about this man, "We have no chance, it is impossible to get the technology of the UV shielding device through this incident."

The man in the wide-brimmed hat was silent for a moment, and the elevator was about to reach the bottom, "Then the task assigned by the director..."

"I think the director should try to cooperate with him." Nick Fury still looked like he had nothing to do with it, and he walked out on his own when the elevator opened.


"Mr. Brad, since you have been fighting against vampires, why do you come to me now?" Eric looked at the Blade Warrior with a puzzled look, but in fact, he had already guessed the cause and effect of the matter in his heart.

"Vampires are most afraid of sunlight, or more precisely, ultraviolet rays. The ultraviolet shielding device you invented makes them no longer afraid of sunlight." Blade Warrior took out a lighter-sized object from his pocket and put it on the table. It was the first product of Alice Industry, the ultraviolet shielding device.

"Since six months ago, vampires have begun to equip themselves with ultraviolet shielding devices in large quantities. This gadget is simple to operate and easy to carry. Not only does it make me lose a powerful weapon, but it also allows vampires to walk during the day!"

Eric was silent for a long time, looking at the gadget he developed on the table, and raised his head after a while, "Is the situation bad?"

"Very bad! In six months, the number of vampires has expanded at least ten times!" Blade Warrior clenched his fists and creaked, "The United States, the United Kingdom, and even the whole of Europe are full of vampires. They are looking for food everywhere and capturing humans unscrupulously."

"Why haven't I heard any relevant reports?" Eric asked a question that both of them knew.

"Vampires have a long lifespan." Blade Warrior's answer made Eric sigh secretly, as expected.

Those selfish people in power, in order to live longer, are willing to become vampires, monsters that cannot see the light of day, hiding in dark rooms every day, relying on the blood of their former peers to survive.

Now, with the existence of the UV shielding device, the last bit of concern of the people in power about becoming vampires has disappeared. As for sucking blood? What a joke, which of them didn't get rich by sucking the blood and sweat of the people!

Eric picked up the phone on the table and called Jennifer, "Fully recall the UV shielding device! What? There is no way to recall it? Then raise the price! Recall it at twice the price! If that doesn't work, then five times, ten times! No matter what method you use, recall them all for me!"

"This won't solve the problem!" The Blade Warrior looked at Eric expressionlessly and slammed the phone.

"I know. Let me think about it." Eric frowned and tapped his fingers on the table. "What are vampires afraid of?"

"Silverware and garlic."

Eric's eyes lit up and he immediately asked, "Where are the Bible and holy water?"

"That's what the missionaries are doing to fool people." Blade Warrior rolled his eyes, which was rare.

"Is that so?" Eric touched his chin and fell into thinking again, "Where is the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau? What is their attitude?"

"Of course it's a total eradication!" In the surprised eyes of the Blade Warriors, Nick Fury, who had just been thrown out, came back and sat down on the sofa naturally, but the culprit who just threw him didn't look angry at all. nothing.

"Who is it?" Eric asked confusedly.

Nick Fury shook his head, "A close associate of the director, Eric, I can only help you so far!"

"It's up to you!" Eric shrugged indifferently and said, "Then let's talk about how to deal with vampires. Fury, how many people can you send?"

"Twenty thousand agents!"

"Your family is quite rich!" Eric clicked his tongue, "What about those people above? How to deal with them?"

"Who? Is there anyone up there? We are going to fight vampires!" Nick Fury said firmly, with a hint of chill in his words.

No different treatment? That's good! Eric nodded secretly, "Okay, what happened this time is my fault. All equipment is provided by Alice Industries. Fury, can you help me purchase a batch of silver? The time is too short, and I'm afraid there won't be enough on the market. ”

"Okay, you can pay for it!"

"Of course! So what will we do in twenty days?" If you make a mistake, you will have to bear the consequences. Eric knows this very well.

"Why do you have to wait twenty days?" Blade Warrior frowned, feeling that the time was dragging on a bit too long.

"Because in twenty days, God will give a big gift to the vampires!"

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