Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 38 The time has come

There are no Blades or vampires in the Emperor Thanos universe. So the effect of the UV shield on vampires was something Eric had not considered at the beginning, but since it has already happened, there is no point in regretting it. The right thing to do is to find a way to make up for it as soon as possible.

In 20 days, Alice Industries relied on the relationship between the National Strategic Defense Attack and the Logistics Support Bureau to purchase a large amount of silver, and added silver to the bullets of 20,000 agents. All melee weapons were replaced with silver, and the rest were all packed up and taken away by Eric, and no one knew what to do with them.

In addition to silver weapons, Eric also urgently developed UV weapons. He knew that with the UV shield, the effect of UV weapons on vampires was almost zero, but he still developed it. UV shielding was his invention. He had a way to make it effective, and he had a way to make it ineffective.

First of all, there was the UV grenade, a power supply, a diode, some fluorescent powder, and a control board. With a simple combination, a grenade was born. Since there is no need to consider the explosive power, Eric made the grenade as small as possible, only the size of a longan. The agents can grab more than ten at a time, and it is no problem for each person to carry hundreds.

Then, there are ultraviolet bullets. The bullets contain two special compounds. After the bullet hits a hard object, the two compounds mix and burst, producing a large amount of ultraviolet rays.

Finally, there are ultraviolet armor. Yes, he madly coated each agent's clothes with a special coating. As long as the attached power is turned on, each agent will become a ultraviolet light source, blinding the vampire's eyes!

The twenty-day wait made the Blade Warrior extremely tormented. He fought with vampires every day, and saw a large number of humans being preyed on by vampires every day. This torment almost broke his tough nerves.

But he still had to wait. After twenty days, a super strong solar storm will sweep the earth! That is indeed a great gift from God to vampires.

Twenty days passed in a flash, and Eric looked at the blue planet in front of him and sighed.

This was the first time he flew out of the earth after coming to this universe. This blue planet, no matter which universe it is in, is so dazzling, beautiful, and yet awe-inspiring.

Eric took a deep breath and tapped his feet lightly. The makeshift spaceship quickly disintegrated and turned into streams of silver particles, like flexible silver dragons, circling and dancing in the air.

Yes, the entire spaceship is made of pure silver! Under Eric's superpowers, the spaceship does not need any navigation system or power system at all. It is just a pure silver shell that conceals people's ears.

Under Eric's control, the silver dragons flew everywhere in an orderly manner.

Two of the dragons hovered behind Eric and turned into a huge funnel. The entrance of the funnel was aimed at the sun, with a diameter of hundreds of miles. The exit changed into a very complex structure, aimed at Eric.

This is an energy-gathering device designed temporarily by Eric, which can gather the energy of the solar storm, decompose and transform it, and then transmit it to Eric, greatly enhancing his superpowers.

A solar storm is a violent activity that erupts on the sun, releasing a large amount of electromagnetic radiation, high-energy charged particle flow and plasma. In essence, it is a grand event of super strong electromagnetic fields!

The remaining silver dragons all crawled at Eric's feet, waiting for the king's dispatch.


The sun was shining brightly in the sky.

New York was still as prosperous as before. The warm sunshine dispelled the severe cold of winter, allowing New Yorkers to go out of their homes and enjoy the rare good weather. In the dark corners, the hidden demons opened small devices like lighters and grinned at them with sharp teeth.

The Blade Warrior stood on the roof of a tall building, still wearing black, with a pistol on his waist and two silver samurai swords on his back, looking coldly at the endless stream of vehicles and people downstairs.

"Where did Eric go?" Behind the Blade Warrior, Nick Fury couldn't help but ask again.

"He has more important things to do." Speaking of Eric, Blade couldn't help but glance up at the sky, but unfortunately Nick Fury was standing behind him and didn't see it at all.

"I really don't understand. We are both black. I have known him for two years, and you have just met him for the first time. Why would he rather believe you than me?" Nick Fury hugged his shoulders and kept complaining.

Blade couldn't help but turn his head, and the two black heads almost touched each other, "Because I don't talk much!"


"Sir, do we really want to do this? He is a senator!" In front of a high-end villa, Coulson was wearing combat uniforms and squatting in the bushes. Facing the object that was about to be attacked, as a newbie, he was obviously a little hesitant.

"Colson! We are soldiers now, we just need to obey orders! If you want to give orders, wait until you become the director! Now, shut your mouth and wait for orders!" Garrett was full of impatience and scolded in a low voice.

Coulson retreated helplessly and muttered, "When I become the director, I will definitely beat you up."


Eight minutes and ten seconds is a very short time. This time may only be enough for a person to eat a fast food meal or read half a page of a newspaper. But this short eight minutes and ten seconds is enough for photons to reach the earth from the surface of the sun.

When the first high-energy photon reached the earth, Eric, who had been resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and the dragon under his feet flew up and roared silently.

"Time's up!"


"Time's up! Turn on the device, go! Go! Go!" Garrett slapped his chest with his hand and activated a hidden device. It was a magnetic field disruptor developed by Eric, which could interfere with the nearby ultraviolet shielding device, causing its magnetic field to be disordered and lose the effect of shielding ultraviolet rays.

Coulson also activated the device and followed Garrett's steps with a gun in hand.


"It's started. In five minutes, the solar storm will sweep the earth. At that time, the radio will be useless. Let's fight!" Nick Fury threw away the walkie-talkie in his hand, pulled out the pistol from his waist and greeted the Blade Warrior.

The Blade Warrior glanced at him sideways, sneered disdainfully, and fell straight forward.

"Fuck... It's amazing to have superpowers!" Nick Fury watched the Blade Warrior turn a circle in the air and land steadily on the ground, and couldn't help cursing. Of course, he could only curse. In the end, he had to take the elevator. This building has 25 floors. Even if he had ten legs, he wouldn't dare to jump down.

At the same time, teams of well-trained soldiers broke into the homes of countless high-ranking officials and nobles around the world without saying a word. After breaking the door, they did not hurt ordinary people, but directly attacked high-ranking officials or heads of households. Those who were shot by their guns screamed and turned into ashes, dissipating between heaven and earth.

I have been too busy these two days, and the second chapter may be updated a little late, but it will not be missing! Coding makes me happy! Hahahaha()

Please collect, recommend, and comment, thank you for everything!

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