Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 391 Everyone, welcome to Hala!

The east wind arrived soon.

After more than ten years, Captain Marvel Carol returned to Earth again, and also brought first-hand information about the Kree.

Carol left Earth for more than ten years. When she left, pagers were still used on Earth, and the only aircraft that could go into space was modified by Skrull engineers.

It was only more than ten years ago, and she didn't think that Earth could develop such powerful technology. So when she learned that the Kree were going to attack Earth, her first reaction was that she had heard it wrong.

When she confirmed again and again that it was the Earth she knew, she immediately set off to return to Earth. It was also at this time that she received the information from Lu Dan, which made her more certain that the Earth was in danger. She didn't dare to delay at all and returned at full speed.

"Then why did you come back now? At your speed, it shouldn't take a few days." Eric smiled and opened a bottle of beer for Carol. When Carol just flew to the outer edge of the Earth's atmosphere, he was stopped by Eric and took her to New York.

"How dare you say that!" Kroll rolled his eyes, "I've figured it out. Someone killed Ronan, so the Kree came to Earth for revenge! No doubt it was you who killed Ronan!"

Eric chuckled, "That's right, tell me, what's the situation?"

"The Kree have organized 300 warships, which are gathering in the star field near Hala. They will be dispatched soon. Some of the vanguard troops have already set out ten days ago. I stopped them near Pluto and fought with them for ten days!" Kroll raised his chin proudly, "Twenty warships have been completely wiped out by me!"

"Wow! So awesome!" Skye, who was listening to the story, had stars in his eyes, and looked at Carol as if he was looking at Ultraman.

"Haha, it's nothing, actually. Compared with Eric, it's still far behind." Kroll smiled modestly.

"That's right, compared to me, it's really a bit behind." Eric nodded seriously, causing Skye and Kroll to roll their eyes, but he didn't care, stroking his chin and muttering, "Only 300 warships? Is the war between the Kree and the Skrulls very fierce?"

"Not really, it's been like that for thousands of years, it's just a stalemate." Carol shook her head, "The internal forces of the Kree are very complicated, Ronan can't represent all the Kree, he has a high reputation among the Kree, but there are more people who oppose him!"

Eric suddenly realized, it's a party dispute! Which country doesn't have it? I didn't expect that even an interstellar civilization like the Kree would have such a fierce party dispute.

"The Kree Empire just fought a war with Xandar some time ago. Xandar tied up a lot of Kree forces, plus the army that was deadlocked in the Skrull Empire, and Ronan's opponents made trouble, it was very difficult for them to get 300 warships!" Carol was very familiar with the situation of the Kree, and spoke very clearly.

Eric curled his lips in regret, "I thought there would be thousands! Only 7300, not good enough!"

"Eric! What are you thinking? I heard you want to start a war against the Kree? The Kree Empire is not something that the current Earth can move!" Carol stood up and looked at Eric seriously.

"Don't worry, I'm ready, everything is fine!" Eric waved his hand, full of confidence, "Just wait and see!"

Carol stared at Eric, "Are you serious?"

"I'm very serious, otherwise, why would I get so many warships out?"

Carol frowned and stared at him, and he also looked at Carol firmly. She finally gave in and sighed, "Okay, what do you need me to do?"

Eric showed a charming smile on his face, "I need a guide now, tell me the location of Hara!"

"Hara?" Carol was stunned, her face full of disbelief, pointing at Eric with trembling fingers, "You! You want to attack Hara directly?"

"Of course! Decapitation operation!" Eric's eyes were cold and his tone was cold, "This will be a battle that will be written into the history books of all countries in the universe!"


The day after Carol returned, Eric invited the Avengers, Utopia, Attilan, SHIELD and other forces to go to the outer space battleship together to welcome Carol.

This was also the first official meeting between many forces and superheroes and Captain Marvel.

The heroes all felt Kroll's strength, and at the same time they kept learning about the universe from her, especially the news of the Kree Empire.

When they learned that the Kree Empire could still mobilize 300 warships while fighting multiple civilizations at the same time, their expressions turned solemn involuntarily, and they all wondered, is this war right or wrong?

The heroes wanted to find Eric to find out the situation, but they found that Eric was not there! Soon, Lu Dan jumped out to speak. He had noticed that Eric only showed up at the beginning of the banquet and then disappeared.

What's going on? Everyone was confused, and Professor X started looking for him by touching his forehead, and soon found Eric.

I don't know what they talked about. Professor X was shocked at first, then horrified, and finally calmed down, but his trembling hands still let everyone see the storm in his heart.

"Professor Charles, what happened? Are the Kree here?" Lu Dan pushed through the crowd and walked to Professor X, asking questions on behalf of all the heroes.

Professor X pursed his lips, smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Eric won't let me tell you, wait a few minutes and you'll understand."

"What? What is this guy doing?" Iron Man shouted in dissatisfaction, closed the armor mask, and planned to fly out, "Where is he? I'll go find him!"

"The cabin has been closed, everyone please be patient, it's just a few minutes." Professor X pressed his hand down.

"What is he doing?" The cabin almost includes most of the extraordinary people on the earth. They can't help but be alert, thinking in their hearts, is this a conspiracy?

At this moment, the battleship suddenly flashed red lights and alarm bells, suppressing everyone's emotions and becoming more nervous.

"Don't worry, this is just a notification alarm for the soldiers' training to begin." Lu Dan shouted loudly, suppressing many heroes who wanted to break into the cabin.

"Fury, what do you know? Where is Eric? What does he want?" Captain America stepped forward and stared at Lu Dan.

Lu Dan shook his head, his one eye full of solemnity, "I don't know what Eric is doing, but I believe him!"

"We are teleporting!" Carol suddenly exclaimed, and golden energy flames ignited on his body, floating in the air.

"What teleportation? It's just a simple space teleportation." Eric suddenly appeared in front of everyone, opened his hands, and smiled, "Everyone, welcome to Hala!"

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