Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 392 Keep a low profile

Blitzkrieg, is this what you call blitzkrieg?

Isn't his aim too flashy? Aren't you afraid of exposing your waist?

Everyone in the cabin felt that their heads were buzzing. Even Captain Marvel Carol remained in a confused state. What about taking the wind and washing away the dust as promised? Why did you come to Hala after bathing? Are you a Kree spy?

"Everyone, I'm sorry that the announcement is a bit late. The war has begun! Please find a place to sit by yourself. Of course, you can also stand. Eric looked around, enjoying the shocked and dull eyes of everyone, coughing slightly, “Next, it’s time to witness the miracle! "

After saying that, Eric disappeared without giving everyone time to react.

Eric's departure instantly caused an explosion in the cabin. Captain America directly grabbed Lu Dan by his collar and lifted him up, "Fury! This is what you said, believe him! Look what he is doing!"

Many people gathered around with unkind expressions. In the entire cabin, the person who knew the most about Eric's plan was Braised Eggs, but he was also suffering in his heart. He only knew a little more than the others, only about battleships and Soldiers, etc., he doesn’t know anything about other attack times and attack strategies! He thought hundreds of meetings would have to be held before the war started...

"Um, can I say that I don't know either?" Luo Dan swallowed and said cowardly, shrinking his neck.

"I don't know about your sister!" The grumpy Wolverine stepped forward, punched the braised egg unconscious, then naturally took out a cigar, lit it, and looked at everyone, "No matter what his situation is, just hit him! "

"Everyone, don't worry. When you come on stage, please watch the performance patiently. Thank you!" Eric's voice rang in the cabin, causing a burst of curses, but he didn't take it seriously, "Oh, By the way, Carroll, Max, Bertegang, and Hall, you four get ready for the first game."

Captain Marvel, Magneto, Black Bolt, and King of Strength immediately became the focus of everyone. The four of them looked at each other, and they all saw the same innocence and confusion on each other's faces, and they suddenly smiled helplessly.

"Okay everyone, we have no choice but to fight!" Magneto stood up and pressed his hands down. Weak electromagnetic pulses continued to be emitted from his palms to calm everyone's anger. "Eric did this, and there must be something wrong. For your own reasons, don’t forget the Skrulls. Maybe he is guarding against such an enemy. Let’s get ready and fight!”

The true identity of Magneto Marx is known only to Eric, Professor However, this does not affect Magneto's prestige among everyone. He has been the prime minister of Utopia for many years and is notoriously tough. Anyone dares to challenge him. What he says still has a certain weight.

No matter what, the matter is a foregone conclusion. In Hara, they can only fight!

The heroes were confused, and the Kree were even more confused.

They were preparing to assemble 300 warships to go to Earth, but during the assembly process, they encountered various obstacles from Ronan's opposition. A mere 300 warships failed to assemble after more than half a month.

Today, they thought it was another day of wrangling, but when they turned to look out the window, they suddenly discovered that there were a hundred more warships outside!

That's right, a hundred identical Kree battleships!

The battleship that the Star Eater Bee devoured was Ronan's car, a Kree-standard battleship. When Eric was building a battleship for Ross, he once modified the appearance of the battleship, but this time, he copied the Kree battleship intact. From the outside, it looked like a Kree Empire battleship.

The Kree people were confused about the situation and sent a communication request to Eric's battleship group, but there was only a burst of noise from the other side. They thought there was some accident that interfered with the communication. They changed the channel and continued to communicate, but they saw the other side. One hundred battleships moved.

The place where the Kree warships gathered was on the outskirts of an artificial satellite near the planet Hala. More than two hundred warships gathered there, and it looked very spectacular. The place where Eric's warship teleported was very close to them, less than 10,000 kilometers away. This distance, in an interstellar war, would not even exceed the range of ordinary missiles.

The Kree soldiers are still trying to contact, and Eric's battleship group has begun to accelerate.

The battleship did not activate any weapons, but simply accelerated. Although the Kree soldiers were confused, they were not too vigilant. Until the battleship was less than a hundred miles away from them, they still believed that the other side would stop at a safe distance.

However, after approaching the Kerry battleship group, a hundred battleships, instead of slowing down, began to accelerate crazily. Within a few seconds, they accelerated to the extreme speed and slammed into the Kerry battleship group!

The Kree soldiers panicked, and the commanders of each battleship roared wildly, turned on the energy shield, and then accelerated, accelerated, and accelerated again!

However, such a short distance did not allow them to dodge. The huge size of the battleship made it difficult for them to turn around. How could they complete difficult dodge actions?

In desperation, the Kree commanders activated the space jump system one after another, wanting to open wormholes and jump to other spaces. However, it was not until then that they discovered that this space was as solid as stone. Their space jump The installations have all become decorations.

"Damn, it's an enemy attack! Attack! Attack!" The Kerry commanders unanimously chose the last resort, fight!

At once, lasers and missiles took off and collided head-on with Eric's warship.

"Damn it, he's committing suicide!" Not only the Kree soldiers, but also the superheroes in Eric's warship were stunned. This was not a war, this was clearly a way to give up one's life!

However, everything happened too fast, and the heroes could only watch their warships collide with countless missiles and lasers.

The flames shot up into the sky, and the aftermath of the explosion even reached the planet Hara. The heroes opened their eyes in disbelief, only to find that they were safe and sound, and the warship was intact!

"What kind of technology is this! What kind of technology is this!" Iron Man pressed his face tightly against the glass. How could this thin layer of glass withstand such a powerful attack? Even if the glass was mixed with vibranium, it would be impossible!

Mr. Fantastic Reed was also full of surprise. He took out a bunch of instruments of various sizes and began to test. He soon figured it out. "It's the strong force! The strong force locked the atomic nuclei on the surface of the warship, making the surface of the warship absolutely smooth and able to reflect almost all electromagnetic waves. The internal temperature is at absolute zero. This warship is indestructible!"

"Ahem!" Eric's voice sounded in everyone's ears, and his tone was quite humble. "Low-key, low-key, not that exaggerated."

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