Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 40 An old friend I have never met

New York Temple, 177A Brick Street, New York.

Master Gu Yi stood in front of the window, looking at the city that was still prosperous on the surface, but secretly undercurrents. The fan in her hand was fanning unconsciously. Suddenly, she felt a powerful energy sweeping in, and she couldn't help but look towards the source. Go, when she saw it clearly, she smiled with relief.

"Eric, I saw it right, the soul cannot lie."

Wakanda, royal palace.

Prince T'Chaka was preparing his bags to study in England. His fiancée, Little Storm, was sitting on the window with her legs crossed, looking at him boredly.

Suddenly, Little Storm stood up with a face full of shock, looked at the sky and murmured: "So strong!"

T'Chaka walked over curiously, "Are you talking about solar storms? Don't worry, they can't penetrate Wakanda's energy barrier!"

"No! You don't understand!" Little Storm's eyes were full of stars, "Someone is controlling the solar storm! He is really strong!"

Norway, a forest.

"We have a common goal! Human beings, they..." Magneto was making an impassioned speech, but suddenly got stuck and looked at the sky, his eyes dull.

Xavier Academy for the Gifted.


"Hank! Help me prepare the brainwave enhancement device!"

On the earth, countless powerful or special beings noticed the changes in the solar storm and took their own actions.

Nick Fury and Blade, who had already gone underground, were unaware of these changes. They encountered a powerful enemy.

Chad Norma, the son of the vampire archduke Alex Markinos, is a mutated vampire and a poor experimental subject.

He is stronger, more powerful, and recovers faster than ordinary vampires. He is not afraid of the sun, silverware, or garlic. He is the most perfect test subject of Grand Duke Alex Makinos, the perfect vampire.

"Blade! Hahaha! You are finally here! I can finally taste your blood!" Chad Norma laughed wildly, ignoring the ultraviolet source in the room.

Blade signaled the agents to step back and walked up with his katana in hand, "Where is Whistler?"

"Oh? Are you here to find that old man? It's a pity that when I ate him, he kept shouting that it hurt, hahaha!" Chad Norma opened his mouth, and his jaw suddenly cracked, with tentacle-like mouthparts After sticking out his mouth, several agents turned their heads away with some nausea.

The Blade Warrior stopped talking, held a samurai sword in his hand, jumped high towards Chad Norma, and fought together.

The two fought back and forth for dozens of rounds. Blade Warrior was obviously at a disadvantage. His left hand was broken and twisted into shape. A large piece of his chest collapsed. It looked like he had a lot of broken ribs. If he hadn't been half Those with vampire blood would have died long ago.

On the other hand, Chad Norma had dozens of wounds on his body from the samurai sword, and a knife penetrated his abdomen, but he didn't care. He reached out and pulled out the katana, and the wounds on his body were healed visibly. .

"Fire!" Nick Fury gave the order, and dozens of agents opened fire collectively. Countless silver-plated bullets and ultraviolet bullets hit Chad Norma, beating him back continuously, but there was no substantial damage. .

Nick Fury took the opportunity to lift Blade into the blood pool next to him. After a while, he stood up intact, picked up the katana and struggled with Chad Norma again. The agents also took this time to add ammunition.

Then, Blade was knocked to the ground again, the agents shot back, and Nick Fury took Blade back to the resurrection point...

They fought like this for more than ten rounds. Except for the extra bullet casings, no one on both sides could do anything.

"This is not the way to go, Fury, our ammunition is about to run out! Is there anything else you can do?" Garrett looked at the two fighting on the field and wiped the sweat from his face.

"What can I do! Damn Eric..."

Before Nick Fury could curse, a gust of wind suddenly blew from behind him and knocked him to the ground. Before he could react, the gust of wind surrounded Chad Norma and turned into a The small tornado trapped him in the middle, and then a large number of shining silver particles gathered and wrapped around him.

In the blink of an eye, Chad Norma was wrapped in a silver shell.

"What the hell?" Nick Fury looked around warily, holding the pistol tightly.

"Perhaps it's Eric's new weapon." The Blade Warrior retreated with the knife in his hand.

"New weapons? What a liar!" Nick Fury couldn't believe it.

The silver shell in front of him changed again. A red light suddenly lit up on it, and it became brighter and brighter. The temperature around him became higher and higher, and Nick Fury had to lead people back.

"What is this? A microwave?" Nick Fury said to himself. As he spoke, the human-shaped silver shell began to melt, emitting a dazzling light. The temperature was too high, and the silver actually began to vaporize!

Not long after, except for a pool of black marks on the ground, there was no trace of Chad Norma's existence...

After successfully solving Chad Norma, Eric once again set his sights on the next lair.

Practice makes perfect. After this period of manipulation, Eric has been able to control several storms at the same time and sweep several nests at the same time.

"Huh? Who?!" Eric suddenly felt a familiar and powerful mental force approaching him, and he could not help but be alert.

"Max! No, you are not him! You are not a mutant! But why? Your mental powers are so similar..." The powerful mental force circled around Eric, as if observing him.

"Professor Charles?" Eric instantly realized that it was his "old friend" Professor X, whom he had never met.

"Oh, sorry, I lost my composure. I am Charles Xavier, the principal of Xavier School for the Gifted."

"Eric Lansheer." Eric did not shy away from his name.

"Eric... He also used this name. The same name, the same ability, similar mental power, what is the relationship between you and him? Clones, or..." Professor X's huge mental power pressed on, as if Eric would go to war with Eric if he did not give him a reasonable explanation.

Unfortunately, with the support of the solar storm and endless energy, Eric was not afraid of him!

Eric waved his hand and laid down layers of electromagnetic protection. A powerful mental force surged out, controlling the endless electromagnetic radiation and forcibly pushing back Professor X's mental force. "Professor Charles, your behavior is a bit rude!"

I am still working overtime, and while the boss is out for dinner, I quickly typed something, hehe????

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