Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 41 Charles, I am not a clone!

"I'm very sorry, but I need to know the truth!" Professor X said in a tough tone, and his huge mental power was like a substance, turning into a sharp cone, stabbing Eric's brain fiercely.

The magnetic field protection arranged by Eric was like paper, and Professor ** easily broke it. The condensed mental power forcibly pushed away the electromagnetic radiation, turned into a bullet, broke through the thousands of defenses, and shot at Eric.

The first person with psychic power in the world, well-deserved!

Eric sneered, do you really think I'm a sick cat if the tiger doesn't show its power?

He just drew a circle in front of him, and the powerful electromagnetic field around him changed direction instantly, forming a special force field in front of him. The huge energy gathered, and even the starlight around him became a little distorted.

Professor X's spirit was like entering a quagmire, unable to move forward or backward. In the end, he had to disperse the condensed mental power again, using a small part of the mental power as bait to lure Eric to continue to block, and most of the mental power barely escaped.

"Hey, he ran away!" Eric raised his eyebrows and discovered Professor X's little trick, but unfortunately he still let most of his mental power escape.

The electromagnetic field rotated slowly, and the huge energy crushed and annihilated the mental power trapped in it.

At Xavier School for Geniuses, Professor X's body suddenly showed pain, and beads of sweat fell from his bald head, but he still reached out to stop Hank who wanted to help him take off the brain wave enhancer. He had to continue fighting!

After failing to succeed in one move, Professor X changed his strategy. The huge mental power was all scattered, becoming ethereal and difficult to figure out, like a soft cloud, slowly surrounding Eric without his noticing. As long as there was a slight loophole in Eric's defense, these mental powers would attack with thunder and lightning!

Eric could no longer detect the existence of Professor X's mental power, but his keen perception told him that there was danger all around.

If it were an ordinary person, he would not know what to do with this move. The only thing he could do was to go all out, be alert and defend, and respond to changes with the same attitude. He would change from attack to confrontation to see who has more patience.

Unfortunately, Professor X didn't know that Eric had the memory of Magneto in two lives, and he had been in love and hatred with Professor X in another universe for two lives. Eric was very familiar with his routines!

Eric couldn't help but smile slightly, and shook his head secretly, "Charles, you have changed a universe, but your moves are still so old-fashioned!"

Eric waved gently behind him, and a ray of silver light was separated from the giant funnel, which quickly condensed around him. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a hollow sphere, wrapping him in it.

A huge electromagnetic pulse was generated from Eric, reflected back by the sphere, penetrated Eric's body, and was reflected by the other sphere, while Eric was constantly releasing new electromagnetic pulses.

For a time, the silver hollow sphere was filled with chaotic electromagnetic pulses, each of which contained huge energy.

Professor X's mental power was blocked outside and could not advance an inch!

Eric learned this trick from Sebastian Shaw's nuclear submarine. At that time, the place where nuclear fuel was stored on Sebastian Shaw's nuclear submarine used this structure to successfully block Professor X's mental power until a small corner was torn open in the melee, and Professor X's mental power was able to enter.

Now, Professor X encountered the same dilemma. Relying on the brain wave enhancer, his mental power was enhanced several times, and almost no one on the earth could match it, but he could not break the sphere and could not attack Eric.

A dog bites a hedgehog, but there is nowhere to bite!

In the silver sphere, Eric was also unable to attack Professor X, but he was not anxious, because he knew that Professor X was about to lose!

"Calculate the time, it should be about the same." Eric squinted his eyes, carefully sensing the subtle changes in the outside world, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned up.

On the huge silver funnel, a ray of electric light suddenly lit up, and countless tiny holes suddenly appeared on the funnel, like holes pierced by countless tiny needles.

The second round of solar storm attacks, high-energy charged particles have arrived!

High-energy charged particles cannot affect Professor X's mental power, but they can affect the brain wave enhancer!

Professor X's mental power suddenly became intermittent, high and low, and occasionally stuck, just like a bad signal. It took less than 10 seconds for Professor X's mental power to fade away like a tide.

At Xavier School for Geniuses, Professor X took off his helmet with a splitting headache and fell to the ground groaning in pain.

"Professor!" Hank hurried over, picked him up with his furry hands, and put him back on the wheelchair.

"Hank, what happened? There's something wrong with the brain wave enhancer." Professor X sat weakly in the wheelchair, but his eyes were fixed on the helmet.

"Professor, the solar storm affected the brain wave enhancer and it can't be used for a short time." Hank quickly checked and quickly came to a conclusion.

Professor X looked at the brain wave enhancer unwillingly, his fingers tightly grasped the armrest of the wheelchair, his eyes gradually became firm, and he stretched out his other hand and pressed it on his temple.

"Professor, what are you doing?" Hank was shocked. This action was only done when Professor X was using his superpowers to the fullest. Even with the brainwave enhancer, he couldn't do anything to him. Now he went up to him and confronted him. Isn't this courting death?

"Hank, I must know the truth about this matter!" Professor X closed his eyes, and his surging mental power went to the sky again.

Eric had just come out of the hollow ball and felt Professor X's mental power again, but this time, his mental power was several times weaker.

"Professor Charles, you are so persistent!" Eric patted his forehead helplessly. Professor X in this state did not have enough power to spy on his memory, but he still came.

"I apologize to you for my reckless behavior just now. I'm sorry! But I beg you to tell me the truth, please!" Professor X was not as tough as before, and his tone was almost begging.

"Professor Charles, why are you so persistent?" Eric was very curious about Professor X's purpose. At first, he thought that Professor X was fighting for Magneto, his good friend, but now it seems that there seems to be something else?

Professor X's mental power was silent for a moment, and then he slowly said: "For many years, I found that there is a group of people who are doing experiments on mutants."

"Isn't this very common? This kind of thing happens every day!" Eric has a deep understanding of the experience of mutants.

"It's different!" Professor X's tone gradually became solemn, "That group of people is different, they don't seem to hurt mutants, they just extract their genes from their lives and then study them."

"Is there such a kind villain?" Eric was full of disbelief. In this world, are there such gentle villains who study mutants?

"It's not kindness, they are collecting information about the lives of mutants, they are cloning, no, they are copying mutants!"

Copy! Even the trajectory of life must be controlled! Which gentleman came up with this "good idea?"

Eric shook his head slowly: "Professor Charles, I can tell you clearly that I am not a clone or copy of anyone!"

This chapter has been rewritten, um, some changes have been made, hehehehe!

Thanks to the book friend Li for the reward, I just learned a way to reply to QQ to read comments in the QQ group, I will try it after get off work.

Please collect, recommend, and comment again...

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