Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 44 Someone will come back soon!

The brainwave enhancement device is one of the core secrets of Xavier Academy for Geniuses. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for outsiders to get a full view of it.

But today, Eric, an "outsider", looked at it inside and out!

The brainwave enhancement device was like a poor and helpless sister-in-law, with tearful eyes and pleading, but the gangster Eric didn't care about the sister-in-law's feelings at all, and stripped it naked with a grin. Not only that , he even wanted to strip my sister-in-law's skin and cramps in an extremely cold-blooded manner...

The above is the picture that Hank, the technical geek beast, imagined.

"Hank! Why are you so scared! Go and help!" Professor

"Sorry, Professor, I'll go right away." Hank knew very well that going up to help was a lie, and asking him to keep an eye on Eric to prevent him from making any small moves was the real thing. You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others!

Eric glanced at Hank and knew their thoughts very clearly. He smiled and shook his head, but did not refuse his help.

"Hank, help me find some aluminum and iron, and a small amount of silver and zinc."

"What does it need to be processed into? My laboratory can process it." Hank still doesn't know what Eric's power is.

Eric smiled and shook his head, opened his hands, and slowly floated up, "No need, you just need to find the materials."

"You are a mutant too!" Hank was surprised.


"Then what is he?" Hank said without hesitation, and immediately realized his mistake, "Oh, sorry, I mean, what kind of race is he? Why can he fly?"

"Hank, I can do more than fly!" Eric looked down at the two of them, feeling very happy. Perhaps because he had too many memories of Magneto, he enjoyed Professor Look up to the King.

"Mr. Eric, are your abilities hereditary? I have read your report. Does your father, Charles Lansheer, also have these abilities?" Hank's question almost made Eric drop.

The little sense of superiority he had just gained was completely wiped out by the words "Your father, Charles Lansheer."

"I must have had a brain twitch at that time! Yes, it must have been a brain twitch! No, it was Magneto who had a brain twitch!" Eric's mouth twitched, and he kept finding the steps for himself. At the same time, he also started working on his hands. , intending to use this to attract Hank's attention and make him forget about "Daddy Charles".

Indeed, as he expected, Hank was completely shocked when he removed a steel plate from the brainwave intensifier with a wave of his hand, and then split the steel plate into several small pieces with a few fingers.

"Is this telekinesis? Or...?"

"It's electromagnetic force!" Professor X had just fought with Eric and was very familiar with his abilities.

"Electromagnetic force! How is it possible?" Hank was shocked, and he forgot about "Daddy Charles". "No, Marx also used the name Eric Lensher. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? The thing is, he is..."

"I'm not sure who he is, but he personally admitted that he is not a clone."

"Professor, why don't you look at his memory? Maybe..."



"Hank, what are you talking about? Have you found the materials?" The two of them did not use psychic powers in these conversations. Eric, who has a keen hearing, heard these words really. Professor X admitted that they were not his. Opponent, he almost laughed like a pig.

"Oh, sorry, I'll go right away!"

"This steel plate contains a large amount of cosmic radiation. It is difficult to remove and can no longer be used. I will replace it for you."

"How many years have you used this cable? It's burned like this and you still use it. You're not afraid of catching fire!"

"The capacity of this transformer is a bit small. Hank, is there a larger one? What? No? It doesn't matter. Prepare some copper and I'll rub one for you on site."

In the shocked eyes of Professor !

Eric explained that this was something he sensed with his superpower, but Professor X and Hank didn't believe it at all.

In less than an hour, the brainwave enhancement device took on a new look. Not only the damage suffered this time was repaired, but also some hidden injuries accumulated in the past were repaired. The current brainwave intensifier is exactly the same as the new one.

Beast Hank can also repair this thing, but he doesn't have Eric's powers, so he can only repair it bit by bit and replace it bit by bit. If he wants to do it all over again, he won't be able to get it off at all within three to five months.

When Professor X sat on the console and held the helmet in both hands, Beast Hank stood on his left and Eric stood on his right.

His hands couldn't help but tremble a little. Decades ago, when Magneto and Hank built this brainwave enhancement device together, they stood in this position and looked at him like this. Everything seemed to have returned to that time. .


Various figures appeared on the inner wall of the brainwave intensifier, and they were the people Professor X had encountered.

The figures kept increasing, most of them were gray and almost transparent, those were ordinary people. Some of the figures were special red, those were mutants.

Professor X carefully searched according to the information Eric gave him, and soon locked the target. It was a little girl, about six or seven years old. Her figure was gray, which meant that she was an ordinary human, not a mutant.

"Not a mutant, strange!" Professor X obviously had mutant paranoia, perhaps every time he used the brain wave enhancer, it was related to mutants. Now he was asked to find an ordinary human, but he felt strange.

"Huh? No! What is that?" Professor X's mental power circled the little girl twice. He was about to withdraw, but suddenly found something unusual.

There was some blue light hidden in the gray figure of the little girl, which he had never noticed before. Those blue lights were like tiny stars, deeply hidden in the little girl's body. If he hadn't observed it carefully, he would not have found it.

"Sure enough, how could the person Eric is looking for be an ordinary person!" Professor X did not study the blue light anymore. After noting the location of the little girl, he continued to look for the next target, Count Dracula.

It's easier to find someone. That dark and evil mind is like a pile of feces. It emits bursts of stench in this spiritual world. It will take Professor X a minute to find it.

"Found it. Dracula is in the UK. I'll give you his coordinates." Professor X took off his helmet and opened his eyes, only to find Hank pouring coffee for Eric.

"Uh, professor, I thought you would need a long time." Hank hurriedly poured a cup for Professor X.

"After Eric's repair, the brain wave enhancer is better than before, with a wider coverage and less energy consumption. Eric, thank you again!"

"You're welcome. I should do it. Is Dracula still in the UK? Then I'll go there first." As he said that, Eric put down the coffee he had just picked up and was about to leave.

"Eric, finish your coffee first!" Hank hurriedly stopped him.

Eric glanced at him and tossed his sleeves domineeringly, "Keep the coffee, I'll be back soon!"

Thanks for the reward for the game in the future. Well, if it is released, the plan is to release it next month...

Also, today's update almost missed the deadline. I dare not do this again in the future. I have to prepare some drafts...

It's almost twelve o'clock. I don't know if I can still ask for collection and recommendation votes...

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