With the precise coordinates provided by Professor X, Eric took off directly from the spot and headed straight for the UK.

"Britain, isn't it a little far away..."

In the air, Eric constantly corrected the direction through the geomagnetic field, sensing the distance of the target, and swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

"This seems to be a bit too much, I don't know if the little thing can last until I come back." Eric added some ingredients to the cup of coffee before leaving.

A small piece of iron was stuffed with a lot of energy by him using his supernatural power.

This energy was obtained when repairing the brain wave enhancer. It was the high-energy charged particles that remained on the brain wave enhancer after passing through. There were all kinds of messy radiation in this energy. He couldn't deal with it for a while, so he sealed it on the iron sheet, solidified a magnetic field, and slowly consumed the radiation.

This process will be accompanied by heat release, but it is unknown how long it will last.

"In ancient times, the second master warmed wine and killed Hua Xiong. Today, I, Eric, warm coffee and catch vampires. Uh, it doesn't rhyme... Forget it..." Eric shrugged, put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, and hurried on his way.

Gliding along the magnetic lines, Eric's speed was not fast, and he didn't even reach the speed of sound. He realized this problem after flying for a few minutes. At his speed, it would take a day to go to the UK. What's the point of pretending!

"Okay, I've said it, let's do it fiercely!" Eric gritted his teeth, turned on the magnetic field shield, turned on his superpowers, magnetized the antimagnetic atoms in his body, and then induced the magnetic field to repel the earth's magnetism.

This is something Eric is very reluctant to do, because it's too strenuous!

However, it's really fast to do this! It only takes a few seconds to break the sound barrier.

If other flying methods are added, his speed can theoretically reach close to the speed of light!

"Bang!" There was a loud bang in the air, and Eric instantly soared into the sky. The sonic boom cloud was blocked outside by the magnetic field shield, but the harsh sound kept echoing in his ears.

Even at supersonic speed, Eric still took more than two hours to reach his destination.

This is an old church, located in a remote area with few people. The dark red exterior walls are covered with moss, and countless vines have grown on the stained glass of the windows, blocking half of the face of the Virgin Mary.

Eric walked into the church. The ground was full of dust and there was a strong smell of mold. The sunlight shone through the colorful glass and projected on the ground, making the entire interior of the church mottled.

Dracula sat in the first row, holding his chin with both hands, staring at the statue of Jesus in a daze, and I don’t know what he was thinking.

Eric slowly approached, looking at the entire legendary vampire while thinking about how to deal with him.

Dracula’s strength is not that strong. Captain America, Thor, Blade, etc., many heroes have killed him alone. There was even a time when Dracula and the Avengers confronted each other. He would go to the Avengers to cause trouble every once in a while, and then he would be killed every time. After he died, he would resurrect to cause trouble again, and then he would be easily killed again...

In order to solve the problem of vampires, Eric couldn't kill him. It would be troublesome if he killed him and let him run to another place to resurrect. He couldn't always wait for Professor X to help him find someone.

Dracula looked the same as described in most stories, with a black tuxedo, a scarlet cloak, a pale complexion, sharp nails, and sharp teeth that would show when he opened his mouth.

"Do you think God really exists?" When Eric walked to the third row, Dracula, who had been thinking about life, asked without thinking.

Eric raised his eyebrows and sat down behind him, "Unfortunately, you asked the wrong person. I am a Jew and don't believe in Jesus."

"I hope God really exists, so that he can kill me!" Dracula's voice was ethereal, and it seemed that every word revealed a bloody smell.

"Oh? You want to die? I can help you!" Eric was surprised by Dracula's words. Could it be that this gentleman has also seen through the world like Varner?

"No, I just want to be killed by God, or kill God!" Dracula's eyes lit up with a ray of red light, and he suddenly turned around and punched Eric.

"Hey! Brother, I'm not God!" Eric grabbed his fist and squeezed it hard, secretly slandering in his heart, look at how good he is at pretending! He made it seem like he could kill God with just a flick of his hand, and he got angry all of a sudden!

"Humph! Those who can come to me are either from the church or vampire hunters. No matter which side, I will send you to see God!" Dracula laughed grimly, his body suddenly shrank, turned into a ball of black mist, escaped from Eric's hand, and disappeared.

Eric curled his lips, stretched out his hand and waved it gently, and a ball of silver mist floated from him and scattered.

"Ah!" Dracula fell from the sky and turned back to his original appearance.

Silver could not bring much substantial damage to Dracula. He just slept for many years and was not used to the pain caused by silver.

Dracula stood up and stared at Eric fiercely, muttering something, and a ball of black mist rolled rapidly in his hands.

Eric immediately perked up. Magic was the area he was least good at, not to mention the evil black magic, which had to be prevented! He quickly turned on the magnetic field shield and added silver particles.

Dracula's magic quickly took shape, and the black mist turned into a short black arrow, shooting straight at Eric.

The short arrow reached Eric in the blink of an eye, and the magnetic field shield did not react at all. The black arrow passed through the shield like a shadow.

Eric's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the arrow.

Dracula sneered, as if he had seen Eric's tragic death.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, a silver luster appeared on Eric's palm. It was the vibranium hidden in his cells, which was concentrated by him.

After missing the attack, Dracula's face became gloomy. The cloak behind him swayed slightly, and countless bats flew out. He himself turned into a bat, mixed in the group of bats and bit Eric.

These bats seemed to have black magic on their teeth, and Eric's shield was bitten into thousands of holes in a few seconds. He hurriedly retreated, and at the same time, his palms slammed together fiercely. A large amount of electric light overflowed from his palms, turning into lightning, and knocked down a large number of bats.

With cannon fodder bats resisting the attack, Dracula flashed by lightning one by one, flew behind Eric, turned into a human form again, grabbed Eric's shoulder, opened his bloody mouth and bit down fiercely.

Eric did not stop him, but just mobilized the vibranium over...

"Ding!" With a light sound, Dracula covered his mouth and retreated quickly.

"Hey, you have good teeth! How does vibranium taste?" Eric laughed.

Sweat, I forgot to post it after writing it last night, my brain...

Well, I changed the recommendation position today, and it feels a little better than last week. I don't know if the results will be better, hehehehe!

Please collect it! Please recommend and comment!

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