Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 46 The coffee is still warm, but seems to be stale...

Dracula's face was gloomy, his eyes glowed red, and a dark and strange mental power spread towards Eric.

"Hypnosis? Haha, compared to Charles, you are a scum!" Although he said so, Eric did not dare to be careless at all. The mental power mixed with black magic, who knows how it is different from Charles's.

Eric carefully opened several magnetic field protections, and his hands continuously emitted electromagnetic pulses to force away the mental power approaching him, and then waved his hands again, and a ball of silver mist condensed into several metal balls the size of quail eggs. He drew circles with his hands, and the electromagnetic field was superimposed layer by layer. The metal ball flashed with bursts of electric light and shot out fiercely.

Electromagnetic cannon! This is the electromagnetic cannon simulated by Eric. The metal ball carried a huge force and hit Dracula like lightning.

Before Dracula could react, several holes were pierced through his right leg. He could not stand up and knelt on one knee. However, in those holes, you can see the granulation tissue wriggling, and the wound is shrinking rapidly. It will take him a few minutes to recover.

"Ah!" Dracula roared in anger, stretched out his hand and slapped the ground to stand up.

Eric didn't want him to get his wish, so he gathered a metal ball in his hand again and hit him.

Eric didn't dare to use his killing move, and the electromagnetic cannon was aimed at Dracula's limbs. Soon, Dracula's limbs were covered with scars. Eric struck while the iron was hot, and the metal ball turned into silver mist again, wrapping Dracula in it.

"See if you are still not honest!" Eric clenched his fist fiercely, and the silver mist tightened immediately, turning into a thin silver film, covering Dracula tightly, binding him tightly. Dracula can survive in a vacuum environment, and Eric is not worried that he will be suffocated.

Then, he opened his hands, and metal kept flying around, turning into powder in the air and gathering on Dracula. Soon, Dracula was buried under a thick layer of metal and turned into a big iron lump.

"Done!" Eric smiled with satisfaction, controlling the big iron lump to fly up and prepare to fly back to the United States.

However, a wisp of black smoke suddenly emerged from the iron lump, which immediately froze Eric's smile.

"Damn human, you have successfully angered the great Count Dracula!" The black fog kept swirling in the air, and finally condensed into the appearance of Dracula again, but he looked a little miserable, with holes everywhere on his tuxedo and cloak, and white and black patches on his pale skin.

"Tsk tsk, what a standard villain boss declaration! When this sentence appears in the game, the boss is usually at low health and is ready to explode a big move before dying!" Eric saw Dracula's appearance and laughed again.

Dracula didn't understand what Eric said, but he could understand the mocking smile on his face, and he was immediately furious.

"Stupid human, how dare you laugh at the great Count Dracula!" With a roar, Dracula turned into a ball of black mist again, with dark and strange lights flashing in the black mist, and a few obscure magic runes flashing from time to time.

"Oh, are you really going to use your ultimate power? I just said it casually, don't take it seriously!" Eric complained, and his hands were not idle. After the battle just now, he saw that his magnetic shield had little effect on Dracula's magic, but it could block physical objects.

In the blink of an eye, the big iron lump on the ground rose into the air again, split, and combined, and soon turned into a steel armor, which was automatically put on Eric.

This armor does not have the sharp mechanical feel of the Mark series, but the biomass feel of muscle tissue, as if he had put on another layer of steel muscle. Eric's height, which was not low to begin with, broke through two meters after putting on the steel armor. Coupled with the steel muscles, he looked like an alien monster no matter how he looked at it.

"I am steel... Forget it, this line is exclusive to him, it's not appropriate for me to say it." Eric shook his huge head and waved his huge fist to hit Dracula.

Dracula's magic was also ready, and dark red light emerged from the black fog and shot at Eric like a laser weapon. Unfortunately, after these magic red lights hit the steel muscles, they were directly smashed and dissipated. The only trace left was the "ding ding" sound after the hit.

At this time, Eric's iron fist hit the black fog, which was like a real fog, without any texture, but was beaten up and down, and even the magic was not interrupted.

In the black fog, Dracula laughed strangely, eerie and terrifying, as if he was laughing at Eric's ignorance.

"Hmph, do you think this is the end? Ridiculous!" Eric's iron fist suddenly opened in the center of the black fog, and countless spikes grew rapidly, exceeding the range of the black fog in an instant. From the outside, Dracula's deformed black fog looked like a sea urchin.

This move also did not cause any harm to Dracula. He was almost immune to all physical attacks when he turned into this black fog state, but he suddenly had an ominous premonition and was eager to escape from the range of the steel spikes.

"Too late!" Eric shouted, and a few flashes of lightning flashed in his eyes. I saw bursts of lightning flashing on the steel spikes.

The lightning quickly intensified, but in the blink of an eye, the sea urchin turned into a lightning ball. Dracula's black fog seemed to be in a sea of ​​lightning, emitting bursts of painful howls, and the black fog kept churning. In some places, he even involuntarily turned back into a human form.

The sound of thunder was endless. Dracula tried to rush out of the lightning ball several times, but Eric blocked him with more powerful lightning.

Dracula's screams became quieter and quieter. Eric was afraid that he might kill him accidentally, so he put away the lightning and steel spikes. Without the lightning attack, the black fog instantly turned back into human form, and Dracula lay on the ground, dying.

"Finally he's behaving well this time!" Eric reached out and patted Dracula's head, and a strong electromagnetic pulse hit him, and Dracula fainted instantly.


When Eric returned to Xavier School of the Gifted with the unconscious Dracula, it was already late at night. Professor X and Hank were not asleep, waiting for his return.

Eric threw Dracula on the ground casually, "Hank, is my coffee still there?"

"Yes, you said to let you keep it, so I didn't move it." The tech geek Hank pointed to the desk next to him, and there was Eric's cup of spiked coffee on it, which made Eric sigh, what a simple-minded person!

"Take a rest first, I'll heat it up for you." Hank, who was honest, really thought Eric wanted to drink the coffee, so he walked over and picked it up. But as soon as he touched the coffee cup, he frowned, his nose twitched slightly, and looked at the coffee in his hand with some confusion.

"Hank, what's wrong?" Professor X asked in confusion.

"The coffee is still warm, but it seems to be sour..."

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