Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 466 Your life was bought with an Infinity Stone

The giant golden cocoon of Sovereign is still as dazzling as ever.

Around the giant cocoon, rich soul energy exudes, and it beats slightly with the heart of the person in the cocoon, strong and powerful.

"Hey, why are you still sleeping? Why don't you come out for a walk?" Eric was leaning on the cocoon, holding a can of Fat House Happy Water in his hand, as if he was chatting with an old friend.

The giant cocoon trembled slightly, as if in response to Eric's question, and a strange soul energy wanted to touch Eric.

Eric curled his lips, and the power of space laid a line of defense in front of him, blocking the soul energy. "If you have something to say, don't touch me. We are both men, and I am not interested in you."

The giant cocoon froze, and the soul energy became a little messy. Even Adam's magnetic field inside was a little unstable, as if he wanted to express something.

Eric felt it for a moment and shook his head regretfully, "I don't understand. I don't know what you are talking about. Forget it, let me talk about my affairs. Several of my friends there have died. I can repair the body and the soul." But just..."

The soul energy on the giant cocoon became erratic, and Adam's magnetic field also became silent, as if he was thinking and hesitating.

"The relationship between the soul gems and you is so close. You must have a way to retrieve their souls. How about doing me a favor? I'll treat you to dinner some other time. I know a good Turkish kebab restaurant."

The giant cocoon took a breath, and Eric guessed that if Adam stood in front of him now, he would definitely want to spray him to death with a mouthful of salt soda...

"Okay, okay, one meal is indeed a bit too little. How about a year's worth of KFC coupons?" Eric raised the price with a pained look on his face.

"Get out!" A rich male voice came out from the cocoon, and at the same time, the power of the soul that was everywhere turned into a heavy hammer and hit Eric hard.

Eric smiled. This was the first time Adam talked to him! He waved his hand nonchalantly and shattered the soul hammer, "I'm just saying, it's almost time, you will definitely be able to speak!"

Adam was silent again, and it took a long time before he spoke again, "Souls need to be exchanged at equal value."

Eric raised his eyebrows, "Why, if I want to resurrect a few people, I have to kill a few people first?"

"It's not quantity, but quality and importance. Tony Stark's soul requires one hundred thousand ordinary souls to equal it." Adam's voice was a little cold, and the soul in his eyes was like an artifact with a clear price tag, available for purchase. Available for sale.

"It's really expensive!" Eric curled his lips, took out a yellow gem from his pocket and threw it over, "Use this to pay off the debt, and the rest will be treated as a tip."

Adam's soul energy fluctuated sharply, and he impatiently wrapped the gem and pulled it into the cocoon. For a moment, the soul power and spiritual power in the cocoon surged. It took him a long time to calm down, "Deal!"

Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D., Lu Dan and Skye stood in front of a row of cradle of life and waited quietly. Behind him were Spider-Man, Pepper, and a lot of familiar and unfamiliar people.

Many of them don't know each other. The only thing they have in common is that their relatives are some superheroes, and they were the superheroes who died in the Skrull invasion.

The invasion of the Skrulls resulted in the death of nearly a hundred superheroes. Some of these people were killed directly by the Skrulls, while some, like She-Hulk, were affected in the chaos.

Due to various reasons, only about fifty of the dead superheroes have found their bodies, and the remaining dozens have no bones left.

Iron Man and She-Hulk both had their bodies intact, but their vital parts were severely damaged.

The corpses of these superheroes are all sealed in the cradle of life and nourished with various precious potions and energy.

Is this possible?

There are question marks on everyone's head, even braised eggs are no exception.

If the person who arranged this matter was not Eric, he would have arrested him as a lunatic!

Pepper looked at Tony in the cradle of life, tears streaming down his face. He could not stand with his own strength, and all his body weight was leaning on the little spider.

The conditions of other superhero widows are similar. Unlike their relatives, they are just a group of ordinary people, not superheroes. They have no superpowers, let alone super strong endurance.

However, every time superheroes return from an expedition, they are the ones who can heal their pain the most, and it is to protect them that they risk their lives.

Luo Dan glanced behind him slightly and whispered to Skye, "Are you sure this will work?"

Skye bared his teeth quietly, "How do I know? The dead are resurrected! I've never seen it before. This is too scary."

Luodan shook his head speechlessly, "When will he come back?"

"It should be soon, right?"

When Skye said Cao Cao, Cao Cao had arrived, a portal opened next to him, and Eric stepped out of the door with relaxed steps, nodding slightly to Skye and Lu Dan.

Luodan breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand, "Let's get started!"

A piece of transparent glass rose from the ground and stood between the widow and the cradle of life. This was glass doped with vibranium, so even if an accident happened, it could withstand it for a while. Braised eggs are like this, they like to be defensive in everything they do.

Eric looked at the anxious widows outside, without comment on the braised eggs, and sat down cross-legged in front of the cradle of more than fifty lives.

These superheroes are dead, that's for sure, their brains, their bodies, everything, lifeless.

After losing their lives, all systems of their bodies were completely paralyzed, and those fatal injuries naturally remained on their bodies.

Tony still had a wound on his heart, which was blown into pieces by the kinetic energy of the bullet.

The special bullet in She-Hulk's body had been taken out, but the mysterious ability carried by the bullet infected a large area of ​​internal organs.

The remaining superhero bodies were killed by a light blow, and the heavy blows were torn into pieces, and each one died more miserably than the other.

In order to revive them, their bodies must be repaired. There are actually many such technologies on Earth. For example, Comrade Lu Dan used a mysterious substance extracted from the bodies of the Kree to repair Coulson.

However, the technology on Earth is not very advanced after all, and these methods have more or less some sequelae. Eric dare not try it easily. His choice is material reorganization.

Rearrange the atoms and molecules, electrons and protons that make up their bodies, and all the damage becomes intact under his "rejuvenation magic hand".


Witnessing this magical scene, both the boiled egg and the widows stared with wide eyes, leaning on the glass excitedly, wanting to see how Eric would revive them next.

Eric looked back and smiled with relief, and flicked his finger, and more than fifty golden dots flew out, the same number as the superhero corpses.

"Tony, wake up, your life was bought with an Infinity Stone!"

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