Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 467: Ao·The most shameless death·Chuang, goodbye forever

"I am dead!"

"Yes, you are dead."

"I'm alive again."

"That's right, alive again."

"Why? Why is this happening?"

"What's wrong? Are your chest muscles getting bigger?"

Two days have passed, and Tony still can't believe the fact that he has come back from the dead. He doesn't even wear the steel armor, and he doesn't go to the laboratory. He just looks in the mirror and touches his chest in a daze every day.

Pepper was very worried about his condition, so she invited Eric over, and then they had the crazy conversation above.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. It's just that the body and soul have been separated for too long. It will take some time to adapt. It will be fine in a few days." Eric comforted Pepper and gave Tony an electromagnetic pulse to plunge him into a deep state. sleep, then said goodbye and left.

In comparison, Tony's situation is relatively stable. Among them, Betty is in the worst situation. She has transformed into She-Hulk and her emotions are easily out of control. Now the disharmony between her soul and body makes her This situation is getting more and more serious, and even Eric's emotion control bracelet cannot effectively control it, and She-Hulk and Betty will switch directly every few minutes.

How could such a She-Hulk be allowed to run into the street? Luodan never let her step out of SHIELD and kept her locked in the basement.

"She is special, and the recovery time may be a little longer." Eric tried the electromagnetic pulse again and found that it didn't work at all. He shrugged and didn't care. "That's okay. There is a time buffer, so you can try it. , can you get Bruce back?"

Green Death, Hulk's strongest form. Everyone understands that the vacuum environment of the universe cannot kill Green Death. The ubiquitous cosmic radiation is enough to provide Green Death with the energy needed to survive.

It stands to reason that Green Shang has been exiled from the earth. With the strength of those space superheroes, it is impossible to let him go too far, and there is a high possibility that he will even fall off. But strangely enough, Eric is on the earth. I searched a large circle nearby, including the planet Saturn, but I couldn't find any trace of Lu Shang, and I didn't know where he had drifted to.

Luodan looked complicated, "Eric, can this method of resurrection be used on others? For example, Coulson?"

Eric raised his eyebrows slightly, "Honestly, you can! However, the cost of resurrecting a soul is too high, and it is impossible to promote it. Moreover, regarding Coulson, I believe you are already implementing a plan."

"No, it's already done." Luo Dan sighed, "I don't know whether it's right or wrong to do this, but I still did it."

"How's the effect?"

"No, it's too painful." Lu Dan's mouth twitched, "I used a substance extracted from the Kree to reactivate the cells in Colson's body, but his brain cells have completely died. I must This substance is injected directly into his brain!"

Luo Dan made a circle on his forehead and made a movement to reveal it. "This process is too painful. In order to accurately find the brain nerves, Colson must stay awake. He can feel everything..."

Eric was silent. Life and death were opposite yet unified. It is easy to go from life to death again, but from death to life...

"I erased all Coulson's memories of this plan. He will only remember that he was unconscious for a few minutes." At this point, Luodan fell silent.

Eric patted him on the shoulder, "He survived, that's enough."

"You are right, the price of resurrection is too high. Coulson is the first and only participant in this project."

Eric took a look at each of the resurrected people to make sure that there was nothing abnormal about them. Then he felt relieved and returned to his long-lost home.

When he came back, it was already approaching evening. The part-time cook Psylocke set up a barbecue grill in the yard. Stephanie was helping to prepare the ingredients. Barton and Red led a few night owls to carry beer and other heavy objects, and Si Kai was sitting alone in a big tree, operating a laptop attentively.

Everything looks so harmonious and peaceful. Just like the feeling every time I come back in the past ten years, maybe this is home.

"Boss!" "Boss!"

Everyone greeted Eric in a low voice, and Barton threw a bottle of beer. The two sat on the ground together, watching the evening red clouds fall on Skye's body, which was beautiful.

"Boss, I will hold a dance for my daughter's second birthday next month, will you come?" Barton took a sip of beer and frowned. In order to stay awake at all times, he did not drink often.

"Oh, two years old...wait, Barton, when did you get married?" Eric was about to agree, but he immediately reacted and looked at Barton in disbelief.

Barton shrugged, "Three years ago, I invited you to the wedding, but it's a pity that you didn't come."

Eric smiled bitterly, "That's such a shame. I'm sorry for not attending your wedding."

"It doesn't matter, you are a hero, you are too busy, it's normal." Barton waved his hand nonchalantly, "Oh, by the way, some time ago, a guy named Deadpool sent an invitation to invite you to his wedding. , it’s a pity that you weren’t there at the time.”

"Deadpool's wedding?" Eric was stunned, "When?"

"I don't know. I didn't look carefully. It should be soon."

"Okay, I understand. If I have time, I will go."

Eric and Barton touched the beer bottles, raised their heads and drank the whole bottle.

"Ahhh! Damn it, he ran away again!" Skye yelled angrily on the tree nearby, and used both hands to crumple the laptop into a ball and threw it into the distance. Judging from the speed and angle, it would fly a few miles away without any problem.

Eric chuckled and stood up, "Hey, who made my daughter angry again?"

"Eric? When did you come back?" Skye jumped down from the tree and asked with some surprise.

"I just came back. I didn't bother you because I saw you were busy." Eric looked at his daughter with a smile, "Tell me, who are you angry with again?"

Skye sighed, "Who else could it be? Ultron! That guy hides in the corners of the Internet and comes out from time to time to cause damage. It's really annoying."

Eric slapped his forehead. Ultron, he actually forgot about this "big boss"!

"Come, I'll help you get rid of him." Eric casually summoned a computer, tapped it with his index finger, and then handed it to Skye, "Okay, just set up a small trap inside, and you will catch him."

"Is that it? Too perfunctory, isn't it?" Skye pouted, looked at Eric with some displeasure, but still turned on the computer obediently and set the trap.

Eric smiled and said nothing. Ultron is just a program, without superpowers, no divine power, and no magic. Planning divine power to deal with such a thing is as simple as crushing an ant.

In just a few minutes, Skye screamed in surprise, "Oh my God, he really came in!"

Eric smiled, and said goodbye to Ultron.

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