Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 499 The strongest Avenger, Thanos?

Yes, just dream!

Isn't all this just a dream? Magneto’s dream…

"What did you say? Eric..." Professor X screamed in surprise, but his body suddenly turned into a pile of foam and dissipated quickly.

Not only Professor

Only Eric looked at everything in front of him silently and sighed.

Is this the dream that Magneto once had? Maybe not entirely, and some of it may be influenced by the Quarry of Gods, but the starting point of this dream still comes from Magneto.

It's a pity that he is Magneto, but not Magneto. After a brief period of confusion, he has regained consciousness. All that is left is just following the guidance of the dream and acting out a play.

The three infinite witches finally set up a stage for him. He can't just run out of the scene right? That's ruining the scene, it's so rude, you have to let them watch some drama, right? Even if it’s a sex act...

In the God's Quarry, Eric slowly opened his eyes. His body had returned to its original appearance, and the immortal walls no longer restrained him.

He moved his wrist and looked at the three infinite witches floating in the air. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt a huge amount of energy pouring into his body.

This is the proof and reward of his passing the trial.

This energy was extremely huge, far surpassing the white-robed wizard he killed in quantity, and even surpassing it several times in quality.

This is the energy, or divine power, from God!

God's Quarry was born at the beginning of the multiverse. It is a certain supplement to the rules of this universe. It connects every single universe here. Every god, regardless of single universe level or multiverse level, will be buried here after his death. How much divine power has been accumulated here over countless years?

No one can tell, and no one can take them all away.

This is a rule. Eric used tricks to easily pass the trial, which can be regarded as breaking the rules. If the three infinite witches hadn't turned a blind eye, he would have turned into a stone statue.

With the addition of this divine power, Eric's strength has skyrocketed and he has climbed several levels.

He was promoted to the multi-level level because of the soul of the zombie Magneto, but that only occupied a spot in the multi-level level. His strength was still at the single-universe level, and it was still at the lowest level of the single-universe level.

According to fantasy theory, his strength can be said to be at the early stage of the single-body universe level, and he is still at the beginning of the single-body level.

But with this divine power, his strength has directly crossed the mid-term stage and entered the late stage, which is enough to look up to the ceiling of the single universe level!

With his current strength, he might not lose even if he fights the well-fed Uncle Tun!

"God's Quarry is well-deserved." Eric nodded. These powers were selected by God's Quarry based on his ability, body and other factors. They match him very well, and they are always The amount is exactly the limit that his body can currently hold. As long as he adapts a little, he can completely stabilize his current strength.

But, he wanted more!

Eric narrowed his eyes and reached out to touch the purple potato spirit beside him, "Thanos, let me see what you are dreaming about?"

In New York, under the Statue of Liberty, an ugly yellow-skinned monster is smashing madly.

On the side, Thor, the god of thunder, was lying at the bottom of a huge pit, covered in blood and unconscious, with cracks on Thor's hammer.

"Ahem, run! Abomination is completely out of control. Wasp, run while you can still move!" Falcon, who was wearing a star-and-striped uniform, was scratching his head by Abomination and was about to die, but he did not forget to remind his teammates. Run quickly, this is his first battle after taking over Captain America's shield. He didn't expect to lose so miserably.

"No! I will never abandon you, Sam!" The Wasp struggled to get up and wanted to take action, but a heartbreaking pain in her abdomen made her bend over.

"Don't give up in a hurry, Captain!" Spider-Man lying on the side suddenly pointed into the distance, "Look, the cavalry is here!"

Abomination turned his head and looked at the direction Spider-Man was pointing at, as if he had found a more delicious target. He lost interest in Falcon, threw him away, and ran away in that direction.

Who is coming? Iron Man, Daredevil, Ms. Marvel, Vision, Mr. Fantastic, and Thanos!

"Avengers Assemble!" Thanos shouted this slogan loudly, causing the crowd to cheer. Spider-Man and other injured superheroes even shouted in joy.

"Iron Man, Daredevil, take care of the wounded, Vision, Ms. Marvel, evacuate the crowd!" Thanos ordered in a low voice, staring at Abomination intently.

"I'm glad to see you alive, big guy!" The falcon flew over with sparkling wings, covering his shoulders and coughing up blood.

"Please go and rest, Captain, I will deal with this idiot." Thanos sneered and took a step forward.

"Roar!" Abomination let out a loud roar, and beat his chest hard with both fists, making himself angrier and more powerful, and even his body grew more than a foot taller.

"You pissed me off, Blonsky, and you hurt my friends!" Thanos clenched his fists, his face gradually becoming ferocious, "No one can hurt Thanos' friends!"

"Roar!" Abomination roared again, pushing his speed to the extreme, transforming into a streak of yellow lightning, and punched hard.

A cold light flashed in Thanos's eyes, and the iron fist came out with scorching energy that seemed to be unbearable even in space, "Go to hell!"

"Ah!" No matter how much the power of Abomination increases, it can never be the opponent of Thanos. He was punched more than 100 meters away by him.

However, the powerful self-healing ability allowed Abomination to stand up again, his eyes red, roaring to the sky, and his body mutated again. Bone spurs grew out of his body, turning into an even more hideous monster.

"It's useless." Abomination suddenly heard a voice coming from above his head. Just as he looked up, he saw a huge fist, and then there was darkness.

Thanos stood next to Abomination's body, arrogantly, "I protect this city and this world! You really should have listened to my warning."

A crisis was resolved, and many superheroes came forward to express their gratitude and congratulations to Thanos.

"Listen, big guy!" Spider-Man made an exaggerated cheering gesture, "They said they love us! They love Thanos and the Avengers! We can do anything!"

"That's right, Thanos!" The second generation Captain America, Falcon stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, his face full of praise, "Well done, you are the most powerful Avenger!"


Eric floated in the air, looking at everything on the ground, stunned.

What the hell? The most powerful Avenger, Thanos?

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