Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 520 Is it you? My love?

"This place has changed so much!" Eric found it hard to imagine that this was his former "home" when he came to the universe of Emperor Thanos again.

The place where he returned was also the place where he left, the Illuminati base on the moon, where he once fought six people alone and fought the six giants of the Illuminati to escape.

Unfortunately, things have changed. More than ten years have passed, and this place has long become a ruin. I think the Illuminati organization has also been submerged in history.

And all this is thanks to one person, Emperor Thanos!

Eric looked at the devastated moon and sighed. The unified force field instantly surrounded the moon.

He found a replica of the Ultimate Eraser here. The real one may have been in this base. He can't let go of any possibility.

After scanning a circle, Eric silently put away his ability. He was very familiar with the breath of the Ultimate Eraser, but there was no one here. Maybe there was, but after more than ten years, no one knew where it went.

Then, let's go to Earth.

Eric familiarized himself with the spatial rules here, waved his hand to open a portal, stepped out, and reached the front of the moon, facing the earth from a distance.

"Raven..." Eric stared at the earth blankly, and couldn't help shouting out that name. He didn't know what happened to her later? Was she left on the moon, or did she return to the earth and die in the hands of Thanos?

With this in mind, Eric was a little timid for a while and didn't dare to return to the earth.

"Wow, look what I found? A living life, God, how long has it been since new life appeared in this universe? Boy, come to your uncle quickly! The boss will definitely welcome you very much!" A burst of arrogant voice came faintly with the roar of a motorcycle.

Eric looked up in astonishment. This is the moon, there is no air, how can the sound be transmitted?

"That is, Ghost Rider?" Eric was immediately solemn. He was not afraid of Ghost Rider, but the appearance of Ghost Rider here could only mean that Emperor Thanos was on Earth!

"Okay, before I take you away, tell me who you are. I don't want to be clueless when the boss asks me. I remember the last time I did that, he twisted off my head and put it under his butt for a week. Oh, that smell is so fresh in my memory. It's strange, isn't it? I obviously don't have a nose anymore, but I can still smell it..." Ghost Rider drove his motorcycle in space, chattering as he approached Eric.

Eric was surprised, shaking the universe, and transmitted his words, "Johnny?"

"Johnny? What a nostalgic name, you actually know him? You are his friend, right? It's a pity that he was deprived of the spirit of revenge and screamed for three days and three nights when he died. You really should have seen that scene." Ghost Rider turned a corner, parked the motorcycle next to Eric, and looked at Eric with his skull eyes burning with hellfire.

Eric frowned, "Not Johnny? Who are you? Deadpool or Spider-Man? Or Ant-Man? With this level of mouth cannon, I can't think of a fourth name."

"Hahaha!" Ghost Rider laughed with his hands on his hips, pointing at Eric and waving his finger, "None of them, I'm Frank! Frank Custer!"

"Punisher, Frank? Are you kidding me?" When did a Punisher known for his cruelty become a joke?

"Oh, staying with the boss for a long time will always change yourself." Ghost Rider shrugged, took off the chain on his shoulder and turned around, "Come on, tell me your name, so that I can show my face to the boss once, man, please."

Eric sighed, it seems that this universe has really been poisoned by the emperor Thanos...

"Don't say it? It doesn't matter, I'll let you speak. When I became the messenger of the Galactus, I learned a lot of interesting skills. Oh, what is that move called? I haven't used it for so long, I almost forgot it!" Ghost Rider waved the chain, swung it out, and wrapped it around Eric's ankle.

Eric shook his head and shook it slightly, but it didn't break! "Huh? What is this?"

"Ha ha ha, don't waste your energy, this is forged with the bones of Cytorak, no one can break free!" Ghost Rider screamed, started the motorcycle, circled around Eric, and tried to tie him up.

Eric didn't want to waste any more time, the power of space surged, and he easily broke free from the chain, teleported behind the Ghost Rider, pulled off his skull, and held it in front of him, "Tell me about your boss, I have something to find him."

"Oh, God, the iron chain forged with the bones of Cytorak can't even lock you up? You are so weird, but that's it, you really shouldn't look into my eyes! A long time ago, they all called it the Eye of Judgment!" In the eyes of the Ghost Rider, the hellfire suddenly burst out, as if it wanted to devour Eric.

But Eric stood still, the hellfire could not get close to him within a foot, and the Eye of Judgment had no effect on him at all! In another universe, he has verified that he is immune to the Eye of Judgment!

Now, it was Ghost Rider's turn to be shocked, "This, this, this... How is this possible? Even if he is the boss, it is impossible that there is no effect at all! He receives the baptism of the Eye of Judgment every morning, saying that it will remind him of his glory!"

"Pervert!" Eric cursed inwardly, the emperor Thanos is really perverted, recalling his crimes through the Eye of Judgment is actually the most affectionate memory for him...

"Brother, you'd better let me go quickly. Your arrival has caused a very strong spatial fluctuation. The boss sent me to check. If I don't go back on time, the boss will be very angry. He..."

"Okay, shut up, you idiot!" Eric slapped the Ghost Rider on the mouth, and the rune magic was activated, forcing the Hellfire back a little, making the Ghost Rider temporarily lose the ability to speak. Then he waved his hand and tied his body with the Ghost Rider's iron chain and teleported together.

This place is too close to the Emperor Thanos, and he must stay away from it so that he can knock out some useful information from the funny Ghost Rider's mouth.

Not long after Eric left, a ragged man broke through the air. He had no spatial ability, and he completely smashed the space with his fists, and used his strong body to resist the spatial turbulence and came back.

He is the Emperor Thanos! The man who slaughtered the entire universe with his own power!

He was wearing a tattered battle robe, a golden crown on his head, wrinkled skin, haggard face, white hair on his head, and a long white beard on his chin. He looked like an old man who had not much time left.

However, the aging of his body could not conceal the destructive aura of the emperor Thanos. His deep pupils seemed to be able to pierce the void, scanning the moon, and spoke with a hint of hope, "Is it you? My love?"

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