Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 521 This time we have to fight with real weapons

Emperor Thanos Universe, the Land of Nothingness.

Like other universes, this is also the head of a god, but the difference is that this place has long been deserted. Even the so-called immortal elder collector of the universe died under the iron fist of Emperor Thanos and was buried in the same grave with his beloved collection.

Eric "once again" occupied this place as his temporary base.

"The Avengers, the Elders of the Universe, the Celestials, the Devourer of Planets, and even the Eternal Avatar are dead. Emperor Thanos is so terrifying!" It took more than ten minutes for Eric to get a lot of useful information from the funny Ghost Rider, but this information made him frown frequently.

Use the head of Devourer of Planets to build a throne, use the bones of the Celestials to build a temple of death, and keep the Hulk as a pet...

Emperor Thanos can only be described in one word in this universe, invincible!

"The Fallen! This is the only enemy that the boss has not defeated. They always come to harass us from time to time. It's really annoying. Oh, by the way, he doesn't know where he found Thor's hammer. He's really a tough guy..." The funny Ghost Rider started to talk again, and Eric immediately gave him a silence spell, which is quite effective for this kind of guy who likes to talk.

"Who is the Fallen?" Eric asked a question, then shook the funny Ghost Rider's head and unlocked the silence spell.

The funny Ghost Rider calmed down and answered the question very honestly, "The Fallen is not a person, but a title. Now the person who occupies this title is the Silver Surfer, he..."

Eric closed his mouth before the funny Ghost Rider made a long speech, and then thought silently.

What happened here is almost exactly the same as what he remembered. The emperor Thanos has completed his journey, and the entire universe only has the Silver Surfer as a superhero to make the final resistance.

Of course, the reason why Silver Surfer survived was not because he was so strong. There were many people stronger than him in the entire universe. He was just lucky enough to be left behind by the Emperor Thanos on purpose, wanting to draw a perfect end to his magnificent life and also to give the last gift to death.

"It's not easy. The Emperor Thanos has already touched the ceiling of this universe, but because I have crossed the universe, many of my abilities cannot be used. My strength is far behind. How can I fight?"

Eric frowned and counted his abilities. The more he thought about it, the smaller his chances of winning became.

"No, we have to find a way to find the Ultimate Eraser first. As long as we find this thing, the Emperor Thanos will just have to think about it."

Unfortunately, things never develop according to his wishes. He had just set up an action plan when the space not far away shattered.

"My love! Is it you? I'm here!" An old and deep voice came from the broken space, followed by a slightly shriveled purple thigh.

Eric's face changed drastically. He put his hands together, firmly controlled the surrounding space in his hands, and then turned it fiercely.

The space gap around the purple thigh turned into a hideous sawtooth, spinning wildly, trying to saw off the thigh.

"Squeak, squeak..." The harsh sound was endless, just like a bored guy scratching glass with a knife. Meteors burst out from the space gap and the purple thigh. Those were broken space fragments!

It was useless! No matter how much Eric added strength, no matter how the space crushed, he couldn't hurt the thigh at all!

"My love, what are you doing? Do you want my leg? If you want, tell me, I'll give it to you right away!" At the other end of the space, a vigorous and powerful fist hit the void again, the space shattered, Eric instantly lost control of that space, the space channel opened again, and the emperor Thanos came through the air!

Eric's face was solemn, and he waved his hand to teleport the funny Ghost Rider to another place.

Without the bonus of the space gem, and crossing another universe, his control over space was greatly reduced, but that was not something that ordinary people could resist. If it were anyone else, even Thor, such a teleportation would be torn into pieces by the space turbulence, not to mention that Eric had just controlled the space to perform a circumcision...

This guy's skin is harder than vibranium!

"It's not you..." Emperor Thanos completely ignored Eric's existence, looked around, and released a sharp eagle-like divine light in his turbid eyes, followed by disappointment, as if death was gone, and he lost interest in everything.

Eric watched coldly, and even quietly reduced his sense of existence. He was not a hot-blooded young man, and would not lose his mind because of the enemy's contempt.

Eric dragged his old body and moved forward step by step, as if he didn't notice Eric's existence at all. He walked to a small hillside and sat down, lowered his head tiredly, and said a sentence for a long time, "You, did you see her?"

A cold light flashed in Eric's eyes. He knew that Emperor Thanos was asking him if he had seen death, "Yes!"

Yes! One word rekindled the emperor Thanos' hope, "Where is she?"

"She was killed by a guy named Shen Fu in another universe." Eric made up a story casually, and misled Shen Fu.

The emperor Thanos was stunned, and then laughed dumbly, "Little guy, you don't know who I'm talking about! She can't be..."

"Impossible to die?" Eric suddenly interrupted him, "Then where did she go? Did you lose her?"

The emperor Thanos was stunned, his eyes gradually lost focus, and he murmured softly, "Yes, I lost her..."

"Then go find her! Go find her in her world!" Eric continued to bewitch, and even secretly used electromagnetic pulses.

"Go to her world? She refused me to enter her world..." Emperor Thanos gradually fell into memories, his eyes became more and more dull, and his face was full of pain and frustration.

Eric's eyes were bright, and his hands were swinging randomly in front of him, gently stroking every magnetic flux line, so that Emperor Thanos' consciousness would sink deeper.

"Huh, what a wonderful memory, you seem to be of some use, I can't bear to kill you! How about being another messenger of mine?" Emperor Thanos suddenly opened his eyes, regained consciousness in an instant, and looked at Eric with interest.

Eric stopped the action at hand. He knew that this trick was very likely to fail to do anything to Emperor Thanos, but if he didn't try it, he would always be unwilling. What if it succeeded? What if Emperor Thanos became sick with longing and had a loophole in his mind, and he could easily deal with it, wouldn't it be possible to avoid an unnecessary battle? With this time, he could have saved several more planet devourers in the universe...

Unfortunately, things did not go as he wished. Emperor Thanos is worthy of being Emperor Thanos. Even though he is already in his twilight years, his heart is still as tough as vibranium, without any flaws.

"In that case, we can only fight with real swords and guns this time!"

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