Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 552: Is there any need to think about this thing?

The Reality Stone, or the Aether, is a special one among the six Infinity Stones.

This stone is in liquid form.

Of course, it is not born this way, but in the distant Dark Ages, after the Dark Elves obtained the Reality Stone, in order to control the power of the Reality Stone, they added all kinds of messy dark matter into it and forcibly refined the Reality Stone into Aether.

Doing so allowed the Dark Elves to control part of the power of the Reality Stone, but it also greatly reduced the power of the Reality Stone.

Since Bor defeated the Dark Elves, the Aether has been secretly sealed by Asgard, and only the God Kings of all generations can know its location.

Well, Eric, the former God King, is an exception. He doesn't know...

"It's here." Thor took Eric to the place where the Aether was sealed. This sealed place is a big stone. Such stones are everywhere on this planet. With the magical shielding effect of the rune magic circle, few people can find this thing.

"Can you open it?" Eric circled around the stone for a few times. With his current rune magic attainments, he could see a little taste, but he couldn't solve it.

"Simple!" Because of the sacrifice, Thor's IQ went from being a big loser to being a rich man. After just a moment of thinking, he came up with a solution.

Eric grinned and stepped back, giving the stage to Thor.

Thor put Thor's hammer in his hand, opened his hands, and powerful divine power came out of his body, circling around him. Runes kept flowing out from his blood, accompanied by the inexplicable spells in his mouth, turning into blood-red thunder, hitting the boulder fiercely.

Eric squinted his eyes and carefully identified the runes. His rune magic came from Odin, who got Odin's rune magic after sacrificing one eye. It was not complete. After passing it to Eric, it would always lack a little truth.

But Thor's rune magic is a complete inheritance. In rune magic, he is indeed much stronger than Odin, and of course much stronger than Eric.

Eric could only vaguely recognize some functions such as removing seals and modifying space from those runes, and he couldn't understand more.

The bloody thunder bombarded for five or six minutes, and the seemingly ordinary boulder began to permeate with thunder power. An obscure cut split from the center, and the upper part of the boulder began to slowly float up.

The boulder was only lifted a few centimeters, and a stream of scarlet liquid gushed out, but unfortunately it was blocked by a thunder barrier, and it was sealed in the gap of the boulder and could not be seen.

"Ether particles!" Eric smiled, but he didn't rush to do it, but carefully sensed the real power in it.

His various abilities were originally focused on the real side, and he was familiar with the infinity gems with two infinity gems in his hands. At this moment, he only stood at a distance and observed, and he could feel a lot of the truth of reality from the ether particles.

Thor's spell stopped slowly until the boulder was raised to more than one foot. After the attempt just now, the ether particles seemed to have realized that they could not escape from this cage alone. At this moment, they had stayed between the boulders and condensed into a scarlet liquid ball.

Thor looked back at Eric, smiled slightly, and even took a step back and made a gesture of invitation to Eric.

"What do you mean?" Eric raised his eyebrows, "This is your Asgard's treasure."

"No, it's our Asgard's treasure!" Thor's one eye was full of wisdom, "Eric, Asgard can't keep this thing, only you can!"

"Is this what you mean? Or Odin's meaning?" Eric frowned vigilantly. Could this be Odin trying to trick him again?

"I proposed it, and my father agreed." Thor smiled faintly, and his wise look made Eric feel uncomfortable.

"To be honest, you are more likable as a fool before." Eric complained and stepped forward to touch the ether particles.


In the depths of the distant dark universe, on a strange-shaped spaceship, the dark elf Malekith awakened from his slumber. He sensed that the opportunity that the dark elves had been waiting for thousands of years had come!


As soon as the ether particles came into contact with Eric, they swarmed in like finding relatives, trying to drill into Eric's body, but after drilling for a long time, they couldn't even break the skin!

If the ether particles were conscious, they would be in a state of panic. What kind of skin is this? Is it made of infinite gems? Can it even resist the power of reality?

Thor couldn't understand it on the side. According to the records, the dark elves controlled the ether particles, didn't they all absorb them into the body? What's wrong with Eric?

"I don't like more messy things in my body!" Eric said coldly, clasped his hands together, and gathered the ether particles in his palms.

"Star-eating bees, it's up to you!" Eric glanced at Thor, his mouth curled up, his body trembled, and a bunch of star-eating bees suddenly appeared, turning into a black mist covering the ether particles.

The ether particles seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and suddenly began to struggle violently and resisted, but they could not break free from Eric's control no matter what.

Thor shuddered on the side and couldn't help but take a step back, wanting to stay away from those crazy parasites.

Star-eating bees can't devour the reality gems, that's for sure. But the ether particles are different. Those dark gods mixed in the reality gems are garbage in Eric's eyes and must be eliminated! And this is the job of the star-eating bees.

As the star-eating bees devoured, the volume of the ether particles continued to decrease until it was reduced to one-third of its original size. The star-eating bees flew away reluctantly, and they could not bite the remaining things.

At this moment, the ether particles can be said to be almost only pure reality gems. They have lost their previous violence, but they are still a pool of scarlet liquid, which is no different from before.

"Eric, according to Asgard's records, the ether particles want to be restored to reality gems, which seems to be related to the holder's understanding of reality. Unfortunately, we in Asgard cannot understand those things either. They are just some guesses." Thor stared at the liquid and said solemnly.

Eric nodded, which was similar to his guess.

To restore the reality gem to the appearance of a gem, you need to have a strong understanding of reality. This is related to the cognition, perception, and understanding of the universe. It is very idealistic and realistic.

"Eric, let's go back to Asgard first. We've got the gem anyway, so you can take it and study it slowly. Let's get rid of the dark elves and my sister first, and then... um..." Thor stepped forward and patted Eric, reminding him that now was not the time to study this, but he was shocked when he was halfway through his words.

The Reality Gem has changed!

Eric twisted the Reality Gem with two fingers, "Do we still need to study this thing?"

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