Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 57 Oops, Wakanda!

"Oops!" Eric exclaimed, waving his hand in the direction of Namor, trying to trap him again with a metal box, but unfortunately, a ball of sea water turned into a giant hand, blocking the metal box one meter away from Namor, and he couldn't move forward!

T'Chaka also found something wrong and rushed towards Namor, but was controlled by Namor to rush far away with the sea water.

Eric once again controlled a large amount of metal to surround Namor, but he blocked it back with sea water. Eric refused to give up, and fired several electromagnetic cannons, but they were like mud sinking into the sea, without any effect.

The two were about to attack again, but Namor got impatient, roared violently, and smashed a leaking place on the wall, swimming towards the depths of the sea.

"Come back to me!" Eric shouted, and countless metals swept away, turning into a chain wrapped around Namor's waist, trying to pull him back.

T'Chaka suddenly jumped up, and climbed up the chain nimbly against the backflow of seawater, and grabbed Namor's leg in the blink of an eye.

Being in the sea, Namor seemed to have infinite power. He easily broke the chain around his waist, punched T'Chaka down again, and then controlled the seawater to turn into a giant hand, holding T'Chaka in the palm of his hand, and crushed him hard, trying to crush him to death!

At this time, the seawater in the base was already as deep as the eyebrows. Eric turned on the magnetic shield, pushed the seawater away, and stomped his feet into the ocean. He controlled the metal again, turned it into an iron fist, and hit Namor's back hard, making him stagger. The seawater could not be controlled, and T'Chaka took the opportunity to run out.

T'Chaka knocked on the Black Panther armor a few times, and a layer of blue light suddenly lit up on the helmet, isolating the seawater outside, and then swam towards Namor again.

Namor stopped and floated in the sea, his long hair flying, his eyes glowing red, and he opened his mouth to roar angrily. It was strange that Eric and T'Chaka could still hear his roar!

Eric controlled the metal and wanted to get close to Namor again, but found that the sea water around Namor was rotating at high speed. As soon as the metal got close to Namor, it would be crushed by the sea water and could not get close to him at all.

T'Chaka swam to Eric, tapped his chest twice, and pointed at Namor. Eric understood and used his superpowers on the Black Panther suit. Only then did he find that he had regained control of the Black Panther suit. It seemed that T'Chaka had turned off the black technology that interfered with the magnetic field.

Eric controlled the Black Panther suit and shot T'Chaka at Namor like a cannonball. The high-speed rotating sea water could not hurt the vibranium, but instead stored a lot of kinetic energy for the Black Panther suit, making T'Chaka look blue all over.

T'Chaka passed through Namor's seawater shield and fought with Namor again. Eric had time to summon their vibranium spaceship.

The vibranium spaceship came from far to near, and it kept changing shape on the way. Soon it became a square metal box, which covered Namor and T'Chaka.

When Namor saw the box, he might have remembered his "snail house" life for a year. The anger on his face became heavier. He kicked T'Chaka away and quickly went upstream.

Eric couldn't let him run away. He controlled the vibranium box and T'Chaka at the same time, followed closely, and went upstream behind Namor.

Not long after, rocks appeared above the heads of the three people, blocking Namor's way like a sky curtain. That was the bottom of the African continental plate.

Eric saw such a good opportunity, how could he give up, and controlled the vibranium boxes to scatter, sealing all the directions of Namor, wrapping him up and.

T'Chaka was also thrown over by Eric to harass Namor and prevent him from escaping with any strange moves.

Namor looked at the vibranium box getting closer and closer, and roared continuously. The sea water rioted in front of him, trying to wash the box away, but found that it was useless.

Seeing that the space around him was getting smaller and smaller, Namor suddenly looked up and punched the rocky sky. A large amount of gravel fell, and countless small sand and gravel were stirred up and mixed in the sea water. The sea water suddenly became chaotic and it was difficult to see Namor's figure.

Relying on magnetic field induction, Eric knew that Namor controlled the sea water to open a gap in the rock and drilled in. He hurriedly controlled the vibranium to deform again, turned into a drill and drilled in.

After chasing for hundreds of meters, Namor's speed suddenly increased. He did break through the rock and entered a dark river. Eric and the others had just entered the dark river, and he had already swam several miles upstream.

The vibranium drill deformed again, forming a streamlined hull, carrying Eric and the others to chase quickly.

In the water, Namor's speed is faster than that of ordinary submarines. The maze-like underground river can't slow him down at all. Instead, it provides him with natural obstacles to block Eric's pursuit.

At first, Eric carefully avoided boulders and other objects, but he soon found that this would only make Namor run farther and farther, so he no longer hesitated and drove the vibranium hull all the way, chasing Namor straight.

Namor was in front, Eric and T'Chaka were behind, and the three of them followed the underground river all the way up, chasing for three or four hours, and then suddenly broke through a layer of rocks and entered a clear lake.

Lake Turkana, the three returned to the surface!

Namor fled all the way, and suddenly rushed out of the lake at this time, letting out a shocking roar. The Turkana Lake under his feet seemed to be alive, gathering towards him and holding him up high.

Eric and T'Chaka followed closely behind, flying out of the lake. The vibranium hull turned into a floating platform, carrying the two of them to the opposite side of Namor to confront him.

T’Chaka took off his helmet, his dark face was covered with sweat. He wiped the sweat off his face and took out a Kimoyu bead. Soon, his bald guard captain appeared on it. “Mobilize the fighters. There are enemies in Wakanda!”

Eric looked at him silently without saying anything.

Soon, Wakanda’s fighters arrived. Hundreds of sci-fi fighters surrounded Namor. The blue light on the gun barrels flashed, ready to fire at any time.

Namor stood on the water, looked up, his scarlet eyes flashed fiercely, and he roared a few times with his mouth wide open. The Turkana Lake under his feet suddenly rose to the sky.

Wakanda fighters opened fire at the same time. The place where Namor was submerged by countless blue lights was hit. The lake water was evaporated continuously, and a white mist rose.

“Stop!” T’Chaka gave an order, and the fighters stopped attacking. The lake water slowly returned to calm, and the white mist gradually dissipated. Namor had already disappeared.

"Start scanning, find his body!"

The fighter plane cast blue light and scanned the lake back and forth, and Eric also silently sensed Namor's situation.

The more he sensed, the deeper Eric frowned, and Namor disappeared!

The sensing range continued to expand, and it had gradually touched the edge of Wakanda, and then found Namor's figure, he was unharmed!

"Oh no, Wakanda!"

It's the weekend, and I have to work overtime again. When will the miserable life end...

Hey, hurry up and write, there is still one chapter...

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