Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 58: Flooding Wakanda

"What? What happened to Wakanda?" Hearing Eric's shout, T'Chaka looked at him in confusion.

Before Eric could answer, news came from Wakanda, "Your Majesty, there is a flood in Wakanda!"

"Flood?! How is it possible?" T'Chaka thought he had heard it wrong, but he reacted immediately and his face changed immediately, "Namor! Go back!"


When everyone returned to Wakanda, the flood was already fifteen or sixteen meters high, as if there was a pair of invisible giant hands embracing it. The flood was firmly controlled outside the energy shield of Wakanda and did not flow to the surrounding grasslands. It was not that Namor wanted to protect the environment, but that this would make the water level higher.

The frontier tribe had already retreated into the energy shield. The energy shield blocked the ravages of the flood, but destroyed the frontier tribe's station completely.

Namor was held in the air by a column of water, as if a monarch was admiring the tortured enemy.

"Namor, you deserve to die!" T'Chaka stood on the top of a fighter plane and saw this scene, and his eyes were immediately broken.

Namor also saw the returning Wakanda fighters, grinned, and quickly descended into the water, disappearing.

"Search!" T'Chaka roared, ordering all the fighters to disperse and search. He and Eric entered from above and returned to the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, Eric saw the queen holding the little princess Shuri, followed by two little princes, standing in front of the window, looking at the flood outside with worry.

"Amanda!" T'Chaka took a few steps forward and hugged his wife tightly.

"T'Chaka, what's going on?" The queen grabbed her husband's arm and asked nervously.

T'Chaka opened his mouth, but didn't know where to start. He turned his head to look at Eric, but found that Eric had already turned his head away, and couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Your Majesty, our energy shield can't hold up!" A bald guard suddenly ran over and knelt on one knee.

"What? How is it possible?" T'Chaka was full of disbelief. "Our shield can reach the missiles, how can it not even stop a small flood?"

"Because the missiles can only attack a very small range, while the flood is a full-scale attack on the shield!" The eldest princess of Wakanda came over, still holding a tablet, "These floods are moving non-stop, attacking our shields at every moment, every point, and our energy is being consumed at a very fast rate. It won't be long before it can't keep up with the demand, and then Wakanda will be flooded!"

"How much time do we have?" Eric asked hurriedly.

"Less than five minutes!"

The words of the eldest princess made T'Chaka fall into despair. He never thought that just because of his small decision, he would bring a devastating disaster to his country and his people.

Outside the window, the people of Wakanda were still curiously looking at the flood outside the energy shield. They were very confident in Wakanda's energy shield and believed that it could block any attack, but they didn't know that the disaster was about to come.

The flood was already forty or fifty meters high. At this time, Wakanda was like a bowl turned upside down in the water. The flood had risen to about a quarter of the bowl.

"Where is the main hub of the energy shield? Take me there!" Eric didn't care about etiquette at this time, and grabbed the princess' arm and flew up.

The princess was panicked at first, but then recovered immediately and helped Eric to point the way.

"Hurry up and find Namor, don't kill him!" Before flying away, Eric told T'Chaka, not knowing whether he would listen, and flew away with the princess.

The energy shield is one of the most important defenses of Wakanda, and the protection of the main hub is naturally the top priority.

With the princess leading the way, Eric flew all the way and soon went deep underground to the vibranium vein.

This was the first time Eric came here. Although he had already sensed the situation here through the magnetic field, he was still shocked to see it with his own eyes.

Looking around, a huge space had been dug out of the entire underground, and the soil layer on the opposite side could not be seen at a glance.

On one side of the space is the smelting base established by Wakanda, which specializes in refining vibranium. Countless raw vibranium ores were sent here by train and then smelted into high-purity vibranium here.

On the other side, there was the famous meteorite. Eric stared at it blankly, his supernatural powers stirring.

This meteorite was unknown how big it was. Many huge mines were dug out on the front, and many trains drove in around it. Obviously, there were also mineral veins being excavated inside.

The blue light illuminated the entire underground world, filling the surroundings with a mysterious atmosphere.

"The main hub is there!" The princess had long been accustomed to the underground scene, and pointed the way to Eric seriously and responsibly.

Eric looked in the direction of her finger, and there, it was actually at the bottom of the vibranium meteorite!

The two of them descended quickly, and with the princess there, Eric entered the main hub smoothly.

The area inside was not large, only a few hundred square meters, and more than half of it was occupied by the guards outside. The place that actually controlled the energy shield was less than 100 square meters, which was about the same as an ordinary family's house.

There were only two devices in the whole room, one was placed by the wall, and it looked like a vibranium technology computer. The screen flashed Wakanda text and various data, which was dazzling.

In the middle of the room, there is a circular platform with a diameter of more than two meters. On the platform, a translucent bowl is upside down, and the surroundings of the bowl are marked with red floods.

"This?" Eric pointed at the round platform and looked at the princess. After getting the princess's affirmation, he walked forward and put his hand on the platform.

The magnetic field induction spread along the platform, and soon all the secrets were presented in front of him.

Under the basement of this room, there is a more complex and larger device, which is the core hub for controlling the energy shield. The one on the ground is just a keyboard and display.

"I need to use some vibranium, I hope you don't mind!" Eric slowly sat down cross-legged, with his hands still on the platform. The superpowers gushed out through the platform, and soon covered the entire control hub, and then spread along the line to the whole of Wakanda.

Everything in Wakanda is in sight!


The flood has risen to a height of 100 meters. The people of Wakanda have long put down their work and looked up at the flood that covered the sky. The mood of fear quietly spread among the crowd.

On the energy shield, the blue light in many places is slowly fading, and it is about to run out of energy.

"The energy shield can't hold!" Someone shouted, and countless eyes looked in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, a big hole appeared on the energy shield that was originally as solid as a rock. The flood poured down like a cannonball!

Then, there was the second hole, the third, the fourth, and the countless...

In the blink of an eye, the energy shield collapsed completely!

Let me tell you, the plot of flooding Wakanda is the Phoenix Five Apostles incident in the comics. This plot may also appear in Black Panther 3 in the future, but the specific reason is unknown, but there is a similarity, that is, Aquaman, so I borrowed the incident, but the plot, time, and reason are different from the original...

Finally, please collect and recommend...

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