Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 59 Crisis Resolved

The flood was overwhelming!

Wakanda had technology far superior to the outside world, but it had no way to deal with the flood.

Houses were destroyed, trees were submerged, and countless Wakanda people were swept into the flood, screaming and crying...

"Bast, the Leopard God, what have I done!" T'Chaka knelt down in regret, looking at his people in the flood with tears.

"T'Chaka, find a way to save them!" The queen also had a face full of grief, pulling her husband's battle clothes, begging.

"Fighter planes! Transport planes! All those that can fly are dispatched! Also need ships, all dispatched, and save as many as you can!" Before T'Chaka could speak, the little golden leopard Ni Jadaka behind him suddenly gave an order to the female guard captain, which surprised everyone.

"Do as he says!" T'Chaka shouted, and the female guard captain hurried to convey the order.

Soon, countless aircraft and ships began to run under the flood and began a tense rescue.

The flood was still pouring in, and the water level was rising. Every moment, Wakanda people fell into the flood. No matter how fast the aircraft and ships were, they could not save everyone. Many people could only watch their families and friends being swept away by the flood and disappeared.

Everyone's face was wet, but they could no longer tell whether it was the flood or the tears. They could only do their best to save themselves and the people around them.

People kept falling into the water and being washed away, and the wailing sounded throughout Wakanda.

Countless people begged the gods they believed in, but they did not get any response. The leopard god Bast, who had rescued Wakanda from danger many times, did not show up this time.

Wakanda fell into despair!

At this time, countless items suddenly floated up under the water that people had never noticed. These things were the most commonly used things in their daily lives, pots and pans, adzes, chisels, axes and saws, and even spoons and buttons. As long as they were metal, they all floated up.

These things deformed and merged in the water, turning into a large net covering the entire Wakanda, and slowly floated up.

The flood flowed through the mesh, but the people were caught by the big net, slowly rising up, and soon they emerged from the water.

The people who were about to drown suddenly breathed in fresh air, opened their mouths and gasped for air. The people who had already drowned fell on the big net, and those who could still stand up ran over to rescue them.

"T'Chaka, look, the leopard god Bast has appeared!" The queen saw the scene outside and cried with joy, shaking her husband's arm to let him look outside.

T'Chaka hurriedly raised his head and saw the huge metal net floating above the flood. With a complicated expression, he muttered to himself: "It's not Bast, it's Eric."


After rescuing the people of Wakanda, Eric breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the energy shield again.

The original energy shield is pure energy, which has obvious advantages, strong protection and easy maintenance, but it also consumes a lot of energy.

General attacks are okay, as long as a certain amount of energy is consumed, the attack can be offset, but when encountering intensive attacks, the energy consumption will rise sharply.

This time, when faced with Namor's flood, almost every water molecule was attacking the energy shield. This density was countless times stronger than Thanos's Vanguard Corps!

The final outcome was the tragic defeat of the energy shield!

Eric planned to strengthen it into something similar to his magnetic field shield.

First, Eric extracted a large amount of energy to replenish his consumption of using superpowers to save people just now.

Then, countless tiny metal particles flew out of the vibranium veins, gathered together in the air, and formed a gorgeous long river of blue light.

The long river of vibranium flew out of the underground mine and spread in all directions.

On the metal net, the people of Wakanda went through the initial fear and the joy of being saved. At this moment, they were sitting on the net and thanking their gods.

Suddenly, they found that long rivers of blue light appeared above their heads. These long rivers were like giant dragons, moving in the air, baring their teeth and claws, and soon flew to the original energy shield and scattered.

Tiny vibranium particles were arranged in special positions, and special magnetic fields connected the vibranium particles, and then connected them into a whole, forming a huge magnetic shield covering Wakanda, replacing the original energy shield.

"Next, turn on the energy shield again!" Eric injected all the remaining energy into the energy shield, and the thin shield rose again, like a candle standing in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

Taking advantage of this time, the magnetic shield covered the energy shield. Energy and vibranium were organically combined under the action of the magnetic field to form a stronger defense.

The flood was blocked outside the shield again. Although Wakanda was already a vast ocean inside, the flood from the outside world no longer poured in.

With survival guaranteed, the exasperated people of Wakanda began to come out in droves, and countless fighters and ships set off to find the traces of the culprit Namor.

Eric's thoughts covered the entire Wakanda through the central system, and he knew every inch of Wakanda.

However, there was no trace of Namor! He could not help but expand his sensing range far beyond the borders of Wakanda, and finally found Namor at the bottom of a river.

How to catch him?

Of course, don't shoot, just work quietly!

Strands of fine vibranium powder flowed upstream along the river, and when they approached Namor, they all drilled into the soil and quietly sneaked to Namor's feet.

"Go!" Eric, who was far away in the Wakanda control hub, stretched out his hand and clenched it hard. The vibranium particles under Namor's feet suddenly rose up, combined into a vibranium armor in the air, and put it on Namor.

Namor didn't expect the attack to come from under his feet. He was still trying his best to control the flood, but in the blink of an eye, he had a very ugly metal armor on his body. He was shocked and angry, and tried to tear it off with both arms.

Unfortunately, vibranium is so easy to be torn? Eric controlled the vibranium armor to shrink, and Namor lost control of the flood in great pain.

At the border of Wakanda, the flood that was originally wrapped around the shield fell down in an instant, flowing in all directions, and turned into the sweetest supply for vegetation.

At this time, the new magnetic shield blocked the discharge of the internal flood. Eric hurriedly let go of the control, and the flood in the bowl immediately flowed to the lower place. The large metal net floating in the air also dissipated after putting everyone on the ground.

The flood danger in Wakanda was lifted.

Eric let out a long breath and waved his hand towards the sky. Namor, trapped in the armor, flew towards the Wakanda palace.

Thanks to the book friend Future's reward (-)_, I just fell asleep while typing, and my hand pressed on the delete key... When I opened my eyes again, the 1700 words I just typed were gone! I was so scared that I broke into a cold sweat! Fortunately, I was able to undo it and it came back, haha!

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